EbsScript is an embedded scripting language within EBSILONProfessional that gives you access to EBSILON’s input, output and calculation capabilities and to combine these with your own code to:
There are 6 situations where EbsScript can be used
This getting started guide is intended to provide a quick reference to EbsScript for those who are familiar with other programming languages and programming in general. It provides an overview of EbsScript syntax, code snippet examples for common tasks and debugging tips. More details on using EbsScript are available in the EbsScript chapter of the EBSILON help system. The three key parts of the EbsScript Tool, (the Editor, Explorer and Executor) are described in that chapter as well.
EbsScript Syntax EbsScript Operators EbsScript Decision Making Statements EbsScript Looping Statements EbsScript Functions
EbsScript Variable Scope EbsScript Arrays EbsScript Debugging EbsScript Interface Units EbsScript SamplesEbsScript syntax is based on the syntax of the PASCAL programming language plus some extensions. At a high level this means:
const PI = 3.14159;
Multi-line comments are enclosed within curly brackets and asterisks as {* ... *}. EbsScript allows single-line comments enclosed within curly brackets { ... } or by beginning the line with two consecutive forward slashes // . For example:
{* This is a multi-line comment in EbsScript and it can span multiple lines. *}
{ This is a single line comment in EbsScript}
// This is also a single line comment in EbsScript
Comment text is displayed in gray colour in the EbsScript edito
var val1, val2 :real;
offset : integer; name : string;
flag : boolean;
pipe : ebsPipe ;
cmp : ebsComp ;
pow(base, exponent): xsqrd := pow(x,2) ;
Beyond the above high level rules the following specifics are also useful.
The Statements in EbsScript use specific PASCAL words (or properties of "Delphi"), which are called reserved or key words. For example, the words program for, while, do, var, real, begin and end are all reserved words. You cannot use reserved words as names for your variables and functions / procedures. The following table shows the reserved / key words in EbsScript:
A |
abstract |
add |
addr |
and |
append |
array |
autodispatch |
autosafearray |
autounknown |
B |
begin |
bitand |
bitnot |
bitor |
bitwiseand |
bitwiseor |
bitwisexor |
bitxor |
boolean |
break |
C |
callback |
capacity |
case |
char |
class |
comnullptr |
const |
constructor |
continue |
copy |
copymem |
D |
dec |
default |
destructor |
dispatchcall |
dispose |
div |
divide |
do |
downto |
E |
else |
end |
enumstrings |
enumtostring |
equal |
except |
explicit |
F |
false |
finalization |
finally |
for |
forward |
freemem |
function |
G |
getmem |
greaterthan |
greaterthan |
H |
high |
I |
if |
implementation |
implicit |
in |
inc |
index |
inherited |
initialization |
insert |
internal |
intdivide |
integer |
interface |
L |
leftshift |
length |
lessthan |
lessthanorequal |
logicaland |
logicalnot |
logicalor |
logicalxor |
low |
M |
mod |
modulus |
multiply |
N |
negative |
new |
nil |
not |
notequal |
O |
of |
on |
operator |
or |
otherwise |
overload |
override |
P |
pointer |
positive |
println |
private |
procedure |
program |
property |
protected |
public |
R |
raise |
read |
real |
record |
reintroduce |
remove |
repeat |
reserve |
return |
rightshift |
round |
S |
self |
setlength |
setlow |
shl |
shr |
sizeof |
sliceleft |
slicemid |
sliceright |
smartptr |
static |
step |
string |
subtract |
T |
then |
to |
true |
trunc |
try |
type |
typeof |
U |
unit |
unittest |
until |
uses |
V |
var |
virtual |
W |
while |
write |
EbsScript reserved words will be shown in blue text in the EbsScript editor.
An "identifier" in a program refers to an object (such as a data type, variable, or function) with which it is uniquely named. Therefore, the identifier must be unique within a namespace.
Typically, identifiers use the combination of a string of letters and numbers.
Operator |
Description |
+ |
Adds two operands |
- |
Subtracts second operand from the first |
* |
Multiplies both operands |
div |
Integer Division |
mod |
Modulus Operator AND remainder of after an integer division |
/ |
Floating Point (Real) Division |
Exponentiation |
Use the pow function pow(base, exponent) |
Operator |
Description |
= |
Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if yes, then condition becomes true. |
<> |
Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal, then condition becomes true. |
> |
Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true. |
< |
Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true. |
>= |
Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true. |
<= |
Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true. |
Operator |
Description |
and |
Boolean AND operator. If both the operands are true, then condition becomes true. |
and then |
Similar to the AND operator, however, it guarantees the order in which the compiler evaluates the logical expression. Left to right and the right operands are evaluated only when necessary. |
or |
Boolean OR Operator. If any of the two operands is true, then condition becomes true. |
or else |
Similar to Boolean OR, however, it guarantees the order in which the compiler evaluates the logical expression. Left to right and the right operands are evaluated only when necessary. |
not |
Boolean NOT Operator. Used to reverse the logical state of its operand. If a condition is true, then the NOT operator will make it false. |
If the boolean expression condition evaluates to true, then the block of code inside the if statement will be executed. If the boolean expression evaluates to false, then the first set of code after the end of the if statement (after the closing end;) will be executed.
if str <> "" then begin str := StringTrimLeft(str); str := stringLower(str) ; end;
EbsScript considers any non-zero or non-nil values to be true. Values of zero or nil are treated as false.
if str <> "" then begin
str := StringTrimLeft(str);
str := stringLower(str) ;
end else begin
UserInput := "" ;
The syntax of the case statement is:
case (expression) of L1 : S1; L2: S2; ...
Ln: Sn; otherwise: Sotherwise;
Where, L1, L2... Ln are case labels or input values, which can be integers, characters, boolean or enumerated data items. S1, S2, ... Sn are EbsScript statements and each of these statements may have one or more than one case label associated with it. The expression is called the case selector or the case index. The case index may assume values that correspond to the case labels. The case statement must always have an end statement associated with it. The following rules apply to a case statement:
For example:
case MacroInterface.LoadMethod of
0 : Programmable.SPEC3 := 0 ;
1 : Programmable.SPEC3 := 2 ;
2 : Programmable.SPEC3 := 1 ;
otherwise Programmable.SPEC3 := MacroInterface.LoadMethod ;
The type for case of can be string too. Here the individual anchor points must be string constants:
procedure foo(s:string);
case s of "Hallo" : begin
// ...
"Welt" : begin
// ...
otherwise begin
// ...
The comparison is ALWAYS executed in a case-sensitive way.
Furthermore, entire ranges can now be specified as anchor points:
5 .. 10 : // all values greater or equal 5 and less or equal 10
.. 2 : // all values less or equal 2
15 .. : // all values greater or equal 15
procedure bar(value:integer);
case value of ..-10 : begin
println("<= -10");
20.. : begin
println("=> 20");
5..8 : begin
println("5 <= .. <= 8");
4 : begin
println("== 4");
0 : begin
println("== 0");
otherwise begin
println("something else");
For strings, the lexicographic order is used here.
A loop statement allows a script to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times. EbsScript supports the following looping statements:
A while-do loop statement in EbsScript allows repetitive computations until some test condition is satisfied. In other words, it repeatedly executes a target statement or group of statements as long as a given condition is true. The syntax of a while-do loop is:
while (condition) do S;
Where condition is a Boolean or relational expression, whose value would be true or false and S is a statement or group of statements within a "begin ... end;" block. For example:
while number > 0 do begin sum := sum + number; number := number - 1; end;
When the condition becomes false, program control passes to the line immediately following the loop’s end; statement.
A "for ... do" loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to execute a specific number of times. The syntax for the for-do loop in EbsScript is as follows:
With for... to... step... do, the loop variable can be increased or decreased by values other than 1.
for < loop-variable-name > := < initial_value > to [downto] < final_value > do S;
Where loop-variable-name specifies a variable of ordinal type, called the control variable or index variable; initial_value and final_value values are values that the control variable can take; and S is the body of the for-do loop that can be a statement or a group of statements. For example:
for i:=1 to n do begin
MacroInterface.ERRARRAY.x[i] := Programmable.RA_2.x[i];
MacroInterface.ERRARRAY.y[i] := Programmable.RA_2.y[i];
This is how control flows in a for-do loop in EbsScript:
A for ... in loop is an efficient way of programming a loop that runs through all the elements of an array or field.
var aeo: array of ebsobject;
aeo := getObjects( "ebspipe");
for const eo in aeo do begin
println (eo.name);
end; end.
aeo is an array type expression (i. e. fixed size array, dynamic array or open array), and the loop variable eo is a variable that has the same type as the elements of the array.
The loop is then executed once for each element in the array (in ascending order of the element index) and x is a copy of the array element with the current index.
Informally, the “for-in” loop corresponds to the following construct:
for index:=low(arr) to high(arr) do begin
The expression arr is evaluated exactly once (even if the loop is run through several times). Explanation: arr could be a function call that returns an array, for example).
The keywords continue and break can be used in the same way as in index-based for loops.
Alternatively, the following reference-binding syntax can be used:
for var x in arr do
for const x in arr do
In these cases, the loop variable x must be a new variable name in the local block. It behaves like a var or const parameter of a function and represents a reference to the current array element. In the case of var, the array element can be changed by assigning it to x.
Please note: If arr is manipulated within the loop (with the exception of changing the values of the array elements), then executing another iteration step or implicitly checking the loop termination condition is undefined behavior. (For example, jumping off with break is permitted to prevent undefined behavior).
In the case of “for var” and “for const”, accessing the loop variable x after manipulation is already undefined behavior.
The syntax for running through fields in the opposite direction:
for x in arr downto do loop-instruction;
for var x in arr downto do loop-instruction;
for const x in arr downto do loop-instruction;
With the exception of the throughfeed direction, the loops behave in exactly the same way as their forward-running counterparts.
Three Examples
var ar:array[1..3] of integer;
for x in ar downto do begin
var x:integer;
for x in [11,12,13] downto do begin
var ar:array[1..3] of integer;
for var x in ar downto do begin
println("squared in place");
for const x in ar downto do begin
squared in place
A "repeat ... until" loop is similar to a while loop, except that a "repeat ... until" loop is guaranteed to execute at least one time. The syntax for the "repeat ... until" loop in EbsScript is as follows:
until condition;
For example:
sum := sum + number;
number := number - 1;
until number = 0;
Notice that the conditional expression appears at the end of the loop, so the statement(s) in the loop will execute once before the loop condition is tested. If the condition is true, the flow of control jumps back up to repeat and the statement(s) in the loop execute again. This process repeats until the given condition becomes false.
The break statement in EbsScript has the following uses:
The continue statement in EbsScript works like the break statement. Instead of forcing termination, however, continue forces the next iteration of the loop to take place, skipping any code in between. When used in a "for ... do" loop, the continue statement causes the conditional test and increment portions of the loop to execute. When used in "while ... do" and "repeat...until" loops, the continue statement causes the program control pass to the loop’s conditional tests.
A function definition in EbsScript consists of a function header, local declarations and a function body. The function header consists of the keyword function and a name given to the function. These are the parts of a function declaration:
Arguments: The argument(s) establish the linkage between the calling program and the function identifiers and are also called the formal parameters.
Return Type: All functions must return a value, so all functions must be assigned a type. The function-type is the data type of the value the function returns. It may be standard, user-defined scalar or sub range type but it cannot be structured type.
Local declarations: Local declarations refer to the declarations for labels, constants, variables, functions and procedures, which are applicable to the body of function only.
Function Body: The function body contains a collection of statements that define what the function does. It should always be enclosed between the reserved words begin and end. The function body is the part of a function where all computations are done. There must be an assignment statement of the type function_name := expression; in the function body that assigns a value to the function name. This value is returned when the function is executed. The last statement in the body must be an end statement. To call a function, you simply need to pass the required parameters along with function name, and if the function returns a value, then you can store the returned value by assigning it to a variable. For example:
function test (a, b: Integer ; c: real) : real;
test:= (a+b)*c;
println ( test(2, 5, 7.1));
Note the semicolon after the final function end statement as well.
Scope in any programming is that region or portion of the program where a defined variable exists. Beyond that or outside of its scope, the variable cannot be accessed. There are three places, where variables can be declared in EbsScript:
Local Variables
Variables that are declared inside a function / procedure or code block are called local variables. They can be used only by statements that are inside that function / procedure or block of code. Local variables are not known to functions / procedures or code blocks outside their own.
Global Variables
Global variables are defined outside of a function, usually at the top of the script. The global variables will hold their value throughout the lifetime of your script and they can be accessed inside any of the functions defined in the script. A global variable can be accessed by any function. That is, a global variable is available for use throughout your entire script after its declaration.
See the Free Pascal language reference more general information on scope of variables.
EbsScript provides a data structure called the array, which can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. An array is used to store a collection of variables of the same type. Instead of declaring individual variables, such as number1, number2, ... and number100, you declare one array variable called numbers and use numbers[1], numbers[2], and ..., numbers[100] to represent individual variables. A specific element in an array is accessed by an index. All arrays consist of contiguous memory locations. The lowest address corresponds to the first element and the highest address to the last element. Note that if you want a C style array starting from index 0, you just need to start the index from 0, instead of 1.
The general form of type declaration of one-dimensional array is:
type array-identifier = array[index-type] of element-type;
array-identifier indicates the name of the array type.
index-type specifies the subscript of the array; it can be any scalar data type except real
element-type specifies the types of values that are going to be stored
For example:
vector = array [ 1..25] of real;
velocity: vector;
Velocity is a variable array of vector type, which is sufficient to hold up to 25 real numbers. To start the array from 0 index, the declaration would be:
vector = array [ 0..24] of real;
velocity: vector;
Types of Array Subscript
In EbsScript, an array subscript can be of any scalar type like, integer, boolean, enumerated or sub range, except real. Array subscripts can have negative values too. For example:
temperature = array [-10 .. 50] of real;
day_temp, night_temp: temperature;
Finally, an example where the subscript is of character type:
ch_array = array[char] of 1..26;
alphabet: ch_array;
c: char;
for c:= 'A' to 'Z' do
alphabet[c] :=
An element is accessed by indexing the array name. This is done by placing the index of the element within square brackets after the name of the array. For example:
a: integer;
a: = alphabet['A'];
a:= numbers[10];
uses @KernelScripting
Since the Kernel Scripting is embedded in the solver for the overall equation system, you cannot debug it in the editor. All debugging functions in the EbsScript editor will be disabled, if you edit a kernel script. To work around this limitation one can print intermediate results with println() commands like:
println("FCTRLMODE =", ::Control.FCTRLMODE);
and review them AFTER calculation in the EbsKern-Output tool bar. To display the EbsKern-Output too bar, follow these steps:
1. Choose Toolbars > from the View pull down menu.
2. Choose EbsKern-Output from the sub menu to display the EbsKern-Output window shown below:
In the EbsKernel output bar, a sheet (tab) is created for each component 93 contained in the model being run along with a complete sheet (tab) for all outputs.
If your script code does not use Kernel Scripting, then you can debug your code while an EbsScript is running. Debugging makes it possible to interrupt the execution of the script and to view and also change the values of variables. The EbsScript debugger can be found under the Debug menu item.
In order to debug, breakpoints must be set in the script by moving the cursor to the desired line in the EbsScript editor window and clicking F9 (“Switch breakpoint”). Clicking on F9 one more time will remove the breakpoint.
The script can then be started with F5 (Start/continue) and will run up to the first breakpoint you set. It is possible to see the values of variables displayed in the monitoring bar (in the EbsScript editor under View > Toolbars > Console) and to change them.
You can then continue the execution of the script step-by-step with F10 (across procedure activations) and F11 (into procedures), respectively, or run up to the next breakpoint with F5. The Debugger window is shown below:
Note, you may also run the debugger on some kernel scripts by copying the content of your kernel script to an external script provided it does not access stream or component data by using functions such as "ksGetPipeValue". In order to correctly interpret the variable names of the model, the external script has to run in the same context (i.e. on the model level which by default is called (Global), or inside the respective macro object which contains the kernel script, in the example above called ‘Control’). You can select the appropriate context from a drop-down in the EbsScript menu that is shown circled in red in the screen shot above.
If your kernel script does access stream or component data then using "println" statements and the EbsKern-Output window is the only means of debugging currently available.
uses @KernelScripting;
The "@" before the unit name acts as an identification for an Interface-Unit. EBSILON Professional provides the following interface units:
You can see what functions these interface units provide by opening the EbsScript Editor (select the EbsScript Editor… item on the Calculation pull down menu or press F8) and then selecting the Open Interface Unit > item on the EbsScript Editor’s EbsScript pull down menu. Note some of the interface units like NNTool may require additional licensing.
It is also possible to define custom units in Pascal, which can be used by any script.
Below is an example of such a custom unit:
unit EngineCalcs;
procedure EnginePreProcessing;
procedure EnginePostProcessing;
procedure DoMyCalculations( par1:real; var retval1:real, var retval2:real);
uses @kernelscripting,@fluid;
procedure AddMessage( MessageNumber:integer; MessageMessage: string);
var len:integer;
//::StatusText.text:=printToString( ::StatusText.text, "\n",MessageMessage );
MacroInterface.Messages.x[ len ]:= MessageNumber;
procedure EnginePreProcessing;
var i,j:integer;
procedure EnginePostProcessing;
var i,j:integer;
procedure DoMyCalculations( par1:real; var retval1:real, var retval2:real);
var i,j:integer;
retval1 := …;
retval2 := …;
Example usages:
from a macro in the “script before calculation”:
uses EngineCalcs;
from any Component 93 or “Kernel Expression” (=special input fields in components):
uses EngineCalcs;
var p1, r1,r2;
p1:= sqrt(23);
Running simulations on different profiles in a model:
i: integer;
for i:=1 to 10 do
simulate ;
simulate ;
Unit of Measure Conversion – pressure to psia
You may directly access the quantities in the model from within the EbsScript. Note that model quantities are internally stored using the SI unit system. This means the Units of Measure (UOM) for model quantities that have units are as follows:
Therefore, a direct assignment like
Turbine.M1N := 100;
always means 100 kg/s. EbsScript provides the Units interface unit to allow you to perform UOM conversions in your script code. The following example converts a pressure from bar to psia:
uses @Units
unitsConvert(comp122.P1, “BAR”, myPinPsia, “PSIA”) ;
Below is a link to the list of all available units of measure in Ebsilon:
Ebsilon Units Of Measure
Setting Specification Values with EbsScript
To set a specification value with EbsScript paste EbsScript code for a function that calculates the desired specification value into the specification input field. For example:
function evalexpr:REAL;
// TODO: calculate specification value
evalexpr:= calc_result
Perform a property calculation
You can call any EBSILON property calculations for within EbsScript. For Example calculate Enthalpy from P & T:
uses @fluid;
fluidTableWST( rResult, iPhase, Pres, Temp, FuncH_OF_PT);
println (rResult);
The following section of the code can be more convenient in case the user has a stream type to relate to:
fluidTableObject( {var rResult:Real}, {var phase:PhaseEnum}, {arg1:Real}, {arg2:Real}, {func:FuncEnum}, {obj:ebsData} );
The last parameter (obj:ebsData) represents a stream, either by name from the flow sheet, or by reference to a port (For example: ‘componentname._2’ for the stream connected to port 2).
Below is a screen shot of the available functions of the Interface Unit – Fluids from the EbsScript key words window:
Under the following link is the list of available property function calls which can be accessed from the EbsScript: Calculation Functions
Get P, H and M from a port on a component
uses @kernelscripting;
Check if a particular port (Port 7) on a macro object is connected and get the upstream component:
uses @MacroHelpers
txt : string;
ThisMacro : ebsMacro ;
pipe : ebsPipe ;
cmp : ebsComp ;
ThisMacro := getContainerMacro(MacroInterface); // Check if logic line is connected
if isNull(getPipeAtLink(ThisMacro,7)) then
txt := ThisMacro.name + " fuel logic line at Pin 7 not connected." ;
exit(-1, txt); // terminate the run and set error message to txt
// There's a logic line at Pin 7. Get it.
pipe := getPipeAtLink(ThisMacro,7) ; // Check if it's connected to a pipe
if isNull(GetPipeAtLogpipe(pipe, 1)) then
txt := ThisMacro.name + " logic line at Pin 7 not connected to a pipe." ;
exit(-1, txt); // terminate the run
// It's connected to a pipe. Get it.
pipe := GetPipeAtLogpipe(pipe, 1) ;
// Get component at upstream end of that pipe
cmp := GetCompAtPipe(pipe, 1) ;
Call code in a COM Object
callEbsScriptServer( {class:string}, {var var1:(array of) primitive type}, {var var2:(array of) primitive type}{, callBackProc:callback procedure = nil} );
See Block 750.ebs example