EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Component 86: SCR-DeNOx-Plant (NOx-Removal)
    In This Topic

    Component 86: SCR-DeNOX-Plant (NOX-removal)


    Line connections


    Flue gas inlet


    Flue gas outlet




    General       User Input Values       Characteristic lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Component 86 simulates a denitrogenization plant (SCR). Here, the fraction of nitrogen oxide (NO, NO2) is reduced in the flue gas by using ammonia (NH3) or a mixture containing ammonia. The scope of this reduction is determined by three characteristic lines.

    The first characteristic line CRNO1 describes, how the fraction of the remaining nitrogen oxide (NOX2/NOX1) changes depending on the flue gas mass flow. This characteristic line refers to the nominal mass flow determined in the design calculation.

    The second characteristic line CRNO2 describes, how the fraction of the remaining nitrogen oxide changes when the supply of ammonia is increased. The reference point of this characteristic line is the stoichiometric minimum of the ammonia quantity M3MIN, which is needed for the desired conversion (i.e. not the nominal mass flow!). This characteristic line needs to be defined only for values > 1. Caution: In case of this characteristic line the y-values must cover the entire possible range, because the program here searches the x-value for a given y. Especially, it should go asymptotically to infinity for small values of M3/M3MIN.

    The third characteristic line CRNO3 describes the effect of the temperature on the fraction of the remaining nitrogen oxide. This characteristic line is not normalized, i.e. the temperatures must be entered directly.


    In the design case the outlet concentrations of NOx and NH3 must be specified by NOXN und NH3N. The necessary quantity of ammonia is then calculated.

    In off-design mode there are two calculation possibilities set through the flag FSPEC:

    In both the cases, the input values of the flue gas (mass flow, pressure, temperature as well as the material composition) on line 1 must be specified. On line 3, NH3 must be entered in the composition; moreover, pressure and temperature must also be specified. The program calculates the properties of the flue gas coming out (line 2).

    Pressure drop limitations:
    As the pressure drop rises quadratically with the mass flow, pressure drops that are significantly too high can quickly arise in the event of a transgression of the nominal mass flow. These will then cause phase transitions and convergence problems. For this reason, pressure drop limitations have been installed.
    (See: Model Settings -> Simulation -> Calculation)


    The component considers the following reactions, which take place in the catalyst at 300 - 400 °C in the presence of oxygen: 

                       4 NO + O2 + 4 NH3  -->  4 N2 + 6 H2O

                       2 NO2 + O2 + 4 NH3 ---> 3 N2 + 6 H2O

    User Input Values



    Flag for interpreting the given concentrations


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    = 1: Mole fraction at reference O2 concentration

    = 2: Normalized mass fraction at reference O2 concentration

     The difference between FCON=1 and FCON=2 is the fact that for FCON=2 you have to specify some kind of "density" for the pollutant fraction, i.e. mass of pollutant per volume of flue gas (therefore the dimension mg/Nm³). If you divide this density by the density of the pure pollutant, you get the corresponding volume fraction.

    In the implementation, the case FCON=2 is traced back to FCON=1, using a constant density of 0.759629 kg/m³ for NH3 and 2.05204 kg/m³ for NOx (independent of NOSPL).


    Outlet-NOX-concentration (nominal)

    This value is used only for the design calculation


    Flag for operation type

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    = 1: NOXT given, M3 calculated

    = 2: M3 given from outside, NOX calculated at the outlet


    NOX-reference-concentration (in off-design)

    This value is used only for the off-design calculation


    NH3-concentration at the outlet (nominal)

    This value is used only for the design calculation


    Maximum NH3-concentration at the outlet

    A warning message is given if this concentration is exceeded


    Minimum temperature for NOX-separation


    Maximum temperature for NOX-separation


    Pressure drop within flue gas (nominal)


    Calculation mode design /off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: GLOBAL

    =1: Local off-design i.e. always off-design mode, even when the model is calculated in the design mode.


    NOX-reduction NOX2/NOX1 (nominal)


    Nominal reduction for characteristic line 1


    Nominal reduction for characteristic line 2


    Nominal reduction for characteristic line 3


    Relative NH3-mass flow M3N/M3min (nominal)


    Inlet flue gas mass flow (nominal)


    Ammonia mass flow (nominal)


    Specific volume at the inlet (nominal)

    The identification value marked in blue is the reference value for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to the values used in the equations.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values


    Result values  


    Calculated reduction coefficient


    NOX concentration at the outlet translated to reference O2 concentration, depending on FCON as molar or normalized mass fraction


     NH3 concentration at the outlet translated to reference O2 concentration, depending on FCON as molar or normalized mass fraction              


    stoichiometric minimum value for the ammonia supply (quantity required for the reaction if the entire ammonia reacted and no residual ammonia remained in the exhaust gas)


    ratio M3 to M3MIN


    absolute NH3 slip (NH3 mass flow at the exhaust gas outlet):
    LNH3 = $._2.M*$._2.XHN3


    relative NH3 slip (NH3 mass flow at the exhaust gas outlet in relation to the NH3 supply):
    LRNH3 = $._2.M*$._2.XHN3 / ($._1.M*$._1.XHN3 + $._3.M*$._3.XHN3)

    Also when using 2-phase fluid or binary mixture at connection point 3.


    value calculated from characteristic line CRNO1


    value calculated from characteristic line CRNO2


    value calculated from characteristic line CRNO3


    Characteristic Lines

    Characteristic line 1, CRNO1: Effect of the flue gas mass flow on the NOx-reduction

    NOX-Removal (NOX2/NOX1in mol%) = f(M1/M1N)


         X-axis          1          M1/M1N                    1st point
                            2          M1/M1N                    2nd point
                            N         M1/M1N                     last point
         Y-axis          1         NOX2/NOX1               1st point
                            2         NOX2/NOX1               2nd point
                            N        NOX2/NOX1               last point



    Characteristic line 2, CRNO2: Effect of the ammonia mass flow on the NOx-reduction

    NOX-Removal (NOX2/NOX1 in mol%) = f(M3/M3MIN)


         X-X-axis      1          M3/M3MIN                1st point
                            2          M3/M3MIN                2nd point
                            N         M3/M3MIN                last point
         Y-axis          1         NOX2/NOX1               1st point
                            2         NOX2/NOX1               2nd point
                            N        NOX2/NOX1                last point


    Characteristic line 3, CRNO3 : Effect of the flue gas temperature on the NOx-reduction

    NOX-Removal (NOX2/NOX1 in mol%)= f(T1)


         X-axis          1         T1                               1st point
                            2          T1                               2nd point
                            N         T1                               last point
         Y-axis          1         NOX2/NOX1               1st point
                            2          NOX2/NOX1               2nd point
                            N         NOX2/NOX1               last point


    Physics Used


    All cases



    P2 = P1 DP12                                                       


    M2= M1 + M3                                                     


    H2 = ((H1+DH_REAK)*M1+(H3-DH_VERD)*M3)/M2



    DH_REAK: Reaction heat of reactions 1), 2)

    DH_VERD: Heat of evaporation of NH3 




    Design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Design case





    Pressure drop

    P2 = P1 DP12N                                                   


    Energy balance

    H2 = ((H1+DH_REAK)*M1+(H3-DH_VERD)*M3)/M2



    DH_REAK: Reaction heat of reactions1), 2)

    DH_VERD: Heat of evaporation of NH3


    Mass balance

    M2= M1 + M3                                                     


    Calculation of the reduction


    Input:             Concentrations of flow 1

                          Default Nox-reference = NOXN

                          Default NH3-reference = NH3N


    Concentrations of flow 2 and

    mass flow 3 as per                                             

            1)     4 NO    +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O

            2)     2 NO2  +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 3 N2 + 6 H2O

            3)     NH3 = NH3N

            4)     NOX=NOXN

            5)     Split NO/NO2 remains intact


    Mass flow 3 (minimum) as per

            1)  4 NO    +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O

            2)  2 NO2  +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 3 N2 + 6 H2O

            3)  NH3 = 0

            4)  NOX=NOXN

            5)  Split NO/NO2 remains intact


    Ratio VNH3=M3/M3MIN


    RNO = NOX(Flow 2)/NOX(Flow 1) (in mol%)


    RNO1N from characteristic line 1 with M1/M1M = 1


    RNO2N from characteristic line 2 with VNH3


    RNO3N from characteristic line 3 with T1=T1N in limits TMIN/TMAX                       




    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Off-design


    FMODE = Local Off-design)




    Pressure drop

    V1: Specific volume of flow 1

    DP12 = DP12N*(M1/M1N)**2*(V1/V1N)

    P2 = P1 DP12                                                       


    Energy balance

    H2 = ((H1+DH_REAK)*M1+(H3-DH_VERD)*M3)/M2



    DH_REAK: Reaction heat of reactions 1), 2)

    DH_VERD: Heat of evaporation of NH3


    Mass balance

    M2= M1 + M3                                                     


    Calculation of reduction


    IF  FSPEC = 1 THEN


    Input:             Concentrations of flow 1

                          Default Nox-reference = NOXT

                          Default NH3-reference = NH3MAX


    Concentrations of flow 2 and                              

                             mass flow 3 according to           

    1)     4 NO    +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O

    2)     2 NO2  +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 3 N2 + 6 H2O

    3)     NH3 = NH3MAX

    4)     NOX = NOXT

    5)     Split NO/NO2 remains intact


           Mass flow 3 (minimum) according to

    1)  4 NO    +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O

    2)  2 NO2  +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 3 N2 + 6 H2O

    3)  NH3 = 0

    4)  NOX = NOXT

    5)  Split NO/NO2 remains intact


    Maximum ratio VNH3MAX=M3/M3MIN


    RNO = NOX(flow 2)/NOX(flow 1) (in mol%)


    RNO1 from characteristic line 1 with M1/M1M


    RNO3 from characteristic line 3 with T1 in limits TMIN/TMAX


    RNO2 = RNO2N*(RNO/RNON)/((RNO1/RNO1N)*(RNO3/RNO3N))  


    VNH3 from characteristic line 2 with RNO2





      Input:             Concentrations of flow 1

                            Default NOX-reference = NOXT

                            Default VNH3

      Calculation:  Concentrations of flow 2 and

                             mass flow 3 according to           

    1)     4 NO    +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O

    2)     2 NO2  +  O2 + 4 NH3 = 3 N2 + 6 H2O

    3)     NH3 = fromVNH3

    4)     NOX = NOXT

    5)     Split NO/NO2 remains intact


    RNO = NOX(flow 2)/NOX(flow 1) (in mol%)


    RNO1 from characteristic line 1 with M1/M1M


    RNO3 from characteristic line 3 with T1 in limits TMIN/TMAX


    RNO2 = RNO2N*(RNO/RNON)/((RNO1/RNO1N)*(RNO3/RNO3N))  


    VNH3 from characteristic line 2 with RNO2


    IF RNO2 constant THEN




    IF  FSPEC = 2 THEN


    NOX = NOXT




    Same algorithm as for FSPEC = 1 but with


    1)     NOX variable

    2)     M3actual as function of NOX

    3)     Iteration according to REGULA-FALSI by varying NOX

    M3actual = M3








    V1: Specific volume flow 1


    DP12 = DP12N*(M1/M1N)**2*(V1/V1N)






    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 86 Demo << to load an example.

    See Also