EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
The Graphical Editor / The Tool Bars
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    The Tool Bars
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    The Graphical Editor


    There are several toolbars that allow an easy access to the commands and to the data of the cycles.
    Image Title

    Image Title

    Since the user can rearrange or disable the individual bars, the appearance on the screen may look different from the one given above. Use the "View" menu from the Menu Bar to open them again.    

    The Menu bar

    The menu bar consists of menus that give you access to all EBSILON®Professional-commands via the menu hierarchy.

    The Tool bar

    The following main commands are present in the tool bar:

    The Ebsilon bar

    The Ebsilon bar provides commands for the calculations and the default Excel-interface:

    The Zoom bar

    The Zoom bar has the following commands:

    The Layout bar

    The Layout bar helps you to align the objects in the cycle. With the exception of the last icon ("Align with grid on/off") the icons in this bar become enabled only when several objects are selected in the cycle. Thereby, the last object selected serves as the reference object. It can be seen from the fact that the editing points of this object are filled, while the editing points of all other selected objects are shown as small, unfilled squares. The functions of the icons are as follows:

    The Window bar

    The Window bar helps you to manage the open windows and offers the following functions:  


    The Windows-Tabs help in a quick switching between the open windows. The font colour thereby indicates the corresponding switching: By right-clicking, the following commands are available :

    The Component Wizard bar

    The Component Wizard bar is used to insert the components by number and macro. You can select a component in the left drop-down box. The selection can be restricted by entering the component number or by entering the starting number of the component name. If there are different shapes, available for this component, you can select the desired shape in the second drop-down box. To insert a macro from the macro database you can either use the macro drop-down list or the Macro-Wizard button (extreme right button). If you know the name of the macro, select the name in the drop-down list and insert it in the document. if not, click on the "Wizard" button to open a dialog, which displays the descriptions for the macros. This method of selection refers only to the (old) macros from the database. For inserting new macros use the menu command "Insert" -> "Macro-Object".

    The Component bar

    The Component bar helps you to insert components and other objects. The buttons with the yellow component symbols stand for a group of components respectively, such as turbines or heat exchangers. When you click on a button, you see a menu with all the component types that belong to this group. You can select one component type from these. The button with the coloured lines opens a menu, from which you can select a pipeline to be inserted. The button with the Value Cross switches directly to the Insert Value-Cross mode You can connect a value field either with a pipeline or with a component. The button with the graphics symbols (rectangle, circle, triangle) helps you to insert passive graphics elements. The Text-button is used to insert text fields. The Traffic Lights-button is used to insert alert fields. The Icon with the button and the arrow helps you to insert buttons (command buttons).

    The Profile bar

    The profile bar is useful if you have more than one profile for your document, e.g. a design case and several partial load cases. In the profile bar, there is a combo box that displays the active profile. There you can switch to another profile. The "P" button is used to create, manage, or delete profiles.

    The Status bar

    The status bar on the bottom of the EBSILONProfessional window displays short messages like hints for usage. If you leave the cursor on a button for a while, a yellow hint box appears and you get a message in the status bar telling you what you to do with that button.

    The status bar also displays the name of a selected object and, if needed, also error messages.

    When using a prepaid licence, the remaining usage time is displayed on the far right of the status bar.

    The Object bar

    The object bar contains the name and the type of the objects present in the model. If you highlight an object in the model, then it also appears in the list and vice versa. This list can be sorted on name or on type or on selection status.


    The Properties bar    

    The properties bar displays the properties of a selected object or the common properties of several ones. They can also be modified in this bar (as an alternative to the properties window). The advantage over the properties window is that the display can remain visible while the model is being worked on. The properties bar is divided into the following sections: If several objects have been selected, the attributes common to all objects will be listed in the properties bar. If components with the same component number are selected as objects and all objects have the same numerical value for this property, this value will be displayed. If the numerical values are different, "<different values>" will be entered in the corresponding field.
    When a value is entered, it will be allocated to all these selected objects. This option is particularly helpful for entering specification values for several components simultaneously.
    If flag values with different values exist in these selected objects of the same type, these values will be shaded in yellow. If several objects with different component type are selected, only the values in the sub-groups that are similar for all the selected objects will be displayed.   By right-clicking on the main caption “Properties“ the properties bar can be e.g.

    The Profile Options bar

    The profile options bar displays the valid settings for the active profile. The settings can also be modified here.

    The Definition Evolution bar

    With the help of the definition evolution bar it is possible to display the development of a variable definition (mass flow M, pressure P or enthalpy H). In this way, it is possible to determine the component that specifies a variable. For this purpose, one can either activate the definition evolution or the backtracing of a variable. If one selects a backtracing (M, P or H) the cursor changes its shape and one can then select a line. From there, one can "move" to the clomponent in the model where this quantity is defined. The display is done graphically by displaying the model in shades of gray, the lines are colored (red for pressure, yellow for mass flow and blue for enthalpy). This display is operated by the counter to the right of the selection box or the slider to the right of it. These controls can be used to navigate back and forth through the stages of development.

    The Message Bar

    The message bar is used to display messages, e.g. about the performance of calculations.

    The Reports Bar

    The reports bar is used for the configuration of reports that are part of the model.

    The Ebskernel Output Bar

    The Ebskernel  output bar is used to display the output of print commands from components 93 (Kernel Scripting). If there are several components Kernel Scripting in the model, there is one sheet for each component and an additional summary sheet which displays the output of all components together in chronological order.

    The Selection Bar

    The selection bar allows to restrict the selection process to The settings in this bar are used when you select objects in the model by drawing a frame (either a rectangle or a polygon) around certain objects.

    The Result bar

    This toolbar provides an overview of test results where the corresponding deviation (RELDEV) is higher than the preset limit (the limit can be set in the Model Settings under Validation). If you set the limit to 0 you get a complete list of test results.

    The Equation bar

    This toolbar provides a list of equations where the raw data analysis produced a higher breach than the preset limit (the limit can be set in the Model Settings under Validation). The criteria applied is the "relative imprecision” i.e. the proportion of the confidence interval of the deviation to the absolute value of the deviation. If the confidence interval is greater than the deviation, the value 0 is still within the confidence interval. In this case the deviation isn’t considered to be too high because the probability of a breach is less than 95%. If you set the limit to 0 you get a complete list of equations. This also applies if no raw data analysis is performed and the equations are met anyway (in simulation and validation). In the equation bar, the format of the output can be configured. In particular, it is possible to specify the number of the significant figures. This makes it easier to find differences as here you can confine yourself to the relevant figures. Moreover, the choice of the iteration steps to be analyzed has been expanded. A new column “Solved value for Pivot“ has been added as well. It shows the value of the Pivot element after the solution of the equation systems.