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    Component 56: Steam Turbine (Extended)
    In This Topic

    Component 56: Steam Turbine (Extended)


    Line connections






    Extraction 1


    Extraction 2


    Shaft entry


    Shaft exit


    Outlet for controlling purposes

    Information exit for outlet pressure (P2) or the sum of the escaping mass flow


    Inlet for the measured pressure at line 1


    Inlet for the measured enthalpy at line 1


    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example




    Component 56 models a turbine stage, a set of stages or a section: e.g. from entry to the first extraction, or from extraction i to extraction i+1, or from last extraction to exit. The extraction in this case is the connection provided irrespective of whether steam really bled out or not.

    The turbine is defined by pressure at the inlet and the efficiency. In most cases, the pressure at the outlet is defined by the pressure at the inlet of the following turbine stage. In the case of the last turbine stage, the pressure at the outlet has to be defined by using a component 33.

    When the exhaust steam at a last turbine stage is not led through connection 2 e.g. for condensation into the condenser, but instead through one of the two extraction connections, connection 2 has to be equipped with a blind line and the mass flow must be defined as zero using component 33 (start value).

    The properties described so far do not differ from the properties of component 6 (steam turbine type 1).

    The flow characteristic (inlet pressure as a function of mass flow) is determined by means of the conical law of Stodola.

    P1- Calculation in part load 

    At partial load, component 56 calculates inlet pressure P1 as a function of mass flow, outlet pressure and its specific volume from the Stodola Law:

    See also and for the formulation of the Stodola law:  Turbines - OffDesign - Stodola

    In the chapter "Part load calculation of the steam turbine", M1N, P1N, P2N and V1N designate the nominal values in the design case or M1, P1, P2 and V1 the corresponding quantities under the current conditions.
    As in the design case, the outlet pressure P2 is always determined by external components.

    See alsoComponent 6: Steam Turbine / General Expander


    Flag FSPECQ for Specifying Power or Mass Flow

    As in the case of the simple steam turbine (Component 6), this component now features a flag FSPECQ as well. It serves to set whether the shaft power is to be calculated from the mass flow (FSPECQ=0, default) or the mass flow is to be calculated from the shaft power (FSPECQ=1).

    With the mode FSPECQ=1, a feed water pump turbine can be modelled where the shaft power results from the required pump power.

    The calculation of the mass flow, however, is extremely disadvantageous for the convergence behaviour and should therefore only be used if necessary. In particular, it cannot be used when connecting several turbine disks in series.


    However, there are some additional, essential characteristics, which open up further application areas: 


    User Input Values


    Calculation mode                

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


     =0: GLOBAL

    =1: Local off-design

    =-1: Local design


    Inlet pressure default type

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: P1=P1NSET

    =1: P1 given from outside


    Inlet pressure setting (nominal)


    Determination of the outlet losses (only for FABB=1)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Loss as user input value DHLON

    =1: Loss from the absolute DHLON-characteristic line


    Outlet losses (nominal)

    defined as speed losses

    [see example for the usage]


    Piston losses (nominal)

    See instructions further below


    Switch for specification of mechanical losses 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =1: absolute mechanical loss QLMN=QLMRN

    =2: relative: mechanical loss QLMN=QLMRN * MULQ*Q5


    Mechanical losses (nominal)

    owing to the setting of the FQLMRN


    Specification of power or mass flow 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Flow given externally , power calculated

    =1: Power given externally , flow calculated


    isentropic efficiency (nominal)

    [See instructions further below]


    Factor, with which the calculated power is multiplied (performance factor)


    Efficiency correction for steam wetness 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Factor=1.0

    =1: Baumann factor is calculated


    Baumann correction factor

    Factor for manually influencing the set or calculated Baumann-correction-factor


    At BFAC=0, neither the set nor the calculated Baumann factor has got any influence on the efficiency. [See below for usage of FBAU].


    Minimum pressure for P1 

    which it is not allowed to fall below in the off-design mode.


    Stop pressure calculation

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: No calculation of the turbine stop pressure

    =1: Calculation of the turbine stop pressure


    If the volume mass flow at exit is larger than the maximum volume mass flow VMX, then a relaxation is done in the turbine till the pressure, from which the maximum volume flow results.


    Shaft connection


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: On HP-side with shaft inlet

    =1: On HP-side with shaft outlet


    Multi-function variable (see below for usage)


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Standardized characteristic line (eta and outlet losses)

    =1: Absolute characteristic line (eta and outlet losses)


    Determination of the off-design efficiency (only for FABB=0)


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Eta for off-design f1(M1/M1N)

    =1: Eta for off-design f1(P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N)

    =2: Eta for off-design f1(VM1/VM1N)


    =-1: Power specification (Q6)

    =-2: Enthalpy specification (H2)


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    Referred swallow volume flow (used only for FABB=0)

    [see below for usage]


    Design eta (only for FABB=1)


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: from ETAIN

    =1: from absolute characteristic line eta ETAIN = f1 (VM1)


    Determination of the off-design efficiency (only for FABB=1)


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: owing to the definition of FETAIN

    =1: from absolute characteristic line 4, ETAI = f4 ((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N))


    =-1: Power specification (Q6)

    =-2: Enthalpy specification (H2)


    Flag for adaptation polynomial ADAPT / adaptation function EADAPT


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Not used and not evaluated

    =1: Correction [ETAI = ETAIN * Char Line factor *polynomial]

    =2: Replace [ETAI = ETAIN * polynomial]

    =1000: Not used but ADAPT evaluated as RADAPT (Reduction of the computing time)


    = -1: Correction [ETAI = ETAIN * Char Line factor *function]

    = -2: Replace [ETAI = ETAIN * function]

    = -1000: Not used but EADAPT evaluated as RADAPT (Reduction of the computing time)



    Adaptation function


    Outlet pressure (nominal)


    Inlet temperature (nominal)


    Mass flow at the inlet (nominal)


    Volume flow at the inlet (nominal)


    Volume flow at the outlet (nominal)


    Stop volume flow (FABB=1)


    The parameters marked in blue are reference quantities for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to these quantities in the equations used.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values


    Below is a summary table of the meaning of some key variables, depending on the selection for FABB.






    In design case the specification value ETAIN is valid as nominal value.






    In the off-design case, characteristic line 1 gives relative values. These can be selected with three different options. The selection index is FETA.

    FETA=0 : ETAI/ETAIN = f1 (M1/M1N)

    FETA=1 : ETAI/ETAIN = f1 ((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N))

    FETA=2 : ETAI/ETAIN = f1 (VM1/VM1N)



    In design case either the specification value ETAIN is valid as nominal value or the nominal value is determined from the characteristic line 1. Selection index is FETAIN

    Characteristic line 1 absolute.

    FETAIN=0 : ETAIN = ETAIN as specified

    FETAIN=1 : ETAIN = f1 (VM1)


    In the off-design case, either the value ETAIN, which is determined for the design case, is used for off-design ETAI, or it is determined from the characteristic line 4.Selection index is FETAI. Characteristic line 4 supplies absolute values.


    FETAI=1 : ETAI/ETAIN = f4 ((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N))




    In the design case, the specification value DHLON is valid as nominal value.






    In the off-design case, the characteristic line 2 returns relative values.

    DHLO/DHLON = (VM2/VM2N)**2 * f2 (VM2/VM2N)



    In the design case, either the specified value DHLON is valid as nominal value, or else it is determined from characteristic line 2. The selection index is FDHLO. Characteristic line 2 is valid absolute.

    FDHLO=0 : DHLON = DHLON as specified

    FDHLO=1 : DHLON = f2 (VM2)


    In the off-design case, either the value DHLON is valid, which is determined in the design mode, for off-design DHLO or else it is determined from characteristic line 2. The selection index is FDHLO. Characteristic line 2 returns absolute values.



    FDHLO=1 : DHLO =  f2 (VM2)



    In the design case, the specification value QLPN is valid as nominal value.


    In the off-design case, characteristic line 3 is valid relatively.

    QLP/QLPN = f3 (P1/P1N)



    In the design case, the specification value QLPN is valid as nominal value.


    In the off-design case, characteristic line 3 is valid relatively.

    QLP/QLPN = f3 (P1/P1N)



    if FQLMRN=absolute, then QLM=QLMN=QLMRN

    if FQLMRN=relative, then QLM=QLMN=QN*QLMRN



    if FQLMRN=absolute, then QLMN=QLMRN

    if FQLMRN=relative, then QLMN=QN*QLMRN



    not used



    VM2MAX=VMX is used as swallow volume (not RVMX2).



    VM2MAX=RVMX2*VM2N is used as swallow volume (not VMX)



    not used


    Characteristic lines

    ETAI/ETAIN = f1 (M1/M1N)                                    for FETA=0

    ETAI/ETAIN = f1 ((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N)) )                  for FETA=1

    ETAI/ETAIN = f1 (VM1/VM1N) )                             for FETA=2


    DHLO/DHLON = (VM2/VM2N)**2 * f2 (VM2/VM2N)


    QLP/QLPN = f3 (P1/P1N)


    ETAI/ETAIN = f4 ((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N))

    Physics used



    All cases


    P1 Calculation


      For design mode  (Globalized and  FMODE=design), then {

      P1 = P1N }


      For off-design (GLOBAL=off-design or FMODE=off-design)

      { P1 is calculated from the steam cone equation of STODOLA


      see: Part-load - Turbine                 

      if P1 < P1MIN, then { P1 = P1MIN } 


    Calculation of the isentropic gradient DHS

    Calculation of the saturation temperature T1S

    Calculation of the saturation temperature T2S


      see: TURB_DHS


     T1  = f(P1,H1)

     T1S = fsat(P1)        saturation temperature

     if T1 > T1S, then { S1 = f(P1,T1)  }

       else{ S1 = f(P1,H1)  }

     S2S = S1   isentropic expansion


     TX2S= f(S2S,TX2O) (with TX2O as old value of TX2S)

     TX2O= TX2S

     T2S = fsat(P2)

     ifTX2S > T2S ---> H2S = f(P2,TX2S)

     else    H2S = f(P2,S2S )


     DHS = H1-H2S





    Calculation of the steam content X1

    Calculation of the specific volume   V1

    Calculation of the volume flow VM1

    see volume flow



     if T1 > T1S then { X1 = 1.0D0 }

       else { X1 = f(P1,H1)  }


     if X1=0 or X1=1, then { V1 = f(P1,T1)  }

       else {V1 = X1*f"(P1)+(1-X1)*f'(P1) }


     VM1 = M1*V1





    Calculation of the isentropic efficiency from the characteristic lines

    1 or 4 with SPEZ PRESET    ETAIN


    calculated value  ETAI

    see: DTUR_KENNL


      if FABB=0, then {

        for design case then { ETAI=ETAIN  }

          else {

                    for FETA=0  then ETAI/ETAIN=f1(M1/M1N)

                    for FETA=1  then ETAI/ETAIN=f1(P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N)

                    for FETA=2  then ETAI/ETAIN=f1(VM1/VM1N)



      if FABB=1 then {

        for design case then {

                    for FETAIN=0  then ETAI=ETAIN

                    for FETAIN=1  then ETAI=f1(VM1)


          else {

                    for FETAI=0  then ETAI=ETAIN

                    at FETAI=1  then ETAI=f4((P1/P2)/(P1N/P2N))




    Measurement value correction for the efficiency

    ETAI   :  from the characteristic line calculation

    ETAI_MCC :  ETAI with measurement value correction


      MC:= Measurements


      MC= 0 : design interpretation  (full load)

      MC= 1 : design control calculation (part-load)


      Comparison between interpretation conditions (full load)

      MC = 2 : as built / design

      MC = 4 : operation / new state


      Comparison between test calculation conditions (off-design)

      MC = 3 : as built / design

      MC = 5 : operation / as built


     for design{

        if FCMP=0, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI }

          else {

             ETAI_MCC = ETAI

             if MC=2, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI*C_AD }

             if MC=4, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI*C_AD*C_OA }



      for off-design then{

        if FCMP=0, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI }

          else {

             ETAI_MCC = ETAI

             if MC=3, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI*C_AD }

             if MC=5, then { ETAI_MCC = ETAI*C_AD*C_OA }






    Wetness correction of the efficiency

    ETAI_MCC  :  after measurement value correction

    ETAI_WC   :  ETAI_MCC with wetness correction

    BAU_COR  :  Correction for Baumann factor

    X2O :  X2 from the last iteration


       Y_WET = (2-X1-X2O)*0.5*BAU_COR





    Calculation of the outlet loss including the wetness correction

    DH, H2A, T2A and VM2

    2A = State before the outlet loss

    DHL_VR Outlet loss before the last iteration step



      if measurement value exists (MC=1 to 5), then {

        H2A = H9  - DHL_VR

        DH  = H1  - H2A  }

        else {

        DH  = DHS * ETAI_WC

        H2A = H1  - DH



      T2A = f(P2,H2A)

      T2O = T2A

      H2  = H2A





    Calculation of the steam content X2 

    Calculation of the specific volume    V2

    Calculation of the volume flow   VM2


    s.: Volume flow


      if T2A > Tsat2, then { X2 = 1 }

        else { X2 = f(P2,H2A)  }


      if X2=0 or X2=1, then { V2 = f(P2,T2A) }

        else { V2 = X1*f"(P2)+(1-X2)*f'(P2) }


      VM2 = M2*V2

      X2O = X2





    Calculation of the exhaust steam loss from characteristic line 2

    SPEZ Input DHLON

    calculated value   DHL_VR




      if FABB=1, then {

        if FDHLO=0  , then { DHL_VR = DHLON }

          else {characteristic line 2

                     DHL_VR = f2(VM2)  }



      if FABB=0, then {

        if design case then { DHL_VR = DHLON }

            else {characteristic line 2

                     VV    = VM2/VM2N

                     DHL_VR = (DHLON*VV**2) * f2(VV)  }



    Calculation of the piston loss from the characteristic line 3

    SPEZ Input QLPN

    calculated value   QL_P




      if FABB=1, then {

        for design case {QL_P = QLPN  }

          else { characteristic line 3

                    QL_P = QLPN*f3(P1/P1N)  }



       if FABB=0, then {

        for design, then {QL_P = QLPN  }

          else { characteristic line 3

                    QL_P = QLPN*f3(P1/P1N)  }







    remaining losses


      if QLMRN < 0.0  , then {ETAM   = 1.0 + QLMRN

                                            QL_M=0 }

                                   else {ETAM   = 1

                                            QL_M = QLMRN }





    H2-calculation, state after turbulence


      Y_WET = (2.0-X1-X2)*0.5*BAU_COR



      if a measurement is present (MC=1 to 5), then {

        H2  = H9

        H2A = H2 - DHL_VR

        DH  = H1 - H2A

        ETAI_MES = DH/DHS


        DHSUM    = H1 - H2  }


      else {

        DH    = DHS * ETAI_WC

        H2A   = H1  - DH

        H2    = H2A + DHL_VR

        DHSUM = H1  - H2  }





    Efficiency control during the series of measurements

    Calculation of the correction factors as ratio of the

    measurement value to the value calculated from the characteristic  lines



      if a measurement exists (MC=1 to 5), then {

        if MC=2 or MC=3, then C_AD = ETAI_MES/ETAI

        if MC=4 or MC=5, then C_OA = ETAI_MES/ETAI


      else {

        C_AD = 1

        C_OA = 1 }





    BAUMANN correction




      if FBAU=1, then {

        if X1 >= 1 and X2 < 1, then {

          S_S1 = f (P1,T1)

          S_S2 = f (P2,H2)

          P_S1 = f"(S_S1,T1)

          P_S2 = f"(S_S2,T1)

          H_S1 = f"(P_S1,T1)

          H_S2 = f"(P_S2,T1)

          ZW1  = H1   - H_S1

          ZW2  = H_S2 - H2

          ZW   = ZW1  + ZW2

          BAU_COR = ZW2/ZW }

        else { BAU_COR = 1  }


      if FBAU=0  , then { BAU_COR = 1  }  









      in design mode and FPX = 1, then {

        if VMX<= VM2, then { P2_EXPA = PX2*VM2/VMX }

        if P2_LINIE >= P2_EXPA, then { P2_EXPA = P2_LINIE }



    T2  = f(P2,H2)

    M1  = M2 + M3 + M4

    P3  = P2                           

    T3  = T2

    H3  = H2                         

    Q3  = M3 * H3

    P4  = P2                           

    T4  = T2

    H4  = H2                         

    Q4  = M4 * H4

    M2  = M1 - M3 - M4        

    Q2  = M2 * H2


    if FSC1 = 0   FACT =  1

    if FSC1 = 1   FACT = -1


    H6 = (M1*(H1-H2) + M5*H5*FACT - QL_P - QL_M)/M6     





    Component Displays

    Display Option 1

    Display Option 2

    Display Option 3

    Display Option 4


    Click here >> Component 56 Demo << to load an example.

    See Also