EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
The Graphical Editor / Tools / Find Tool
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    Find Tool
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    Find Tool

    The Find Tool is used

    • to locate a specific object in the model, if the name (or the beginning of the name) is known
    • to get an overview of components and component types in the cycle
    • to perform specific selections (e.g., you may want to select all components of one type)
    • to edit the properties of an objects, even without explicitly locating it in the model

    The find tool can be opened either by the "EditàSelectàObjects…" menu command or by clicking on the  binocular button.


    The main part of this dialog is a table with three columns "Name", "Component" and "Type". This table consists of all objects that match the conditions specified in the "Object Types" and "Visibility" regions at the bottom of the window. You can sort this table by clicking on the heading of the corresponding column. With the first click, the table is sorted alphabetically, the next click reverses the order. The width of each column can be adjusted by clicking on the separator line between two columns in the headline and then dragging it to the left or to the right while keeping the left mouse button pressed.

    The "Object Types" drop-down boxes are used to determine the type of objects to be included in the table. You can activate one or more object types. Note that "passive objects" include several types of objects, passive graphics as well as text fields, alarm fields and others. The “macro” and “grouped objects” object types deserve particular attention because they make searching for objects in macros and object groups possible. (Macros are only browsed if the tick is set in the appropriate “Open macros” box. If it isn’t set then macros are browsed but their content aren’t.)

    The "Visibility" radio buttons are used to determine whether all objects, or only the visible objects, or only the invisible objects shall be included in the table. You can select only one of these options.

    To navigate within the table, you can use the scroll bar on the right hand side. Alternatively, you can enter the start of the name of the object to be searched in the field "Find:".

    If you click on "OK", the find dialog is closed. The objects that were selected in the dialog, are so that selected in the model. You may use the magnifier to locate the selection in the model.