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In This Topic
    Component 43: Desuperheater
    In This Topic

    Component 43: Desuperheater


    Line connections


    Primary side inlet (cold stream, inside tubes)


    Primary side outlet (cold stream, inside tubes)


    Secondary side inlet (hot stream, outside tubes)


    Secondary side outlet (hot stream, outside tubes)


    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example




    Component 43 models a separate desuperheater for the feed water pre-heating. It is used when the superheated steam is not to be passed directly to a preheater, in which the steam is condensed, but instead is to be desuperheater first. Normally, the desuperheater steam is then led in another feed water preheater further upstream.

    The degree of desuperheating does not be complete. In the design case, the specification value DT44SN enables the user to set the degrees fo superheat present at the steam outlet i.e. the temperature difference between the steam coming out and the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure. For DT44SN = 0, the steam leaving the desuperheater component is not superheated any more (i.e. saturated steam).

    The desuperheater can be operated selectively in counter current or concurrent. Upper or lower terminal temperature difference see Heat Exchanger General Notes 

    The characteristics can be corrected or replaced by an adaption polynomial or a Kernel expression.

    There are two identification modes for this component: T2-user (-5) input and T4-user (-4) input. Based on these defaults, k*A is calculated in all load cases. If these methods are used in the design case, then the super heating DT44SN is not an input, but instead the calculated value for DT44S will be copied into DT44SN. In an off-design case, KAN and the characteristic lines are not used.

    The degrees of superheat achieved at the outlet is in those cases shown as result value DT44S.


    Binary mixtures for the desuperheater:

    This component can  be used for desuperheating binary mixtures as well.

    Here the specification value DT44SN refers to the temperature difference to the dew point temperature of the mixture.

    Pressure drop limitations:
    As the pressure drop rises quadratically with the mass flow, pressure drops that are significantly too high can quickly arise in the event of a transgression of the nominal mass flow. These will then cause phase transitions and convergence problems (see Heat Exchanger General Notes) .

    Design in the Case of Concurrent Flow

    In the heat exchanger (Components 43)  it is possible to carry out a design via the upper and lower terminal temperature difference also in the case of concurrent flow (FFLOW=1).

    If both inlet temperatures are specified, the upper terminal temperature difference can only be determined iteratively. Usually this is no problem. If convergence problems occur in more
    complex models, another design mode will have to be used.


    Identification mode

    In analogy to other components, a flag FIDENT for activating the identification mode has been implemented for the desuperheater too. It has the settings

    To prevent the behaviour of existing models from changing, the flag FSPEC can still be used. In this case, the settings for FIDENT are ignored.

    Note about the result values:

    Performance factor RPFHX

    The quotient from the current value for k*A (result value KA) and the k*A expected in the respective load point due to the component physics and characteristic lines respectively (result value KACL) serves to assess the condition of a heat exchanger.

    The quotient KA / KACL is displayed as a result value RPFHX.


    For more information on general notes applicable to most common heat exchangers, see Heat Exchanger General Notes 

    Similar components:

    For more information on how this heat exchangers compares to other heat exchangers, see Heat Exchanger General Components 

    User Input Values


    Flag for calculation mode design/off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: GLOBAL

    =1: local off-design (i.e. always off-design mode, even when a design calculation has been done globally)

    =2: special local off-design (special case for compatibility with earlier Ebsilon-versions, should not be used in new models, because the results of real off-design

          calculations are not consistent)

    = -1: local design


    Cold side pressure loss line 1 to 2 (nominal) 


    Hot side pressure loss line 3 to 4 (nominal) 



    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: No Identification
    =2: identification of KA by specifying the outlet temperature T2 (also in off-design)
    =4: identification of KA by specifying the outlet temperature T4 (also in off-design) 


    Super Heating temperature difference (nominal) 


    Tolerance in the energy balance 


    Flag for the direction of flow, see Heat Exchanger General Notes 
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: counter current flow

    =1: concurrent flow


    Flag for adaptation polynomial ADAPT/ adaptation function EADAPT 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: not used and not evaluated

    =1: Correction for k*A [KA = KAN * char line factor * polynomial]

    =2: Calculation of k*A [KA = KAN * polynomial]

    =1000: Not used but ADAPT evaluated as RADAPT (Reduction of the computing time)

    = -1: Correction for k*A [KA = KAN * char line factor * adaptation function ]

    = -2: Calculation of k*A [KA = KAN * adaptation function ]

    = -1000: Not used but EADAPT evaluated as RADAPT (Reduction of the computing time)


    Adaptation function for KA (input)



    Switch OF / ON

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Heat exchanger off (no heat transfer, but calculated pressure loss

    =1: Heat exchanger on (active)



    Combined switch (deprecated)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    -999: unused (FIDENT used instead)


    =11: T2 and T4 are calculated (in the design mode from DT44SN, in off-design from KAN and the characteristic lines)

    =-5: T2 is specified (also in off-design), KA is calculated. DT44SN or KAN and the characteristic lines are not used.

    =-4: T4 is specified (also in off-design), KA is calculated. DT44SN or KAN and the characteristic lines are not used.


    Heat transfer coefficient * area (nominal) - Design Heat Transfer Capability


    Cold side mass flow (nominal)


    Hot side mass flow (nominal)


    The parameters marked in blue are reference quantities for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to these quantities in the equations used.  

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values 

    Characteristic Lines

    1st Correction factor dependent on primary mass flow         CKAM1   FK1 = f (M1/M1N)

    2nd Correction factor dependent on secondary mass flow    CKAM3   FK2 = f (M3/M3N)


    (K*A)/(K*A)N = FK1 * FK2


    Characteristic line 1: Correction factor dependent on primary mass flow CKAM1:  (k*A)1/(k*A)N = f (M1/M1N)

         X-axis          1         M1/M1N                       1st point
                            2          M1/M1N                     2nd point
                            N         M1/M1N                     last point
         Y-axis          1          (k*A)1/(k*A)N              1st point
                            2          (k*A)1/(k*A)N             2nd point
                            N         (k*A)1/(k*A)N             last point     


    Characteristic line 2: Correction factor dependent on secondary mass flow CKAM3: (k*A)2/(k*A)N = f (M3/M3N)

         X-axis          1          M3/M3N                      1st point
                            2          M3/M3N                     2nd point
                            N         M3/M3N                     last point
         Y-axis          1          (k*A)2/(k*A)N               1st point
                            2          (k*A)2/(k*A)N              2nd point
                            N         (k*A)2/(k*A)N              last point         



    Physics Used



    Design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = design




     P4  = P3 - DP34N                                                 

    T4  = T4S + DT44SN

    H4  = f (P4,T4)

    M4  = M3                                                             

    Q4  = M4 * H4

    DQ  = Q3 -Q4

    P2  = P1 - DP12N

    Q2  = Q1 + DQ                                                    

    M2  = M1                                                             

    H2  = Q2 / M2

    T2  = f (P2,H2)

    for Fflow = cross-counter flow {

        DTL = T4 - T1                 

        DTU = T3 - T2


    for Fflow= counter current flow {

        DTL = T4 T2                 

        DTU = T3 T1


    LMTD = (DTU - DTL)/(ln(DTU) - ln(DTL))
    (k*A) = DQ/LMTD

    (k*A)*LMTD = M2*H2 - M1*H1                           

    (k*A)*LMTD = M3*H3 - M4*H4                            



    Off-design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = off-design


    FMODE = local off-design)


    F1     = (M1/M1N) ** 2          

    at GLOBAL = design:  F1=1.0

    P2     = P1 - DP12N * F1                                                 

    M2     = M1                                                         

    FK1   = f (M1/M1N)             characteristic line  connection 1     for GLOBAL = design:  FK1=1.0                

    FK2   = f (M3/M3N)             characteristic line  connection 2     for GLOBAL = design:  FK2=1.0

    (k*A) = (k*F)N * FK1 * FK2

    F3    = (M3/M3N) ** 2

    at GLOBAL = design:  F3=1.0

    P4    = P3 - DP34N * F3                                 

    M4    = M3                                                         

    maximum/minimum values for the iteration

    H2max  = f (P2,T3)

    Q12max = M1 * (H2max - H1)

    H4min  = f (P4,T1)

    Q34max = Q3 - M4 * H4min

    for FFLOW= (cross-counterflow/backward flow) {

             Qmax = min(Q12max,Q34max)


    for FFLOW=(counter current) {

             Estimation for the start of the iteration

             QA  =    min(Q12max,Q34max)

             QM  = QA*QA/(Q12max+Q34max)

             Iteration mark 1

             H2 = h1 + QM / M2

             T2 = f (P2,H2)

             T4 = T2

             H4 = f (P4,T4)

             QP = Q3 -M4 * H4

             DQ = QM - QP

             regula falsi method

                          (QM - QMalt)

             grad = --------------------

                          (DQ - DQalt)

             QM   = QM  - DQ  * grad

             End of the regula falsi method

                       |     DQ              |

             DQ = |--------------------|

                       | (QM+QP)*0.5|

             if DQ < TOL, then end iteration 1
                                   else continue Iteration 1

             Qmax = QM


    Q12  = 0.5* Qmax

    Iteration mark 2

    H4  = (Q3 - Q12)/M4

    T4  = f (P4,H4)

    H2  = H1 + Q12/M2

    T2  = f (P2,T2)

    for FFLOW = counter current flow {

        DTL = T4 - T1                 

        DTU = T3 - T2


    for FFLOW = concurrent flow {

        DTL = T4 -T2                 

        DTU = T3 -T1



    LMTD = (DTU - DTL)/(ln(DTU) - ln(DTL))

    QQ = (k*A) * LMTD

    DQQ = Q12 - QQ

    regula falsi method    

                 (Q12 - Q12alt)

    grad = -------------------------

                 (DQQ - DQQalt)

    Q12  = Q12 - DQQ * grad

    End of the regula falsi method

              |    DQQ            |

    DQ = |--------------------|


    if DQ < TOL then end iteration 2
                        , else continue iteration 2

    (k*A)*LMTD =  M2*H2 - M1*H1                      

    (k*A)*LMTD =  M3*H3 - M4*H4                      




    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 43 Demo << to load an example.