EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
EBSILON Professional Components / Components - General and Categories / Steam Generator / Component 91: Steam Generator - Auxiliary Heating Surface
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    Component 91: Steam Generator - Auxiliary Heating Surface
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    Component 91: Steam Generator - Auxiliary Heating Surface


    Line connections


    Primary inlet (cold side)


    Primary outlet (cold side)


    Heat flow from flue gas

    Connection to the attached flue gas zone, component 88


    Information flow from bundle

    Connection to the attached main heating surface, component 89


    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Together with components 89 (steam generator, main heating surface) and 88 (steam generator, flue gas zone), component 91 allows the representation of membrane pipe walls or supporting tubes in the area of a bundle heating surface that are usually integrated into the water/steam model in another place than the bundle. Apart from water/steam, however, thermal oil, two-phase fluid, and universal fluid are supported as primary fluid as well.

    Module 91 only represents the primary side of an auxiliary heating surface. Therefore, use of this component, without component 88 representing the flue gas side (at PIN 3, connected to PIN 4 or 5 of flue gas zone 88) or without a corresponding main heating surface 89 (at PIN 4, connected to PIN 6 or 7 of main heating surface 89) will lead to errors.


    Pressure drop limitations in off-design (Extras --> Model Options--> Calculation -->Relative pressure-drop maximum) :
    As the pressure drop rises quadratically with the mass flow, pressure drops that are significantly too high can quickly arise in the event of a transgression of the nominal mass flow. These will then cause phase transitions and convergence problems. For this reason, pressure drop limitations have been installed.


    Pinch point violation :
    In case of a pinch point violation KA is nowOne can now position it and change its name and description. This description also appears as text on the macro display. reduced automatically (like for other heat exchangers) to avoid the pinch point violation. A warning is issued in this case.




    Like other heat exchanges, the calculation model is based on the fundamental equations for the mass flow, pressure and enthalpy

    -  (1)      M1 =  M2

    -  (2)      P1 = P2 + DP12

    -  (3)     (k*A)*LMTD = M2*H2 - M1*H1

    with the indices

    - 1 for the primary inlet

    - 2 for the primary outlet

    For calculating the mean logarithmic temperature difference LMTD, the flue gas inlet and outlet temperatures of the components 88 or 90, connected via the logic line 3, are used. for this reason, component 89 is fully functional, only when line 3 is connected to component 88 (PIN 4 or 5).

    It is assumed for mass flow and pressure, that M1 / M2  or P1 / P2 respectively are given at  the connected lines. In each case, the missing value is calculated.


    It is assumed that the heat transfer coefficient of an auxiliary heating surface is determined by the flow conditions and geometry of the main heating surface. Thus, the heat transfer coefficient is taken from the attached component 89,  whereby the k-value of the main heating surface is modified with a correction factor CORR

     -  (4)   kauxiliary= CORR * kmain

    The calculation rules to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient are described  in detail in component 89.


    The identification of component 91 is defined as the calculation of CORR from (3) and (4), whereby one temperature on the flue gas side as well as in- and outlet temperature on the water/steam side must be known.

    Taking over CORR for the Auxiliary Heating Surface 

    Like in many other components, when using the identification mode in the design case the result value is automatically transferred to the specification value too.
    For this component it is the result value RED that is transferred to the specification value CORR.


    A common identification of an auxiliary heating surface, component 91 in a group with other heating surfaces, as in the case of main heating surface, component 89, is currently not implemented.

    User Input Values 


    Flag for the type of heat exchanger (see HeatExchanger,General Notes ).

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: counter current flow

    =1: Concurrent flow


    Flag for calculation mode Design/Off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: set as global
    =1: local off-design (i.e. always off-design, even if design is set globally)


    Pressure loss 12 in the design case, in the design case, the given value is used exactly, in the off-design mode a correction is done with mass flow ratio and volume correction


    Flag for component identification

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: No identification
    =1: T2 given, CORR is calculated


    Correction factor for adjusting the heat transfer coefficient, which is taken from the main heating surface.


    Heat transfer area of the auxiliary heating surface, usually the supporting pipes or the membrane wall.


    Mass flow at the inlet (PIN 1) in the design case


     Specific volume at the inlet (PIN 1) in the design case


    The identification value marked in blue is the reference value for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to the values used in the equations.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values


    It can be seen from the following table, whether CORR or T2 is to be specified:





    FIDENT = no identification

    FIDENT = T2 specification

    FIDENT = no identification

    FIDENT = T2 specification


    specified by user 


    specified by user




    specified by user


    specified by user


    Characteristic Lines

    No characteristic lines are used.

    Physics Used



    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Design


    FMODE = Design)


    P2 = P1-DP12N                                             




    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Off-design


    FMODE = Off-design)


    DP12 = DP12N * V1/V1N * (M1/M1N)**2

    P2 = P1 - DP12                                             



    All cases



     M1 = M2                                         

     SPFMAK = k*A*CORR

     IF(no identification)

     Calculation of H2 from  SPFMAK*LMTD = M2*H2 - M1*H1


    Calculation of SPFMAK_ist from SPFMAK*LMTD = M2*H2 - M1*H1

    Calculation of  CORR fromSPFMAK and SPFMAK = CORR * (k*A)Main

     -M1*H1+M2*H2-M3*H3 = 0                                  

    H3 = SPFMAK*LMTD                                           




    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >>Component_91 Demo<< to load an example.