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Data Transfer and Results Display / EBSILON for Excel Add-In / EBSILON for Excel Add-In
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    EBSILON for Excel Add-In
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    EBSILON for Excel Add-In

    The EBSILON for Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 365 Add-in enables you to perform EBSILON calculations from Excel, to create new profiles, to call embedded scripts, to print the EBSILON model with profile data, and much more, all from the Excel user interface without editing the model.

    To accomplish this, Link Areas were defined, which allow to assign data to an existing model. Profile data in the Link Area can either be oriented in columns or rows.

    This tutorial shows how to create a Link Area, link an EBSILON model to the Link Area, select profiles, copy variable definitions from EBSILON and how to perform calculations.

    In this Getting Started manual, most operations are demonstrated in column-oriented Link Areas. For row-oriented Link Areas all operations will be transposed, i.e. the denotations column and row as well as left-right and up-down have to be exchanged analogously.


    Table of Contents

    Create a Link Area

    Profile data in columns

    Profile data in rows

    Definition of Variables

    Profile data

    Assigning a Link Area to an existing EBSILON model

    Select a Profile

    Define Variables

    Manual Definition of Variables




    Copying the Variable Definition from EBSILON

    Select Units of Measurement

    Execute selected profiles

    Settings (runtime)

    Link Area Code Words

    Explanation of the Parameters