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    Component 134: Gibbs Reactor
    In This Topic

    Component 134: Gibbs Reactor (Equilibrium Calculation)


    Line connections


    Main inlet


    Main outlet


    Reactant 1 inlet


    Reactant 2 inlet


    Reactant 3 inlet


    Logic inlet (H used as TREACT or QREACT)


    Logic outlet (Q used as QALL)


    General       User Input Values       Physics Used       Displays       Example


    From user inputs for reaction pressure and either reaction temperature or heat of reaction, the Gibbs Reactor produces the equilibrium composition for all chemical reactions between the components of the incoming streams by minimizing the Gibbs free energy of the reaction products. The component is based on the NASA software ,Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications' (CEA, CEA2) by Gordon and McBride (1994) and considers around 2300 chemical components. Applications of this module include the modeling of high temperature combustion or gasification reactions.

    The net calorific values of the connected streams are used to calculate the heat of reaction, even if these streams do not know the reaction components. The net calorific values must be specified so that the correct heat of reaction is obtained. The manual specification of the net calorific values can be used for this purpose.


    User Input Values 


    Calculation Mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Set Pressure and Temperature

    =1: Set Pressure and Heat of Reaction (pressure defined by one of the connected streams)


    Reaction Temperature Source

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Use Value TREACT

    =1: Read from Logic Line H6


    Desired Reaction Temperature


    Source for Heat of Reaction

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Use Value QREACT

    =1: Read from Logic Line H6


    Desired Heat of Reaction


    Outlet Temperature Mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Same as Reaction Temperature

    =1: Offset DT2 to Reaction Temperature

    =2: Set Externally


    Desired Outlet Temperature Offset


    Ionization Flag

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: No ionization

    =1: Calculate ionization


    Reaction products below a molar concentration of TRACELIMIT are dropped from calculations


    Additional Input (text input for CEA calculations to consider additional fluid components not available in EBSILON)

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values

    Result values

    RQREACT Heat of Reaction
    QDT2 Heat Due to Temperature Change
    QALL Total Heat
    CEAOUT CEA Equilibrium Calculations Output (text file)

    Physics Used

    Equilibrium Calculation

    The Gibbs Reactor produces the equilibrium composition for a chemical reaction in which gaseous components are present. In the program CEA2 all components of the incoming streams are split into their chemical elements and an overall elementary balance of the incoming streams is produced. Applying a database of approximately 2300 compounds, the CEA2 code iteratively determines the equilibrium composition as follows:

    1. The elementary balance between incoming and exiting streams is closed,

    2. the energy balance between incoming and exiting streams  is closed, and

    3. the overall Gibbs free energy at given pressure and reaction temperature (if CALCMODE = 0) or given pressure and heat of reaction (if CALCMODE = 1) is minimized.


    Important Note:  This method uses a thermodynamic approach and does not consider reaction kinetics.  Thus the equilibrium composition represents the final state after infinite reaction time.  At high temperatures (as in a combustion process) this approximation is justified due to the very high reaction velocities compared to the residence time in  the reactor.  In cases where the residence time in the reactor is too small to achieve equilibrium, this method is not appropriate and a kinetics-based approach must be chosen.
    Depending on the user specification for the calculation mode CALCMODE the energy balance between the incoming and exiting streams determines the resulting heat of reaction (if the reaction temperature is specified with CALCMODE = 0) or the reaction temperature (if the heat of reaction is specified with CALCMODE = 1).  The value of the heat of reaction is positive, if heat is released to the surroundings, and it is negative, if heat is absorbed by the reactor in order to reach the specified reaction temperature.  In order to determine the adiabatic reaction temperature, a value of zero for the heat of reaction has to be specified.

    Since the number of possible chemical compounds in the equilibrium composition exceeds the number of stream components in EBSILON and thus not all products resulting from the CEA2 code can be represented in EBSILON, an additional post-processing step in the Gibbs Reactor maps the mass fractions for all compounds existing in EBSILON and calculates the elementary balance for the remainder of the compounds which are then written to the respective element (C,H,O,N,S,Cl, Mg, Ca).  The heating value of the exiting stream is calculated from the energy balance in order to be consistent with the 'mapped' composition. 

    Additional Temperature Change

    To account for heat supplied to or released from the reactor after the reaction took place (i.e. the equilibrium composition always corresponds with the reaction temperature) a subsequent temperature change from the reaction temperature can be specified in the input value "Desired Outlet Temperature Offset (DT2)".  After the calculation the resulting required heat injection (if T2 > TREACT, QDT2 will be negative) or heat release (if T2 < TREACT, QDT2 will be positive) and the overall heat consumption (negative ) by or heat release (positive) from the reactor will be displayed in the result variable QALL.

    Effects of Ionization

    The Ionization Flag allows for including ionization in the CEA2 calculations which accounts for the release of electrons from the gas atoms at very high temperatures.  This effect is of specific interest for the modeling of magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) power generation systems.  In order to reach a high degree of ionization, the hot gases are oftentimes doted with alkali metals, e.g. with Potassium (K), which leads to the requirement for defining additional compounds in the incoming streams (see next chapter).

    Trace components limit

    All Products below the trace components limit (TRACELIMIT) will be dropped from calculations. In order to be able to set this cut-off point manually this input variable was introduced in Version 16.0. Up to Version 15.0 this limit was internally set to a molar concentration of 1.0e-7 and afterwards to 0.0

    Calculation of Additional Compounds

    In order to allow for the definition of additional components that are not represented in the EBSILON stream, the input variable CEAIN contains a text field with the correct structure to append the list of stream constituents by user defined components.  The figure below shows a screenshots of the EbsScript Text Editor with the sample text and instructions on how to define additional components.

    This text may also contain references to model variables (as shown with the reference to the profile variable @prof.KOH in the screenshots above) so that input data on specific mass ratios can be defined through model variables and the thus the text input need not be edited in the GUI.

    The results from the equilibrium calculation including such additional components are shown as a text file output in the result variable CEAOUT, as shown in a sample screenshots below. 


    Literature references

    Gordon and McBride (1994)

    Sanford Gordon and Bonnie McBride, Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications, I. Analysis, NASA Reference Publication 1311, October 1994

    McBride  and Gordon (1996)

    Bonnie McBride and Sanford Gordon, Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications, II. Users Manual and Program Description, NASA Reference Publication 1311, June1996


    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 134 Demo << to load an example.