For the modeling of combustions and other chemical processes the following components are available:
Combustion Chamber with heat output (Component 21) for a phenomenological model of a combustion chamber, especially coal-firings (also for fluidized bed firing)
Combustion Chamber of a Gas Turbine (Component 22)
Duct Burner (for Waste-Heat Boiler) (Component 41)
Coal Gasifier (Component 50)
Fuel Cell (Component 82)
SCR-DeNOX-Plant (Component 86)
Flue gas zone (Component 88 - steam generator heat exchanger - flue gas zone)
Reaction zone of a steam generator (Component 90) for a detailed geometrical model of a steam generator
Desalination - MSF-Stage (Component 92)
Reformer / Shift Reactor (Component 95)
Gibbs Reactor (Component 134) for calculating chemical equilibrium of combustion and gasification reactions
Fuel Cell (Component 163) for calculating a fuel cell stack
Electrolysis Cell (Component 167) for calculating a water electrolysis cell stack