EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
EBSILON Professional Components / Components - General and Categories / Heat Exchanger / Component 51: High Temperature Heat Exchanger
In This Topic
    Component 51: High Temperature Heat Exchanger
    In This Topic

    Component 51: High Temperature Heat Exchanger



    Line connections


    Primary side inlet (cold stream, inside tubes)


    Primary side outlet (cold stream, inside tubes)


    Secondary side inlet (hot stream, outside tubes)


    Secondary side outlet (hot stream, outside tubes)


    (K*F)-controlling inlet - Heat Transfer Capability


    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example


    Component 51 is a multi-purpose component  that can be used as economizer, evaporator or super heater.

    In addition to characteristic lines CALPM1 and CALPM3 for the heat transfer coefficients, there are two additional characteristic lines for the

    for determining the convective heat transfer.


    The following fluid combinations are possible: 




    Flue gas


    Water (liquid)

    Crude gas




    2-Phase liquid

    2-Phase gaseous


    Universal fluid
    Thermo liquid
    Humid Air                                  

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid

    Air, Flue gas, Crude gas, Oil, Gas, User-defined, Universal fluid 


    The following alternatives are set by the flag FMODE:


     in design case (GLOBAL = Design)

     for off-design (GLOBAL = off-design)




     for design (GLOBAL = Design)

    for off-design (GLOBAL = Off-design)


     for design and off-design (GLOBAL = Design and GLOBAL = Off-design)


    Local design 

    Definition of boundary conditions for characteristic lines.

    Characteristic lines are used only in the off-design calculations.


    Characteristic line CALPM1: relative primary heat transfer coefficient

                                   AL12C/AL12CN = f (M1/M1N)


    Characteristic line CALPM3: relative secondary heat transfer coefficient

                                   AL34C/AL34CN = f (M3/M3N)


    Characteristic line CRAD: relative heat transfer by radiation

                                   (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3 = f(T34/T34N)


    Characteristic line CLAM: relative thermal conductivity

                                   ALAM/ALAMN = f(T34/T34N)



    For more information on general notes applicable to most common heat exchangers, see Heat Exchanger General Notes



    The values not specified are calculated  with the terminal temperature difference or heat transfer area (nominal). Furthermore is calculated (k * A).

    If the terminal temperature differences are specified, it is important that depending upon the heat value (M*cp), either the lower or the upper terminal temperature (see  Heat Exchanger General )  difference leads to correct results.

    When using complex cycle arrangements for heat exchangers, it is often not easy to determine the settings of all terminal temperature differences in a useful manner. Error messages occur frequently because an inoperable heat exchanger may also cause some errors in other heat exchangers. To avoid this (k*A) can be entered instead of terminal temperature differences. This can be done in the design mode by using the mode "local off-design". An input of (k*A) always leads to physically possible results. The desired result can be determined through iterative
    calculations with different (k*A) values.



    The values that are not given will be determined by a (k*A) entry. Also the terminal temperature differences are calculated.

    The (k*A)-value of the off-design calculation results from the (k*A)-value of the design calculation multiplied by a correction factor that is determined by one or more characteristic lines.
    The following method of calculation serves as a basis:


    1st characteristic line CALPM1    FK1 = AL12C/AL12CN = f (M1/M1N)

    2nd characteristic line CALPM3   FK2 = AL34C/AL34CN = f (M3/M3N)

    3rd characteristic line  CRAD      FK3= (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3 = f(T34/T34N)

    4th characteristic line CLAM       FK4 = ALAM / ALAMN = f(T34/T34N)


    1/K    = 1/AL12C    + 1/(AL34C   + AL34R)    +1/ALAM

    1/KN = 1/AL12CN + 1/(AL34CN + AL34RN) +1/ALAMN

     KA = KAN * K / KN


    Adjustable tolerance limit for the evaporation in an economizer:

    Moreover, a threshold TOLXECO has been implemented, up to which an evaporation in the economizer is tolerated. If the steam mass fraction downstream of the economizer is greater than this threshold, a warning message will be output; if it is greater than twice this threshold, an error message will be output.

    Note: Nevertheless, the calculation does not distinguish between economizer and evaporation zone but uses a the same k value for both zones.

    It is also possible for all components to use the flag FVOL to determine whether the off-design calculation of the pressure drop shall consider only the mass-flow (approximation for incompressible fluids) or mass and volume flow.


    Pinch point violations in the case of heat exchangers: see Heat Exchanger General Notes

    Up to release 10.0, a pinchpoint violation was only determined subsequently in partial load, i.e. KA was calculated for the respective load case and from this the transferred heat quantity and then it was checked whether this heat quantity can be transferred at all at the correct temperature level. Since in the case of evaporation or condensation the temperature remains constant despite heat input or heat removal, there are cases where heat transfer is not physically possible despite the overall balance being correct. In this case, an error message was issued in Ebsilon.

    The calculation has now been changed in such a way that the transferred heat quantity is reduced as far as it is still physically possible, with the minimum pinch point
    can be set in a default value PINPMIN. This results in a correspondingly reduced KA.
    The user is informed of this by a warning message ("KA reduced to avoid pinchpoint violation") and can then adjust the part-load characteristic curve or the part-load exponent for KA accordingly so that the warning no longer occurs. The advantage, however, is that one gets a physically possible result in any case.

    Furthermore, at the end of the calculation there is a check if there is a pinch point violation due to curved course of Q(T) (caused by significant changes of cp depending on the temperature). This can be verified by dividing the heat exchanger into individual sections.
    This case can occur, for example, when on the hot side the cp at the inlet is significantly smaller than at the outlet (for example, steam that has a cp of about 2 kJ/kgK at high superheat, but more than 5 just above the boiling line). This means that this steam provides more heat at a lower temperature level than at a high one. At appropriately low degrees, this can be a limitation on the amount of heat transfer that is possible.
    The QT diagrams take into account the non-linearity (curvature of the curves) in areas without phase change.


    The flag FSPEC (deprecated) has been divided into two flags:


    When loading a model that was created with Release 11 (or older), the corresponding values for FTYPHX, FSPECD, are determined from the value of the flag FSPEC, and FSPEC is set to “void” (-999). The model then calculates the same result values.  If required, however, the flag FSPEC can still be used as well.

    To remove ambiguity, the terms “primary side” and “secondary side” respectively have been replaced by “cold side” and “warm side” in the input screens. The cold side is the flow from
    Pin 1 to Pin 2 that is heated. The warm side is the flow from Pin 3 to Pin 4 that gives off the heat.

    Design in the Case of Concurrent Flow

    In the heat exchanger (Components 51)  it is possible to carry out a design via the upper and lower terminal temperature difference also in the case of concurrent flow (FFLOW=1).

    If both inlet temperatures are specified, the upper terminal temperature difference can only be determined iteratively. Usually this is no problem. If convergence problems occur in more
    complex models, another design mode will have to be used.

    Effectiveness Method

    See Heat Exchangers General Information Effectiveness Method

    Specification of the surface area for designing heat exchanger (specification value AN)

    Usually, heat exchangers are designed in Ebsilon by specifying the terminal temperature differences or temperatures to be achieved. In an iterative process, the transferred amount of heat and the product of heat transfer coefficient and surface area (k*A) characteristic for the heat exchanger are calculated from this. Its nominal value KAN then serves to calculate the temperatures in off-design calculations. It is not necessary to know the individual values k and A here.

    In the case of the component High Temperature Heat Exchanger ( Component 51),  the off-design behaviour is defined by exponents of heat transfer coefficients AL12 and AL34. As k can be calculated from it, the heat exchanger surface area A is available as well.
    This has been used to implement a design calculation via the specification of the surface area. It is, however, essential to correctly specify the nominal values for the heat transfer coefficients AL12CN and AL34CN, which had only an effect on the partial load behaviour before to implementation of AN (area).
    The specified surface area is only used for the design calculation to determine KAN from it. In the off-design calculation KAN is then used for the calculation.


    Note about the result values:

    Specific heat capacity : CP12 / CP34  

    The mean specific heat capacity is displayed as a result value on the cold side (CP12) and on the hot side (CP34).

    The mean specific heat capacity results from the quotient of the enthalpy difference and the temperature difference.

    If no temperature difference is present (e.g. in the two-phase range or when the heat exchanger is shut off), however, it is not possible to calculate this quotient. In this case, the specific heat capacity at the respective temperature is used, provided that it is defined. Otherwise the result value will remain blank.


    Performance factor RPFHX

    The quotient from the current value for k*A (result value KA) and the k*A expected in the respective load point due to the component physics and characteristic lines respectively (result value KACL) serves to assess the condition of a heat exchanger.

    The quotient KA / KACL is displayed as a result value RPFHX.


    For more information on how this heat exchangers compares to other heat exchangers, see Heat Exchanger General Notes

    User Input Values 


    Type of heat exchanger

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    = 0: General heat exchanger
    = 1: Economizer
    = 2: Evaporator
    = 3: Super heater                  


    Calculation method in design-case

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    = 0:  Specification of the effectiveness (ratio of transferred heat to the theoretical maximum at infinite transfer surface) in the specification value EFF
    = 1:  Specification of the lower terminal temperature difference (=T4-T1) in the specification value DTN
    = 2:  Specification of the upper terminal temperature difference (=T3-T2) in the specification value DTN
    = 3:  Hot outlet temperature T4 given as DTN
    = 4:  Specification of both temperatures of the warm flow (T3 and T4) and a temperature of the cold flow (T1 or T2) on the respective streams
    = 5:  Specification of both temperatures of the cold flow (T1 and T2) and a temperature of the warm flow (T3 or T4) on the respective streams
    = 9:  Area given as AN


    Cold side pressure loss (nominal)


    Hot side pressure loss (nominal)


    Terminal temperature difference or temperature in design mode (nominal, dependent on FSPEC)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    for FSPECD=1: lower terminal temperature difference (T4 - T1)

    for FSPECD=2: upper terminal temperature difference (T3 - T2)

    for FSPECD=3: T4 




    Heat transfer area (nominal) , for FSPECD = 9                    


    Tolerance in the energy balance 


    Average temperature for radiation (nominal) 


    Cold side convection heat-transfer coefficient (nominal) 


    Hot side convection heat-transfer coefficient (nominal) 


    Hot side radiation heat-transfer coefficient  (nominal) 


    Heat conductance of the material (nominal) 


    Switch for direction of flow see Heat Exchanger General Notes

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Counter Current flow

    =1: Concurrent flow


    Calculation mode
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0:  GLOBAL

    =1:  Local off-design

    =2:  Special local off-design (see above)

    =3:  (Design) Use of K*A regulated, (off-design) alpha-characteristic line

    =4:  All modes: Use of K*A regulated

    =-1: Local design 


    Flag for adaptation polynomial ADAPT / adaptation function EEADAPT

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Not used and not evaluated

    =1: Correction for k*A [KA = KAN * Char Line factor * polynomial]

    =2: Calculation of k*A [KA = KAN * polynomial]

    =1000: Not used but ADAPT evaluated as RADAPT  (Reduction of the computing time)

    = -1: Correction for k*A [KA = KAN * Char Line factor * adaptation function]

    = -2: Calculation of k*A [KA = KAN * adaptation function]

    = -1000: Not used but EADAPT evaluated as RADAPT  (Reduction of the computing time)


    Adaptation function for KA


    Switch on/off

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Heat exchanger off (no heat transfer, but calculation of pressure losses)

    =1: Heat exchanger on (active)


    Minimum value for the pinch point (KA is reduced automatically if the pinch point would fall below this value)


    Tolerance for evaporation in economizer. If the steam content X at the economizer outlet is > TOLXECO, a warning message is issued. If it is > 2*TOLXECO, an error message is issued.


    Flag for part load pressure drop

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: only depending on mass flow

           DP/DPN = (M/MN)**2

    =1: depending on mass and volume flow

           DP/DPN = V/VN*(M/MN)**2

    =2: constant pressure drop (no load dependency)
           DP = DPN

    FSPEC (deprecated)

    Deprecated specification combi switch

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    = -999: Unused (FSPECD and FIDENT used instead)

    Old values:

    =1:   General heat-exchanger, user specifies lower terminal temperature difference

    =2:   General heat-exchanger, user specifies upper terminal temperature difference

    =3:   General heat-exchanger, user specifies T4

    =11: Economizer, user specifies lower terminal temperature difference

    =12: Economizer, user specifies upper terminal temperature difference

    =13: Economizer, user specifies T4

    =21: Evaporator, user specifies lower terminal temperature difference

    =22: Evaporator, user specifies upper terminal temperature difference

    =23: Evaporator, user specifies T4

    =31: Super Heater, user specifies lower terminal temperature difference

    =32: Super Heater, user specifies upper terminal temperature difference

    =33: Super Heater, user specifies T4 


    Heat transfer coefficient * area (nominal) - Design Heat Transfer Capability


    Cold side  mass flow (nominal)


    Hot side mass flow (nominal)


    Specific volume at cold side inlet (nominal)


    Specific volume at hot side inlet (nominal)


    The parameters marked in blue are reference quantities for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to these quantities in the equations used.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values


    Characteristic Lines

    1st Characteristic line      FK1 = AL12C/AL12CN = f (M1/M1N)

    2nd Characteristic line     FK2 = AL34C/AL34CN = f (M3/M3N)

    3rd Characteristic line     FK3 = (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3 = f(T34/T34N)

    4th Characteristic line     FK4 = ALAM / ALAMN = f(T34/T34N)


    1/K    = 1/AL12C   + 1/(AL34C    + 1/AL34R)    +1/ALAM

    1/KN = 1/AL12CN + 1/(AL34CN + 1/AL34RN) +1/ALAMN


    KA = KAN * K/KN


    Characteristic line1: ALPHA-Characteristic line:  AL12C/AL12CN = f (M1/M1N)

         X-axis          1          M3/M3N                      1st point
                            2          M3/M3N                     2nd point
                            N         M3/M3N                      last point

         Y-axis          1          AL12C/AL12CN            1st point
                            2          AL12C/AL12CN           2nd point
                            N         AL12C/AL12CN            last point


    Characteristic line2: ALPHA-Characteristic line: AL34C/AL34CN = f (M3/M3N)

          X-axis        1          M3/M3N                      1st point
                            2          M3/M3N                     2nd point
                            N         M3/M3N                      last point
         Y-axis         1          AL34C/AL34CN            1st point
                            2          AL34C/AL34CN           2nd point
                           N         AL34C/AL34CN            last point           


    Characteristic line 3: ALPHA-Characteristic line:

    (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3 = f(T34/T34N)

          X-axis        1          T34/T34N                                                1st point
                            2          T34/T34N                                                2nd point
                            N         T34/T34N                                                 last point
         Y-axis          1          (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3            1st point
                            2          (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3            2nd point
                            N         (AL34R/AL34RN) *(T34N/T34)**3            last point               

    Remarks for line 3: the characteristic lines are approximated by referring to the third power of the temperature


    Characteristic line 4: heat transfer-characteristic line : ALAM / ALAMN = f(T34/T34N)

         X-axis          1          T34/T34N                  1st point
                            2          T34/T34N                  2nd point
                            N         T34/T34N                  last point
         Y-axis          1          ALAM / ALAMN        1st point
                            2          ALAM / ALAMN        2nd point
                            N         ALAM / ALAMN        last point          

    Physics Used




    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Design


    FMODE = Design)


    if the lower terminal temperature difference is given by FSPEC, then {

    P4  = P3 - DP34N                                             

    T4  = T1 + DTN

    H4  = f(P4,T4)

    M4  = M3                                                          

    Q4  = M4 * H4

    DQ  = (Q3 - Q4)

    P2  = P1 - DP12N                                             

    Q2  = Q1 + DQ

    M2  = M1                                                         

    H2  = Q2/M2

    T2  = f(P2,H2)

    DTLO = T4 - T1 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    DTUP = T3 - T2 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    LMTD = (DTUP - DTLO)/(ln(DTUP) - ln(DTLO))


    KAN*LMTD =  M2*H2 - M1*H1                     

    KAN*LMTD =  M3*H3 - M4*H4                     

    if the upper terminal temperature difference is given by FSPEC, then {

    P2  = P1 - DP12N                                          

    T2  = T3 - DTN

    M2  = M1                                                      

    H2  = f(P2,T2)

    Q2  = M2 * H2

    DQ  = Q2 - Q1

    P4  = P3 - DP34N                                           

    Q4  = Q3 - DQ

    M4  = M3                                                      

    H4  = Q4/M4

    T4  = f(H4,P4)

    DTLO = T4 - T1 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    DTUP = T3 - T2 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    LMTD = (DTUP - DTLO)/(ln(DTUP) - ln(DTLO))


    KAN*LMTD =  M2*H2 - M1*H1                  

    KAN*LMTD = M3*H3 - M4*H4                     


    if the temperature T4 is specified with FSPEC, then {

    P4  = P3 - DP34N                                          

    T4  = DTN

    H4  = f(P4,T4)

    M4  = M3                                                      

    Q4  = M4 * H4

    DQ  = Q3 - Q4

    P2  = P1 - DP12N                                          

    Q2  = Q1 + DQ

    M2  = M1                                                      

    H2  = Q2/M2

    T2  = f(P2,H2)

    DTLO = T4 - T1 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    DTUP = T3 - T2 (for FFLOW = counter current)

    LMTD = (DTUP - DTLO)/(ln(DTUP) - ln(DTLO))


    KAN*LMTD =  M2*H2 - M1*H1                  

    KAN*LMTD = M3*H3 - M4*H4                   




    Off-design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Off-design case


    FMODE = Off-design case)


    TOL =  0.00001                    

    if FVOL = "depending on mass flow", then {
              F1   = (M1/M1N) ** 2  
              if FMODE=1,    then F1=1.0 

              F3   = (M3/M3N) ** 2
             if FMODE=1,    then F3=1.0

    if FVOL= "depending on mass and volume flow", then {

            F1    = V1/V1N*(M1/M1N) ** 2
            if FMODE=1,   then F1=1.0

            F3    = V3/V3N*(M3/M3N) ** 2
           if FMODE=1,   then F3=1.0

    P2    = P1 - DP12N * F1                                  

    M2    = M1                                                     

    if GLOBAL = off-design or (FMODE = 1

    or FMODE = 3) then {

      Fk1   = f(M1/M1N) characteristic line 1

      for MODE = design, Fk1=1

      Fk2   = f(M3/M3N) characteristic line 2

      for MODE = design Fk2=1

      Fk3*(T34N/T34)**3 = f(T34/T34N)

                                      characteristic line 3  

      for MODE = design Fk3=1

      FK4 = ALAM / ALAMN = f(T34/T34N)

                                      characteristic line  4

      for MODE = design Fk4=1

    1/K    = 1/AL12C   + 1/(AL34C  + 1/AL34R)    +1/ALAM

    1/KN = 1/AL12CN + 1/(AL34CN + 1/AL34RN) +1/ALAMN

    KA=KAN * K/KN


    if GLOBAL = design and (FMODE = 3

    or FMODE = 4) then {

      KA = H6 (via controlling)


    if GLOBAL = off-design and  FMODE = 4 then {

      KA = H6 (via controlling)


    P4    = P3 - DP34N * F3                                 

    M4    = M3  + M5                                          


    Maximum/minimum values for the iterations {

    H2max  = f(P2,T3)

    Q12max = M1 * (H2max - H1)

    H4min  = f(P4,T1)

    Q34max = Q3 - M4 * H4min


    for FFLOW = counter current {

      Qmax   = min(Q12max,Q34max)


    for FFLOW = concurrent {

      Estimation for iteration start 1

      QA = min(Q12max,Q34max)

      QM = QA*QA/(Q12max+Q34max)


        H2   = H1 + QM/ M2

        T2   = f(P2,H2)

        T4   = T2

        H4   = f(P4,T4)

        QK   = Q3 -M4 * H4

        DQQ_1 = DQQ

        DQQ   = QM - QK

        regula - falsi method {

          step width = (QM - QM_1)/(DQQ - DQQ_1)

          for iteration step 1: step width of the last global step

          QMU   = QM  - DQQ  * step width

          QM_1  = QM

          QM   = QMU


        DQ = | DQQ/((QM+QK)*.5) |


      if DQ < TOL then end iteration 1

                          else continue the iteration


      Qmax   = QM


    Q12 = 0.5*Qmax


      H4 = (Q3 - Q12)/M4

      T4 = f(P4,H4)

      H2 = H1 + Q12/M2

      T2 = f(P2,H2)

      DTLO = T4 - T1 (for FFLOW = counter current)

      DTUP = T3 - T2 (for FFLOW = counter current)

      DTLO = T4 T2 (for FFLOW = concurrent)

      DTUP = T3 T1 (for FFLOW = concurrent)

      LMTD = (DTUP - DTLO)/(ln(DTUP) - ln(DTLO))

      QQ = KA * LMTD

      DQQ_1 = DQQ

      DQQ   = Q12 - QQ

      regula - falsi method {

        step width = (Q12 - Q12_1)/(DQQ - DQQ_1)

        for iteration step 1: step width of the last global step

        Q12X  = Q12  - DQQ * step width

        Q12_1 = Q12

        Q12   = Q12X


      DQ = |DQQ /((Q12+QQ)*.5)|

    if DQ < TOL, then end iteration2

                          else continue the iteration


    KA*LMTD =  M2*H2 - M1*H1                        

    KA*LMTD =  M3*H3 - M4*H4                       





    Component Displays

    Display Option 1

    Display Option 2

    Display Option 3

    Display Option 4

    Display Option 5

    Display Option 6

    Display Option 7

    Display Option 8

    Display Option 9

    Display Option 10

    Display Option 11

    Display Option 12


    Click here >> Component 51 Demo << to load an example.

    See Also
