This chapter lists
These functions are used to perform EBSILON®Professional calculations.
Name |
Purpose validatevalidateWitherror |
Arguments |
Return Value |
Example |
Comments |
binaryMixtureTable (deprecated) |
Access to the material tables for binary mixtures |
1: INTEGER: Function Id 2: REAL: Arg1 3: REAL: Arg2 4: INTEGER: Medium 5: REAL: xi |
var rH,rP,rT,rXi:real; begin rP:=1; println ("H =", rH,"\n"); |
calcNCV |
Calculation of the calorific value |
1: STRING: Name of the pipe or component 1/33 2: REAL: calorific value (result) |
BOOLEAN: true: o.k. false: error
var r,erg: real; ok: boolean; begin ok :=calcNCV("Value_7", erg); end |
clearAllCalculationErros |
Clears all error messages |
none |
none |
clearAllCalculationErrors; |
clearCalculationCache |
Clears the calculation cache |
none |
clearCalculationCache |
clearCalculationErrors |
Deletes the error messages of a profile |
1: INTEGER: Profile-Id |
clearCalculationErrors(5) |
EbsIdent |
Executing an identification calculation for off-line systems: a new data set is appended in the data collection (.bel file), in case sufficient data sets are already available, then a new adaptation calculation is done. All the identifications are always calculated, which are contained in the configuration. |
None |
i:=ebsIdent; |
Special license necessary
EposNeuro |
Executing an identification calculation for online systems, handling similar to ebsIdent |
None |
INTEGER As in case of ebsIdent |
i:=eposNeuro; |
Special license necessary |
exit |
End the execution of the script. |
1: INTEGER: return code of the EbsScripts 2: STRING: Notification string |
None |
exit (0); |
- |
(deprecated) |
Access to the material tables for fluids with specification of a material composition (always the complete composition is to be specified in the corresponding fields) |
1: INTEGER: Function-ID (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument 4: array of string: field with the names of the substances contained 5: array of real: field with the mass fractions of the substances contained (in the same sequence as the names) 6: INTEGER: size of the fields (4 and 5) 7: INTEGER: CpMode-ID (see below) 8: array * of: CpUser |
real: Result |
var rH,rP,rT:real begin rP:=1; rT:=300; arstrMaterialNameArray[0]:="N2"; arstrMaterialNameArray[1]:="O2"; arrFractionArray[0]:=0.75; arrFractionArray[1]:=0.25; nArraySize:=2; CpMode-ID:=1; // H (P,T) rH:=fluegasTable(1001, rP, rT, arstrMaterialNameArray, arrFractionArray, nArraySize, CpMode-ID); print ("H =", rH,"\n"); // Conversion of mass-% in Vol-% fluegasTable(1023, rP, rT, arstrMaterialNameArray, arrFractionArray, nArraySize, CpMode-ID); print ("Volume fractions:",arrFractionArray[0]," ",arrFractionArray[1]); end. |
fluegasTable3 (deprecated) |
Like fluegasTable, but with three Arguments (required for feature-Ids 1053 and 1095, see below)
1: INTEGER: Functions-Id (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument 4: REAL: 3. Argument 5: array of string: Field with the names of the substances contained 6: array of real: Field with the mass fractions of the substances contained (in the same order as the names) 7: INTEGER: Size of the arrays (5 and 6) 8: INTEGER: CpMode-Id (see below) 9: array * of: CpUser |
REAL: Result |
getContext |
Retrieving the current context (name space) of the EbsScript |
- |
string: Kontextname |
str:=getContext; |
Retrieving the start parameters that were specified when starting the EbsScript (e.g., from a button) |
1: INTEGER: Integer start parameter 2:string: string start parameter |
None |
getStartParameters (i, str); |
identificationGetNames |
Retrieving the names of existing EbsIdent identifications |
1: array of STRING: names
identificationGetResults |
Retrieving the results of an EbsIdent identification |
1: STRING: Name of identification 2: array of REAL: coefficients 3: array of REAL: standard deviations |
INTEGER: EbsIdent status |
identificationIdentify |
Performs an EbsIdent identification |
none |
INTEGER: EbsIdent status (see ebsIdent) |
identificationInitialize |
Initializes the EbsIdent identification |
none |
INTEGER: EbsIdent status (see ebsIdent) |
optimizeEasy |
Starting the optimizer with the default parameters. |
- |
BOOLEAN: true: OK |
optimizeEasy; |
optimizeGA |
Start the optimizer with the genetic algorithm |
1: INTEGER: Id, Index of the data set to be optimized 2: INTEGER: maxTimeInSeconds = 0, maximum time that can be used for optimization - if 0, then no time limit |
Real: Result |
optimizeGA( 1,300); |
optimizeND |
Start the optimizer with the non-linear descent method algorithm |
1: INTEGER: Id, Index of the data set to be optimized 2: INTEGER: maxTimeInSeconds = 0, maximum time that can be used for optimization - if 0, then no time limit |
Real: Result |
optimizeND(1 ); |
propertyCallId |
Serves to call material value functions in equations ,that are issued by a KernelScript. |
1: INTEGER: Runtime object- ID (determined with getObjectSessionId) 2: INTEGER: Function-Id (see below) 3: REAL: 1. Argument 4: REAL: 2. Argument 5: REAL: value returned on error (Default = -999) |
REAL: result |
utd:=ksgetspec(1); iIndex:=iIndex+1; strEquation:=printToString( "propcall(", getObjectSessionId( ksgetcomp._5 ),",", FuncT_of_PH, ",P5,H5) = ", "propcall(", getObjectSessionId ( ksgetcomp._9 ), ",", FuncT_of_PH, ",P9,H9) + ",utd," + 0.15*( H9 - value_of(H9))" ); bOk:=ksSetEquation (iIndex,strEquation); (see Kernel_Scripting_9 in Examples\Components\Component_93.ebs) |
propertyCallObject |
Calling a substance value function for a specific object |
1: ebsData: Object 2: FuncEnum: Function-Id, (see Interface-Unit System) 3: REAL: 1. Argument 4: REAL: 2. Argument 5: REAL: value delivered in case of error (optional, Default = -999) |
REAL: result |
erg := propertyCallObject (Water, FuncH_OF_PT, |
qualityFactors |
Calculating the quality factors |
1: INTEGER: ID of the identification according to the list prepared in the EbsIdent configuration 2: REAL: calculated quality factor |
i:=qualityFactors (1,r);
Special license necessary
resetContext |
Resets the context (namespace) of an EbsScript |
sets current context :: MyMacro setContext (":: MyMacro"); reset context (); // sets the context back
saltWaterTable (deprecated) |
Access to the material tables for salt water |
1: INTEGER: Function-ID (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument 4:REAL: Salt content (mass fraction of salt in the total mass) |
REAL: Result |
rH:=saltWaterTable (1001, 1.0, 20.0, 0.05 ); |
setAdaptionPolynomial |
Sets the adjustment polynomial in a component |
1: STRING: component name 2: STRING: Adaptation polynomial |
none |
setAdaptionPolynomial ("Turbine","1+0.0001*T1"); |
setCalculationComment |
Generates a comment for a specific object |
1: ebsObject: Object for which the comment is to be output. 2: STRING: comment |
none |
setCalculationComment (Water, "Pressure to high"); |
only useful in the macro-EbsScript |
setCalculationError |
Generates an error message for a specific object and aborts the calculation if necessary. |
1: ebsObject: Object for which the error message is to be output. 2: STRING: error text 3: BOOLEAN (optional) : |
none |
setCalculationWarning (Water, "Pressure to high", |
only useful in the macro-EbsScript |
setCalculationWarning |
Generates a warning for a specific object |
1: ebsObject: Object for which the warning is to be issued. 2: STRING: Text of the warning |
none |
setCalculationWarning (Water, "Pressure to high", |
only useful in the macro-EbsScript |
SetContext |
Setting the current context (name space) to the name of the specified macro |
1: string: name of the requested context) (e.g.,. "::Makro1::" or "::") or Macros (z.B. "Makro1") |
setContext("GT_24B"); setContext("::GT_24B::"); setContext("::"); |
SetGlobalContext |
Resetting the current context back to the global namespace |
- |
setGlobalContext; |
Simulate |
Executing a simulation calculation (error appearing here are displayed only by the return code, an access to the error analysis is not possible in this function) |
None |
calculationResultEnum: 0: Calculation successful 1: Calculation ended with comments 2: Calculation ended with warnings 3: Calculation ended with errors 4: Calculation not possible 5: Fatal problem 6: Accuracy not reached after maximum number of iterations, otherwise successful 7: Accuracy not reached after maximum number of iterations, otherwise only warnings |
i:=simulate; |
- |
SimulateWithErrorAnalysis |
Executing a simulation calculation with the possibility of a detailed error analysis. After the calculation ends, the error messages are present in the fields, which are transferred upon a call. |
1: array of string: 2: array of integer: 3: array of integer: 4: array of string: Field with the description of the error type 5: array of real: Field with additional information for the respective error (relevant only for double names) 6: integer: available field size (to be transferred upon a call) 7: integer: Number of errors found |
var arstrName:array[1..50] of string; arstrClass:array[1..50] of integer; arstrType:array[1..50] of integer; arstrDescription:array[1..50] of string; arstrValue:array[1..50] of real; iArraySize,iErrorCount:integer; i,iErr:integer; begin iArraySize:=50; iErr:=simulateWithErrorAnalysis ( arstrName, arstrClass, arstrType, arstrDescription, arstrValue, iArraySize, iErrorCount ); for i:=1 to 50 do begin if (i<=iErrorCount) then begin print (arstrName[i]," ",arstrClass[i]," ",arstrType[i], " ",arstrDescription[i]," ",arstrValue[i],"\n"); end; end; print ("iErr=",iErr," iErrorCount=",iErrorCount,"\n"); end; |
SimulateWithErrorAnalysisNew |
like simulateWith ErrorAnalysis, but using dynamical arrays
calculationResultEnum: 0: Calculation successful 1: Calculation ended with comments 2: Calculation ended with warnings 3: Calculation ended with errors 4: Calculation not possible 5: Fatal problem 6: Accuracy not reached after maximum number of iterations, otherwise successful 7: Accuracy not reached after maximum number of iterations, otherwise only warnings |
var iError:integer; i:integer; begin iError:=simulateWithErrorAnalysisNew(errors); if (iError > 1) then begin for i:=0 to length(errors)-1 do begin if (errors[i].errorLevel>1) then begin println (i," ",errors[i].errorClass," ",errors[i].errorLevel," ",errors[i].description); end; end; end; end; |
simulate_trans |
Die Funktion ermöglicht es, eine transiente Simulation mit dem vorgegebenen Zeitschritt in Sekunden und (optional) mit dem vorgegebenen Anfangs-Zeitpunkt durchzuführen. |
1: real: Zeitschritt in Sekunden 2: real: Startzeit (optional) |
calculationResultEnum (siehe oben) |
start := "04.05.2020 00:00"; @calcoptions.sim.transientmode := 2; crc := simulate_trans(5.0); |
simulate_trans_init |
Die Funktion ermöglicht eine Initialisierungs-Simulation (analog zum ersten Schritt in der Zeitreihe) mit dem (optional) vorgegebenen Anfangs-Zeitpunkt. |
1: real: Startzeit (optional) |
calculationResultEnum (siehe oben) |
siehe oben (simulate_trans) | |
transferAllResults |
Applies all results (for pipelines and components) from the specified profile to the current profile |
1: INTEGER: ID of the source profile
transferAllResults(4); |
transferValResults |
For all measured values (component 46), takes the RESULT values from the specified profile as MEASM into the current profile |
1: INTEGER: ID of the source- profile
transferValResults(4); |
user2PhaseTable (deprecated) |
Access to the material tables for the user-defined two-phase fluids |
1: INTEGER: Functions-ID (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument 4: INTEGER: Material-ID <0: according to FMED for component 1 or 33 -1: Ammonia (NH3) -2: Water -3: Carbon dioxide (CO2) |
REAL: Result |
rH:=user2PhaseTable( 1001, 1.0, 20.0, -1); |
user2PhaseTable3 (deprecated) |
Access to the material tables for the user-defined two-phase fluids |
1: INTEGER: Functions-Id (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument 4: REAL: 3. Argument 5: INTEGER: Material-ID <0: according to FMED for component 1 or 33 |
REAL: Result |
xh2o:=user2PhaseTable3( 1053, 1.0, 20.0, 0.6, 4711
validate |
Executing a validation calculation |
None |
see simulate |
i:=validate; |
Special license necessary |
validateWithErrorAnalysis |
Executing a validation calculation with a detailed error analysis |
see simulateWith ErrorAnalysis |
similar to simulateWith ErrorAnalysis |
similar to simulateWith ErrorAnalysis |
Special license necessary |
validateWithErrorAnalysisNew |
like validateWith ErrorAnalysis, but using dynamical arrays |
see simulate |
waterSteam Table |
Access to the material tables for water or steam |
1: INTEGER: Functions-ID (see below) 2: REAL: 1. Argument 3: REAL: 2. Argument |
REAL: Result |
rH:=waterSteamTable(1001, rP, rT); |
Not all functions are implemented or usable for all fluid types or material property value tables. Each material value library supports a selection of these functions.
If a call is not useful or not implemented, you will receive a corresponding error message.
For example, as of Release 17, the following functions are available:
For the obsolete fluid property functions (for the line types with classic composition) waterSteamTable, fluegasTable(3), binaryMixtureTable, saltWaterTable and user2PhaseTable(3), the function-ids from the first column of the following table have to be used.
For all other fluid property value functions from the Fluid interface unit (FluidProperty..., FluidTable...), the FuncEnums specified in column three of the following table must be used.
Note: The FuncEnums are defined in the System interface unit and are therefore always available in EbsScript, i.e. the System interface unit can be used without uses.
The functions labelled ‘only for diagrams’ were required for the background images of the diagrams and may only be implemented in certain areas or sub-branches.
Function-Id |
Function |
FuncEnum |
Description |
Remarks on usability |
to be used with deprecated functions only |
to be used with functions of interface unit Fluid | ||
1001 |
H (P,T) |
FuncH_OF_PT |
Enthalpy depending on pressure and temperature |
always |
1002 |
S (P,T) |
FuncS_OF_PT |
Entropy depending on pressure and temperature |
always |
1003 |
T (P,H) |
FuncT_OF_PH |
Temperature depending on pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1004 |
T (P,S) |
FuncT_OF_PS |
Temperature depending on pressure and entropy |
always |
1005 |
T' (P) |
Temperature of the boiling liquid as a function of pressure (second argument is ignored) |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1006 |
P' (T) |
Pressure of the boiling liquid as a function of the temperature (second argument is ignored) |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1007 |
H (P,S) |
FuncH_OF_PS |
Enthalpy depending on pressure and entropy |
always |
1008 |
S (P,H) |
FuncS_OF_PH |
Entropy depending on pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1009 |
X (P,H) |
FuncX_OF_PH |
Phase fraction as a function of pressure and enthalpy: 0 <= X <= 1: fraction of the gaseous phase in the two-phase region liquid / gaseous (X = 0: completely liquid, X = 1 completely gaseous) 10 <= X <= 11: increased by 10 Proportion of the liquid phase in the two-phase region solid / liquid (X = 10: completely solid, X = 11 completely liquid) 100 <= X <= 101: by 100 increased fraction of the gaseous phase in the two-phase region solid / gaseous (X = 100: completely solid , X = 101 completely gaseous) |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1010 |
H' (P) |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid depending on the pressure |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1011 |
H'' (P) |
FuncHDew_OF_P |
Enthalpy of the saturated gas depending on the pressure |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1012 |
CP (P,H) |
FuncCP_OF_PH |
Isobaric specific heat depending on pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1013 |
V (P,T) |
FuncV_OF_PT |
Specific volume depending on pressure and temperature |
always |
1014 |
V (P,H) |
FuncV_OF_PH |
Specific volume depending on pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1015 |
P (H') |
Pressure as a function of the enthalpy of the boiling liquid (H ', X = 0) |
In the case of waterSteamTable, 2-Phase liquid / gaseous Table and saltWaterTable |
1016 |
P (S'') |
FuncPDew_OF_S |
Pressure as a function of the entropy of the saturated gas (S ", X = 1) |
In the case of waterSteamTable, 2-Phase liquid / gaseous Table and saltWaterTable |
1017 |
CP (P,T) |
FuncCP_OF_PT |
Isobaric specific heat depending on pressure and temperature |
always |
1018 |
X (P,T) |
FuncX_OF_PT |
Mass fraction of the gaseous phase as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1019 |
XH2Og_max (P,T) |
FuncXG_OF_PT |
Saturation limit: maximum possible proportion of gaseous water in a gaseous stream as a function of pressure and temperature |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1020 |
MMOL_no_elem |
Molecular weight (excluding the substances given as elementary analysis) |
always |
1021 |
Net calorific value |
always |
1022 |
Conversion of mol fractions in mass fractions |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1023 |
MASS_to_MOL_elem |
Conversion of mass fractions into molar fractions (taking into account the substances given as elemental analysis) |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1024 |
H (X,S) <deprecated> |
FuncH_OF_XS |
(Enthalpy as a function of vapour content and entropy (deprecated) |
was previously needed for creating charts, recursive calculation, only available in certain areas for waterSteamTable and binaryMixtureTable (only for NH3 / H2O) |
1025 |
H (T,S) <deprecated> |
FuncH_OF_TS |
Enthalpy depending on temperature and entropy |
for watersteamtable, flue gastable and binarymixturetable (NH3 / H2O only) |
1026 |
X (P,S) |
FuncX_OF_PS |
Steam content depending on pressure and entropy |
Not in the case of fluegasTable |
1027 |
P (X,S) <deprecated> |
FuncP_OF_XS |
Pressure depending on steam content and entropy |
only at waterSteamTable, was created earlier needed from diagrams |
1028 |
P (T,S) <deprecated> |
FuncP_OF_TS |
Pressure depending on temperature and entropy |
Only in the case of waterSteamTable and fluegasTable |
1029 |
ETA (P,H) |
Dynamic viscosity as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1030 |
Thermal conductivity as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1031 |
H (P,X) |
FuncH_OF_PX |
Enthalpy as a function of pressure and steam content |
waterSteamTable and user2PhaseTable |
1032 |
MMOL_elem |
FuncMOLM1 |
Molecular weight including all substances (for internal conversions) |
always |
1033 |
MMOL_elem |
Funcdeprecated MII |
is eliminated |
1034 |
equil |
(only for internal usage for updating the phase equilibrium) |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1035 |
T (H,S) |
FuncT_OF_HS |
Temperature as a function of enthalpy and entropy |
for waterSteamTable and fluegasTable, user2PhaseTable and binaryMixureTable (NH3 / H2O only) |
1036 |
T (X,S) <deprecated> |
FuncT_OF_XS |
Temperature as a function of steam mass fraction and entropy |
Only in the case of waterSteamTable |
1037 |
P (S,H) |
FuncP_OF_SH |
Pressure as a function of entropy and enthalpy |
for waterSteamTable and fluegasTable, user2PhaseTable and binaryMixureTable (NH3 / H2O only) |
1038 |
P (T,H) <not implemented> |
FuncP_OF_TH |
Pressure as a function of temperature and enthalpy |
not usable |
1039 |
P (X,H) <not implemented> |
FuncP_OF_XH |
Pressure as a function of steam content and enthalpy |
not usable |
1040 |
S (T,H) |
FuncP_FOF_TH |
Entropy as a function of temperature and enthalpy (function available in wet steam region only) |
only at waterSteamTable, user2PhaseTable in the two-phase region |
1041 |
S (T,X) |
FuncS_OF_TX |
Entropy as a function of temperature and steam content |
only at waterSteamTable, user2PhaseTable in the two-phase region |
1042 |
MASS_to_MOL_no_elem |
Conversion of mass fractions into parts by moles (without consideration of the substances given as elemental analysis |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1043 |
XI' (P,T) |
FuncXI1_OF_PT |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the boiling liquid as a function of pressure and temperature |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1044 |
XI'' (P,T) |
FuncXI2_OF_PT |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the saturated vapour as a function of pressure and temperature |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1045 |
XI' (P,XI'') |
FuncXI1_OF_PXI2 |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the boiling liquid as a function of pressure and mass fraction of the refrigerant in the saturated steam |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1046 |
XI'' (P,XI') |
FuncXI2_OF_PX1 |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the saturated vapour as a function of pressure and mass fraction of the refrigerant in the boiling liquid |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1047 |
XI' (T,XI'') |
FuncXI1_OF_TXI2 |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the boiling liquid as a function of temperature and mass fraction of the refrigerant in the saturated vapour |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1048 |
XI'' (T,XI') |
FuncXI2_OF_TXI1 |
Mass fraction of the refrigerant in the saturated vapour as a function of temperature and mass fraction of the refrigerant in the boiling liquid |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1049 |
H_aux (PDEW) |
Enthalpy on the auxiliary line in the h-xi diagram, depending on the pressure |
only with binaryMixtureTable with NH3 / H2O and H2O / LiBr |
1050 |
PH2O (P,T) |
Partial pressure of gaseous water present in the gaseous portion of the total flow as a function of pressure and temperature |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1051 |
PH2O_max (P,T) |
Saturated steam pressure (= partial pressure at maximum possible proportion of gaseous water) of the water in the gaseous portion of the total flow as a function of pressure and temperature |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1052 |
PHI (P,T) |
Relative humidity (to the water mass fraction XH2O given in the composition) as a function of pressure and temperature |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1053 |
XH2O (P,T,PHI) |
FuncXIW_OF_PTPhi |
Water mass fraction XH2O as a function of pressure, temperature and relative humidity |
only at fluegasTable, needs three arguments (for reasons of compatibility also with two arguments and specification of the relative humidity as XH2O in the composition) |
1054 |
Twb (P,T) |
Wet bulb temperature as a function of pressure and temperature |
Only in the case of fluegasTable |
1055 |
T'' (P) |
Dew point temperature (condensation point of the saturated gas) |
always |
1056 |
H'(T) |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid (H ') as a function of the temperature |
not at fluegasTable |
1057 |
H'' (T) |
Enthalpy of the saturated gas (H'') as a function of the temperature |
not at fluegasTable |
1058 |
CV (P,T) |
FuncCV_OF_PT |
Specific isochoric heat capacity as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1059 |
CV (P,H) |
FuncCV_OF_PH |
Specific iso chore specific heat capacity as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1060 |
RHO (P,T) |
Density as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1061 |
RHO (P,H) |
Density as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1062 |
W (P,T) |
FuncW_OF_PT |
Isentropic sound velocity as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1063 |
W (P,H) |
FuncW_OF_PH |
Isentropic sound velocity as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1064 |
Adiabatic exponent as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1065 |
Adiabatic exponent as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1066 |
SIGMA (P') |
Surface tension as a function of the boiling pressure |
only for waterSteamTable and only in the two-phase region |
1067 |
SIGMA (T') |
Surface tension as a function of the boiling temperature |
only for waterSteamTable and only in the two-phase region |
1068 |
NUE (P,T) |
Kinematic viscosity as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1069 |
NUE (P,H) |
Kinematic viscosity as a function of pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1070 |
ETA (P,T) |
Dynamic viscosity as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1071 |
Thermal conductivity as a function of pressure and temperature |
always |
1072 |
UNCH (P,T) |
Funcdeprecated_UNCH_OF_PT |
Table uncertainty in enthalpy ( is eliminated ) |
1073 |
Pcrit |
Critical pressure |
only for waterSteamTable, user2PhaseTable and binaryMixtureTable |
1074 |
Tcrit |
Critical temperature |
only for waterSteamTable, user2PhaseTable and binaryMixtureTable |
1075 |
Tmin (const) |
Lower temperature limit |
Only in the case of waterSteamTable, 2-Phase liquid / gaseous Table, |
1076 |
TMAX (const) |
Upper temperature limit |
always |
1077 |
PMAX (const) |
Upper pressure limit |
always |
1078 |
Phase from pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1079 |
P'' (H) |
Pressure, at which the gas at the saturation point (dew point) has the specified enthalpy |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1080 |
P'' (T) |
Pressure, at which the gas at the saturation point (dew point) has the specified temperature |
always |
1081 |
Pmelt (T) |
Melt pressure for ice as a function of temperature |
user2PhaseTable and saltWaterTable |
1082 |
Tmelt (P) |
Melt pressure for ice as a function of pressure |
user2PhaseTable and saltWaterTable |
1083 |
Psubl (T) |
Sublimation pressure as a function of the temperature for ice |
user2PhaseTable for H2O and CO2 |
1084 |
Tsubl (P) |
Sublimation temperature as a function of the pressure for ice |
user2PhaseTable for H2O and CO2 |
1085 |
Tfreeze (XI) |
FuncTFREEZE_OF_XI | Freezing temperature as a function of the mass fraction of the coolant |
Only in the case of binaryMixtureTable for FBIN<0 (LibSecRef) |
1086 |
P (S') |
Pressure as a function of the entropy of the boiling liquid |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1087 |
T (H') |
Temperature as a function of the enthalpy of the boiling liquid |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1088 |
T (H'') |
Temperature as a function of the enthalpy of the saturated gas |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1089 |
T (S') |
Temperature as a function of the entropy of the boiling liquid |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1090 |
T (S'') |
Temperature as a function of the entropy of the saturated gas |
only for user2PhaseTable with Refprop-Fluids |
1091 |
V (PX) |
FuncV_OF_PX |
Specific volume depending on pressure and vapour content |
only in the case of waterSteamTable |
1092 |
V (TX) |
FuncV_OF_TX |
Specific volume as a function of temperature and vapour content |
only in the case of waterSteamTable |
1093 |
NCV (T) |
FuncNCV_OF_T |
Net calorific value depending on the reference temperature |
only in the case of flue gas Table |
1094 |
PMIN (T) |
Lower pressure limit |
always |
1095 |
XH2O (P,T,Tf) |
Water mass fraction as a function of pressure, temperature and wet bulb temperature |
at fluegasTable, requires 3 arguments |
1096 |
Minimum water content (crystallization limit LiBr) from pressure and enthalpy |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1097 |
Minimum water content (crystallization limit LiBr) from temperature and enthalpy |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1098 |
FuncGCV_OF_T |
Gross calorific value at given reference temperature |
flue gas Table |
1099 |
FuncNCV_OF_T |
Net calorific value from gross calorific value at given reference temperature |
flue gas Table |
1100 |
Gross calorific value from net calorific value at given reference temperature |
flue gas Table |
1101 |
SATF (P,T) |
Saturation factor for the water mass fraction XH2O given in the composition as a function of pressure and temperature (for values <= 1 equal to the relative humidity, for values> 1 equal to the ratio of the actual water content to the maximum possible gaseous water content) (unlimited relative humidity) |
flue gas Table |
1102 |
Mass fraction for the substance designated by INDEX (INDEX = FSUBST according to component 45 or INDEX according to EbsScript -> Interface Unit System -> enumeration UniversalSubstanceEnum |
always |
1103 |
PR (P,T) |
FuncPR_OF_PT |
Prandtl number depending on pressure and temperature |
always |
1104 |
PR (P,H) |
FuncPR_OF_PH |
Prandtl number depending on pressure and enthalpy |
always |
1105 |
Crystallization Enthalpy |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1106 |
Crystallization Pressure depending on temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1107 |
Crystallization Temperature depending on pressure |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1108 |
Cooling medium fraction at the crystallization limit as a function of the pressure |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1109 |
Cooling medium fraction at the crystallization limit as a function of the temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with H2O / LiBr |
1110 |
H' (P,XI') |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid (H ') at the saturation line as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase (coolant is NH3 for NH3 / H2O, H2O for H2O / LiBr) |
at user2PhaeTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1111 |
H'' (P,XI') |
FuncHDEW_OF_PXIL | Enthalpy of the saturated gas as a function of pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1112 |
H' (T,XI') |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid (H ') at the saturation line as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1113 |
H'' (T,XI') |
FuncHDEW_OF_TXIL | Enthalpy of the saturated gas as a function of temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1114 |
H' (P,XI'') |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1115 |
H'' (P,XI'') |
FuncHDEW_OF_PXIV | Enthalpy of the saturated gas as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1116 |
H' (T,XI'') |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid (H ') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1117 |
H'' (T,XI'') |
Enthalpy of the saturated gas as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1118 |
H' (P,T) |
Enthalpy of the boiling liquid as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1119 |
H'' (P.T) |
Enthalpy of the saturated gas as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1120 |
S' (P,XI') |
Entropy of the boiling liquid (S ') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1121 |
S'' (P,XI') |
Entropy of the saturated gas as a function of pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1122 |
S' (T,XI') |
Entropy of the boiling liquid (S') as a function of temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1123 |
S'' (T,XI') |
Entropy of the saturated gas (S'') as a function of temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1124 | S' (P,XI'') | FuncSBOIL_OF_PXIV | Entropy of the boiling liquid (S') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase | at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1125 |
S'' (P,XI'') |
Entropy of the saturated gas (S'') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1126 |
S' (T,XI'') |
Entropy of the boiling liquid (S') as a function of temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1127 |
S'' (T,XI'') |
Entropy of the saturated gas (S'') as a function of temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1128 |
S' (P,T) |
Entropy of the boiling liquid (S') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1129 |
S'' (P,T) |
Entropy of the saturated gas (S'') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1130 |
V' (P,XI') |
Specific volume of the boiling liquid (V ') as a function of the pressure and coolant proportion in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1131 |
V'' (P,XI') |
Specific volume of the saturated gas (V'') as a function of the pressure and coolant proportion in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1132 |
V' (T,XI') |
Specific volume of the boiling liquid (V ') as a function of the temperature and coolant proportion in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1133 |
V'' (T,XI') |
Specific volume of the saturated gas (V'') as a function of the temperature and coolant proportion in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1134 |
V' (P,XI'') |
Specific volume of the boiling liquid (V ') as a function of the pressure and coolant proportion in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1135 |
V'' (P,XI'') |
Specific volume of the saturated gas (V'') as a function of the pressure and coolant proportion in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1136 |
V' (T,XI'') |
Specific volume of the boiling liquid (V ') as a function of the temperature and coolant proportion in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1137 |
V'' (T,XI'') |
Specific volume of the saturated gas (V'') as a function of the temperature and coolant proportion in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1138 |
V' (P,T) |
Volume of the boiling liquid (V ') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1139 |
V'' (P,T) |
Volume of the saturated gas (V'') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1140 |
PR' (P,XI') |
Prandtl number of boiling liquid (Pr ') as a function of the pressure and coolant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1141 |
PR'' (P,XI') |
Prandtl number of saturated gas (Pr'') as a function of the pressure and coolant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1142 |
PR' (T,XI') |
Prandtl number of boiling liquid (Pr ') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1143 |
PR'' (T,XI') |
Prandtl number of saturated gas (Pr'') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1144 |
PR' (P,XI'') |
Prandtl number of boiling liquid (Pr ') as a function of the pressure and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1145 |
PR'' (P,XI'') |
Prandtl number of saturated gas (Pr'') as a function of the pressure and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1146 |
PR' (T,XI'') |
Prandtl number of boiling liquid (Pr ') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1147 |
PR'' (T,XI'') |
Prandtl number of saturated gas (Pr'') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1148 |
PR' (P,T) |
Prandtl number of the boiling liquid (Pr ') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1149 |
PR'' (P,T) |
Prandtl number of the gaseous phase (Pr'') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1150 |
CP' (P,XI') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cp ') as a function of the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1151 |
CP'' (P,XI') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cp'') as a function of the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1152 |
CP' (T,XI') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cp ') as a function of the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1153 |
CP'' (T,XI') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cp'') as a function of the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1154 |
CP' (P,XI'') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cp') depending on the pressure and of the cooling agent fraction (gaseous) |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1155 |
CP'' (P,XI'') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cp'') as a function of the pressure and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1156 |
CP' (T,XI'') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cp') depending on the temperature and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1157 |
CP'' (T,XI'') |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cp'') as a function of the temperature and coolant fraction in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1158 |
CP' (P,T) |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cp') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1159 |
CP'' (P,T) |
Isobaric specific heat capacity of the gaseous phase (cp'') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1160 |
ETA' (P,XI') |
Dynamic viscosity of the boiling liquid (eta') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1161 |
ETA'' (P,XI') |
Dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase (eta'') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1162 |
ETA' (T,XI') |
Dynamic viscosity of the boiling liquid (eta') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1163 |
ETA'' (T,XI') |
Dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase (eta'') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1164 |
ETA' (P,XI'') |
Dynamic viscosity of the boiling liquid (eta') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1165 |
ETA'' (P,XI'') |
Dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase (eta'') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1166 |
ETA' (T,XI'') |
Dynamic viscosity of the boiling liquid (eta') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1167 |
ETA'' (T,XI'') |
Dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase (eta'') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1168 |
ETA' (P,T) |
Dynamic viscosity of the boiling liquid (eta') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1169 |
ETA'' (P,T) |
Dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase (eta'') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1170 |
Thermal conductivity of the boiling liquid (lambda') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1171 |
LAMDBA'' (P,XI') |
Thermal conductivity of the gaseous phase (lambda'') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1172 |
Thermal conductivity of the boiling liquid (lambda') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1173 |
LAMDBA'' (T,XI') |
Thermal conductivity of the gaseous phase (lambda'') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1174 |
LAMDBA' (P,XI'') |
Thermal conductivity of the boiling liquid (lambda') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1175 |
LAMDBA'' (P,XI'') |
Thermal conductivity of the gaseous phase (lambda'') depending on the pressure and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1176 |
LAMDBA' (T,XI'') |
Thermal conductivity of the boiling liquid (lambda') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1177 |
LAMDBA'' (T,XI'') |
Thermal conductivity of the gaseous phase (lambda'') depending on the temperature and the proportion of coolant in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1178 |
Thermal conductivity of the boiling liquid (lambda') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1179 |
LAMDBA'' (P,T) |
Thermal conductivity of the gaseous phase (lambda'') depending on the pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1180 |
NUE' (P,XI') |
Kinematic viscosity of the boiling liquid (nue ') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1181 |
NUE'' (P,XI') |
Kinematic viscosity of the gaseous phase (nue '') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1182 |
NUE' (T,XI') |
Kinematic viscosity of the boiling liquid (nue') at the saturation line depending on the temperature and of the cooling agent fraction (liquid) |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1183 |
NUE'' (T,XI') |
Kinematic viscosity of the saturated gas (nue '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1184 |
NUE' (P,XI'') |
Kinematic viscosity of the boiling liquid (nue ') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1185 |
NUE'' (P,XI'') |
Kinematic viscosity of the saturated gas (nue '') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1186 |
NUE' (T,XI'') |
Kinematic viscosity of the boiling liquid (nue') depending on the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1187 |
NUE'' (T,XI'') |
Kinematic viscosity of the saturated gas (nue '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1188 |
NUE' (P,T) |
Kinematic viscosity of the boiling liquid (nue ') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr, |
1189 |
NUE'' (P,T) |
Kinematic viscosity of the saturated gas (nue '') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1190 |
CV' (P,XI') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cv ') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1191 |
CV'' (P,XI') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the gaseous phase (cv'') |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1192 |
CV' (T,XI') |
Specific isochoric heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cv') depending on the temperature and of the cooling agent fraction (liquid) |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1193 |
CV'' (T.XI') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cv '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1194 |
CV' (P,XI'') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cv ') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1195 |
CV'' (P,XI'') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cv '') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1196 |
CV' (T,XI'') |
Specific isochoric heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cv') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1197 |
CV'' (T,XI'') |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the gaseous phase (cv '') as a function of the temperature and refrigerant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1198 |
CV' (P,T) |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the boiling liquid (cv ') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1199 |
CV'' (P,T) |
Isochors specific heat capacity of the saturated gas (cv '') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1200 |
W' (P,XI') |
Speed of sound of the boiling liquid (W ') as a function of pressure and refrigerant fraction in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1201 |
W'' (P,XI') |
Speed of sound of the saturated gas (w '') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1202 |
W' (T,XI') |
Speed of sound of the boiling liquid (w ') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1203 |
W'' (T,XI') |
Speed of sound of the saturated gas (w '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1204 |
W' (P,XI'') |
Speed of sound of the boiling liquid (w ') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1205 |
W'' (P,XI'') |
Speed of sound of the saturated gas (w '') as a function of pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1206 |
W' (T,XI'') |
Speed of sound boiling liquid (w ') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1207 |
W'' (T,XI'') |
Speed of sound of the saturated gas (w '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1208 |
W' (P,T) |
Speed of sound of the boiling liquid (w ') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1209 |
W'' (P,T) |
Speed of sound of the saturated gas (w '') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1210 |
KAPPA' (P,XI') |
Adiabatic exponent of the boiling liquid (kappa') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1211 |
KAPPA'' (P,XI') |
Adiabatic exponent of the gaseous phase (kappa'') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1212 |
KAPPA' (T,XI') |
Adiabatic exponent of the boiling liquid (kappa') depending on the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1213 |
KAPPA'' (T,XI') |
Adiabatic exponent of the saturated gas (kappa '') as a function of the temperature and coolant content in the liquid phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1214 |
KAPPA' (P,XI'') |
Adiabatic exponent of the boiling liquid (kappa') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1215 |
KAPPA'' (P,XI'') |
Adiabatic exponent of the gaseous phase (kappa'') as a function of the pressure and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1216 |
KAPPA' (T,XI'') |
Adiabatic exponent of the boiling liquid (kappa') as a function on the temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1217 |
KAPPA'' (T,XI'') |
Adiabatic exponent of sound of the gaseous phase (kappa'') as a function on he temperature and coolant content in the gas phase |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1218 |
KAPPA' (P,T) |
Adiabatic exponent of the boiling liquid (kappa') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1219 |
KAPPA'' (P,T) |
Adiabatic exponent of saturated gas (kappa '') as a function of pressure and temperature |
at user2PhaseTable with NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr |
1220 |
T (P,PHI) |
Temperature, at which the current moisture content indicates the specified relative humidity |
(only with line type used "Humid air") |
1221 |
Pdep (T) |
Deposition pressure (pressure above which the deposition of solid particles from the gas phase takes place) as a function of the temperature (for pure substances identical to sublimation temperature) |
at user2PhaseTable |
1222 |
Tdep (P) |
Deposition temperature (temperature below which the deposition of solid particles from the gas phase takes place) as a function of the pressure (for pure substances identical to sublimation pressure) |
at user2PhaseTable |
1223 | IMAX | FuncXIMAX_OF_ | Maximal fraction IMAX | saltwater, binary mixtures |
Mass fraction without elemental analysis (FDBR also without H2O) [xcomp_no_elem_no_h2o(index)] |
always |
1225 | X(subst) | FuncXCOMPMOLAR_OF_IND |
Molar fraction [xcompmolar(index)] |
always |
Molar fraction without elemental analysis (FDBR also without H2O) [xcompmolar_no_elem_no_h2o(index)] |
always |
1227 | MM(subst) | FuncMOLARMASS_OF_IND |
Molar mass of substance [molarmass(index)] |
always |
1228 | x(SUBST) | FuncXCOMP_NO_ELEM_OF_IND |
Mass fraction without elemental analysis [xcomp_no_elem(index)] |
always |
Molar fraction without elemental analysis [xcompmolar_no_elem(index)] |
always |
1230 | a(P,T) | FuncA_OF_PT |
Thermal diffusivity [a = f(p,t)] |
always, nicht für alle Zusammensetzungen |
1231 | a(P,H) | FuncA_OF_PT |
Thermal diffusivity [a = f(p,h)] |
always, nicht für alle Zusammensetzungen |
1232 | z(P,T) | FuncZ_OF_PT |
Compressibility factor [z = f(p,t)] |
gases |
1233 | z(P,H) | FuncZ_OF_PH |
Compressibility factor [z = f(p,h)] |
gases |
1234 | T(P,T) | FuncT_OF_PTWB |
Temperature from wet bulb temperature [t = f(p,twb)] |
humid air |
1235 | P | FuncPTRIP_OF_ |
Pressure at triple point [p_t = const] |
water, 2-phase-fluid, universal fluid |
1236 | T | FuncTTRIP_OF_ |
Temperature at triple point [t_t = const] |
water, 2-phase-fluid, universal fluid |
1237 | H(P,T) | FuncHEFF_OF_PT |
Effective enthalpy (smoothed at phase boundary) [h_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1238 | CP(P,T) | FuncCPEFF_OF_PT |
Effective specific isobaric heat capacity (smoothed at phase boundary) [cp_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1239 | X(P,T) | FuncXEFF_OF_PT |
Effective phase fraction (smoothed at phase boundary) [x_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1240 | PHASE(P,T) | FuncPHASEEFF_OF_PT |
Effective phase (due to smoothed phase transition) [phase_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1241 | RHO(P,T) | FuncRHOEFF_OF_PT |
Effective density (smoothed at phase boundary) [rho_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
Effective heat conductivity (smoothed at phase boundary) [lambda_eff = f(p,T)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1243 | DH(PXX) - drei Parameter | FuncDHEFF_OF_PXX |
Effective enthalpy difference at phase boundary [dh_eff = f(p,xlower,xupper)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1244 | T(P,X) | FuncTEFF_OF_PX |
Effective (smoothed) phase boundary [t_eff = f(p,x)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1245 | T(P,H) | FuncTEFF_OF_PH |
Effective (smoothed) temperature [t_eff = f(p,h)] |
Not for humid air, binary mixtures, 2-phase fluids, salt water |
1246 | P(T) | FuncPFREEZE_OF_T |
Freezing pressure [p_freeze = f(t)] |
oil/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1247 | T(P) | FuncTFREEZE_OF_P |
Freezing temperature [t_freeze = f(p)] |
il/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1248 | H(P) | FuncHFREEZE_OF_P |
Freezing enthalpy [h_freeze = f(p)] |
oil/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1249 | H(P) | FuncHMELT_OF_P |
Melting enthalpy [h_melt = f(p)] |
oil/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1250 | H(T) | FuncHFREEZE_OF_T |
Freezing enthalpy [h_freeze = f(t)] |
oil/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1251 | H(T) | FuncHMELT_OF_T |
Melting enthalpy [h_melt = f(t)] |
oil/melt, fluids from some libraries |
1252 | H(P) | FuncHDEP_OF_P |
Deposition enthalpy [h_dep = f(p)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1253 | H(P) | FuncHSUB_OF_P |
Sublimation enthalpy [h_sub = f(p)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1254 | H(T) | FuncHDEP_OF_T |
Deposition enthalpy [h_dep = f(t)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1255 | H(T) | FuncHSUB_OF_T |
Sublimation enthalpy [h_sub = f(t)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1256 | H(T,X) | FuncH_OF_TX |
Enthalpy [h = f(t,x)] |
water, 2-phase-fluids |
1257 | RHO(P,X) | FuncRHO_OF_PX |
Density [rho = f(p,x)] |
water, 2-phase-fluids |
1258 | RHO(T,X) | FuncRHO_OF_TX |
Density [rho = f(t,x)] |
water, 2-phase-fluids |
1259 | S(P,X) | FuncS_OF_PX |
Entropy [s = f(p,x)] |
water, 2-phase-fluids |
1260 | X | FuncXMASS_NO_ELEM_NO_H2O |
Total mass-fraction without elementary analysis (FDBR also without H2O) [xmass_no_elem_no_h2o] |
always |
1261 | X | FuncXMASS_NO_ELEM |
Total mass-fraction without elementary analysis [xmass_no_elem] |
water, 2-phase-fluids |
1262 | MM | FuncMOLM_NO_ELEM_NO_H2O |
Molar mass (without elemental analysis fractions, FDBR also without H2O) [mg_no_elem_no_h2o] |
gases |
1263 | T(H) | FuncTMELT_OF_H |
Melting temperature [t_melt = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1264 | P(H) | FuncPMELT_OF_H |
Melting pressure [p_melt = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1265 | T(H) | FuncTFREEZE_OF_H |
Freezing temperature [t_freeze = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1266 | P(H) | FuncPFREEZE_OF_H |
Freezing pressure [p_freeze = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1267 | T(H) | FuncTSUB_OF_H |
Sublimation temperature of ice/solid phase [t_sub = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1268 | P(H) | FuncPSUB_OF_H |
Sublimation pressure of ice/solid phase [p_sub = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1269 | T(H) | FuncTDEP_OF_H |
Deposition (resublimation/desublimation/solidification) temperature of ice/solid phase [t_dep = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1270 | P(H) | FuncPDEP_OF_H |
Deposition (resublimation/desublimation/solidification) pressure of ice/solid phase [p_dep = f(h)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1271 | NCV(P,T) | FuncNCV_OF_P_T |
Lower heating value [ncv = f(pref,tref)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1272 | GCV(-) | FuncGCV_OF_MRAT |
Higher heating value [gcv] |
fluids from some libraries |
1273 | GCV(P,T) | FuncGCV_OF_P_T |
Higher heating value [gcv = f(pref,tref)] |
fluids from some libraries |
1274 | U(P,T) | FuncU_OF_PT |
Internal energy [u = f(p,T)] |
always |
1275 | U(P,H) | FuncU_OF_PH |
Internal energy [u = f(p,h)] |
always |
The Material Properties Calculator tool provides 274 functions that are available in the substance value libraries. These functions can of course also be used with the corresponding EbsScript and EbsOpen calls.
Ids (CpMode-Ids) for the function fluegasTable (deprecated!):
The CpMode-ID defines which cp coefficients are to be used for the elemental analysis (C, H, O, N, S, Cl) content of the fluid:
CpMode-Id |
Fluids |
1 |
use flue gas coefficients |
2 |
use gas coefficients |
3 |
use coal coefficients due to type of coal FCOAL |
4 |
use crude gas coefficients |
5 |
use coefficients of oil (depending on ZFAC and RHOELEM) |
6 |
Use user defined coefficients (Parameter array * of: cpUser) |
others |
Coefficients are set to 0 |
Error classes for the functions simulateWithErrorAnalysis and ValidateWithErrorAnalysis (type : ErrorClassificationEnum)::
Class |
Meaning |
1 |
Error in value specification (component 1 or 33) |
2 |
Missing start value |
3 |
Missing mass flow |
4 |
Missing pressure |
5 |
Missing enthalpy |
6 |
Non-critical double naming in mass flow |
7 |
Non-critical double-naming in pressure |
8 |
Non-critical double-naming in enthalpy |
9 |
(not used) |
10 |
Negative mass flow |
11 |
Negative pressure |
12 |
Negative enthalpy |
13 |
Component comments |
14 |
Component warnings |
15 |
Component errors |
16 |
Relevant double naming in mass flow |
17 |
Relevant double naming in pressure |
18 |
Relevant double-naming in enthalpy |
19 |
Low precision in mass flow |
20 |
Low precision in pressure |
21 |
Low precision in enthalpy |
22 |
Expression could not be evaluated |
23 |
No license for gas turbine macros |
24 |
Error in validation of the mass flow |
25 |
Error in validation of the pressure |
26 |
Error in validation of the enthalpy |
27 |
General pipe comment |
28 |
General pipe warning |
29 |
General pipe error |
30 |
Missing net calorific value |
31 |
Non-critical double-naming in net calorific value |
32 |
Relevant double-naming in net calorific value |
33 |
Error in validation of the net calorific value |
34 |
Missing composition |
35 |
Non-critical double-naming in the composition |
36 |
Relevant double-naming in the composition |
37 |
Error in validation of the composition |
38 |
Maximal calculation time exceeded |
39 |
Singular matrix in validation |
40 |
Virtually singular matrix in validation |
41 |
Cyclic logic line connection |
42 |
Ambiguous logic line connection |
43 |
Line that is set to "Do not calculate" |
44 |
Uncritical double naming in frequency |
45 |
Uncritical double naming in voltage |
46 |
Uncritical double naming in the performance |
47 |
Uncritical double naming in the phase |
48 |
Relevant double naming in frequency |
49 |
Relevant double naming in voltage |
50 |
Relevant double naming in the performance |
51 |
Relevant double naming in the phase |
52 |
Missing frequency |
53 |
Missing voltage |
54 |
Missing performance |
55 | Missing phase |
56 |
General Warning |
57 | General Comment |
Error types
Every error that occurs is assigned to an error type that can be used for analysis in EbsScript. There are around 2000 error types. As the description is also transferred in each case, a list is not provided here in the online help.