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EBSILON Professional Components / Components - General and Categories / Tanks / Component 63: Feedwater Tank (Extended)
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    Component 63: Feedwater Tank (Extended)
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    Component 63: Feed Water Tank / Deaerator (Extended)


    Line connections


    Condensate inlet


    Feed water outlet


    Extraction /Heating steam inlet


    Secondary condensate inlet


    Vent / Exhaust gas


    Additional heating steam


    Heating water


    Bypass steam


    General       User Input Values       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Component 63 is a component for simulating the different operation and control conditions of the feed water tank or the deaerator, respectively.

    Component 63 simulates the operating conditions that are set as default by means of the variable FSPEC:


    Condition on connection point 2 is always identified by state H'(P2). This also applies if the energy balance of feed water tank / deaerator can not be closed, because for example the enthalpy of the heating media is too small. An error message "Energy balance violated" then appears.

    If no  additional heating steam is used for operating condition 1 in off-design operation, PMIN (or analogue TMIN) is to be assigned to 0.01 (minimum pressure permitted).

    Similar components:

    Component 9  feed water tank/deaerator 1:

    This component simulates the feed water tank/deaerator just like component 63 with the following differences:

    component 9 only has connections 1-5:

    M3 is ALWAYS calculated from the energy balance

    Some options, available in component 63, for heating media and control methods can not be considered in component 9.

    In this component, the output of the nominal values M3N, M5N, M6N, and M7N was supplemented. However, they are not used within Ebsilon but are only intended to be used by the user in expressions and scripts.

    User Input Values



    Calculation mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0:   Global

    =1:   Local off-design

    =-1: Local design


    Flag for possible operating conditions 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =1: Set sliding pressure between PMIN and PN, M3 (if P3>= P2) or M6.

    = 2: always sliding pressure, always set M3

    = 3: P2 given internally, M7 calculated and M6 if M7> M7MAX

    = 4: M3 given, P2 calculated; if> PMAX set M8, if <set PMIN M6

    = 5: P2 = P2N (constant), M3 given from outside, set either M6 or M8

    = 6: P2 = P8, M3 given externally, set either M6 or M8

    = 7: P2 = P3 (sliding pressure), M7 calculated and M3 if M7> M7MAX

    (see below for more information)


    Flag for using temperature or pressure values 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: use of PN, PMIN, PMAX; (TN, TMIN, TMAX values dummies)

    =1: use of TN, TMIN, TMAX; (PN, PMIN, PMAX values dummies)


    Pressure in the tank (nominal)


    Minimum pressure in the tank


    Maximum pressure in the tank


    Temperature in the tank (nominal)


    Minimum temperature in the tank


    Maximum temperature in the tank


    Maximum heating water mass flow

    (upon reaching  M7MAX, the  additional heating steam line 6 is opened)


    Exhaust vapour loss


    Heating steam mass flow  (nominal)


    Vent mass flow (nominal)


    Supplementary heating steam  flow  (nominal)


    Heating water mass flow (nominal)

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values



    The various options for FSPEC are described below in more detail.


    FSPEC = 1:

    with extraction steam or  additional heating steam (given extraction pressure from the outside)

    Design case

    Off-design case

    FSPEC = 2:

    with extraction steam for pure sliding pressure operation 

    Design case

    Off-design case


    FSPEC = 3:

    with heating water and  additional heating steam for sliding pressure


    Design case

    Off-design case

               if H2MIN < H'(PMIN)
               Tank pressure = PMIN and quantity of  additional heating steam = 0, quantity of heating water from the energy balance 
               if H2MIN >= H'(PMIN)
               Calculation of the tank pressure, P(Balance) from the energy balance with the heating water quantity = 0 and  additional heating steam quantity = 0 


    FSPEC = 4:

    with heating steam and  additional heating steam, heating steam pressure determined by PN 

    Design case

    Off-design case

               if PMIN > P(Balance)
               Tank pressure = PMIN and the quantity of  additional heating steam from the energy balance as well as the quantity of bypass steam = 0

              if PMIN < P(Balance)
              Tank pressure = PMAX and the quantity of  additional heating steam = 0 as well as the quantity of bypass steam from the energy balance


    FSPEC = 5:

    with heating steam and/or additional heating steam operating at fixed pressure 

    design case:


              if HTEST > H'(PN)
              Calculation of the amount of bypass steam from the energy balance, amount of pegging steam = 0


    FSPEC = 6:

    with heating steam and/or additional heating steam for sliding pressure (specified by bypass steam) 

    All cases:

    Previously, both mode FSPEC=2 and FSPEC=3 were called “floating pressure“. However, the pressure is taken over from the extraction line (Pin 3) only at FSPEC=2, while at FSPEC=3 it is variable indeed but is calculated by the component itself. Therefore a new mode FSPEC=7 has now been implemented; it has the following properties:

    The heating is effected – insofar as it is possible – by the heating water at Pin 7. If this is not possible (no line connected or temperature too low) or insufficient (after the heating water mass flow has reached its maximum value of M7MAX), heating steam from Pin 3 is used for the (remaining) heating.


    FSPEC=7: Sliding pressure


    All cases:


    Physics Used

    All cases


    if FPT=1, then
             TN = f'(PN)
             TMIN = f'(PMIN)
             TMAX = f'(PMAX)
    IPA= 0



    Operating condition 1

    Preheating with extraction steam (Line 3)

    OR  additional heating steam (line 6)      


    P2=PN;                                                   (1)

    if GLOBAL = Off-design, then 
        if P2 < PMIN, then
                P2     = PMIN                              (1)
                IPAD = 0

        if H3 < H2, then
                P2     = PMIN                              (1)
                IPAD = 1

    P1 = P2                                                 ( 3)
    P4 = P2                                                 (4)
    P5 = P2                                                 (5)
    P7 = P2                                                 (16)
    P8 = P3                                                 (6)

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f' (P2)                                             (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                             (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                 (13)
    M8 = 0                                                    (15)
    M7 = 0                                                    (14)                        

     if IPAD = 0  , then
       M3 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2)                         (12)
       M6   = 0                                                                                                                       (11)
      M6 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)/(H7-H2)                         (12)
      M3 = 0                                                                                                                         (11)
      M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8                                                               (10)



    Operating condition 2

    Preheating with extraction steam (line 3)

    at pure sliding pressure operation


     P2 = P3                                                 (1)
    P1 = P2                                                 (3)
    P4 = P2                                                 (4)
    P5 = P2                                                 (5)
    P7 = P2                                                 (16)
    P8 = P3                                                 (6)

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f'(P2)                                               (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                              (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                (13) 

    M6 = 0                                                   (11)
    M7 = 0                                                   (14)
    M8 = 0                                                   (15)

    M3 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2)         (12)

    M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8      (10)




    Operating condition 3

    Preheating with heating water (line 7)

    AND  additional heating steam (line 6) and sliding pressure


    if GLOBAL = design, then
             P2   = PN                                       (1)
             KFall  = 2
             HMIN = f'(PMIN)
             DH2MIN = (M1*H1+M4*H4-M5*H5)/(M1+M4-M5)
             DH2MAX=(M1*H1+M4*H4-M5*H5+M7MAX*H7) /(M1+M4M5+M7MAX) 

             if DH2MAX < H'(PMIN)  then
                P2 = PMIN                                         (1)
                KFall = 1

             if DH2MIN < H'(PMIN)  then
                P2 = PMAX                                      (1) 
                KFall = 2                                           

              if DH2MIN >= H'(PMIN) then
    HX2 = (M1*H1+M4*H4-M5*H5)/(M1+M4-M5)
                P2 = f' (HX2)                                    (1)
                KFall = 3 


    P1 = P2                                                 (3)
    P4 = P2                                                 (4)
    P5 = P2                                                 (5)
    P7 = P2                                                 (16)
    P8 = P3                                                 (6) 

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f' (P2)                                              (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                              (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M3 = 0                                                   (11)
    M5 = M5                                                (13)

    M8 = 0                                                   (15)                                                   

    if H7>H2, then

    if Kcase = 1, then
        M7   = M7MAX                                    (14)
        M6 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)/(H6-H2)   (12) 

    if Kcase = 2, then
        M7 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4))/(H7-H2)                                  (14) 
        if M7>M7MAX, then {M7=M7MAX}
        M6   = 0                                                                                                              (11) 


     if Kcase = 3 then
        M7 = 0                                                (14)
        M6 = 0                                                (11)

    M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8     (10




    Operating condition 4

    Preheating with heating steam (line 3)

    and  additional heating steam (line 6)


    if GLOBAL = design, then
      P2   = PN                                                         (1)
      Kcase = 0


      HMIN = f' (PMIN)
      HMAX = f' (PMAX)
      M2 = M1+M3+M4-M5
      HX2 = (M1*H1+M3*H3+M4*H4-M5*H5)/M2 

      if HX2 < HMIN  then
          P2 = PMIN                                                    (1)
          Kcase = 1

       if HX2 > HMAX  then
           P2 = PMAX                                                  (1)
           Kcase = 2
        if HMIN<=HX2 <= HMAX, then
            P2 = f' (HX2)                                               (1)
            Kcase = 3


    P3   = P2                                                (3)
    P1   = P2                                                (2)
    P4   = P2                                                (4)
    P5   = P2                                                (5)
    P7   = P2                                                (16)
    P8   = P3                                                (6) 

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f' (P2)                                             (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                             (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                 (13)
    M7 = 0                                                    (14) 

    if Kcase = 0, then
             if H3>H2, then 
                M3 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2)  
             M3 = 0                                              (12)
             M6 = 0                                              (11)

    if Kcase = 1, then
             if H6>H2, then
                M6 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7) +M3*(H2-H3)/(H6-H2)  
              M6 = 0 
              M8 = 0                                                            


    if Kcase = 2, then

             if H3>H2, then

                M33 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2)

               M33 = 0
             M6 = 0                         
             M8 = M3-M33                                        (15)


     if Kcase = 3, then                          

             M6 = 0                                                   (11)
             M8 = 0                                                   (15)


    M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8      (10)




    Operating condition 5

    Preheating with heating steam (line 3)

    and/or  additional heating steam (line 6) at fixed pressure


    if GLOBAL = Design, then
      P2   = PN                                          (1)
      Kcase  = 1
      M2 = M1+M3+M4-M5
      HX2 = (M1*H1+M3*H3+M4*H4-M5*H5) / M2
      if HX2 < H'(PN)  then { Kcase = 1 }
      if HX2 > H'(PN)  then { Kcase = 2 }                              
      if HX2 = H'(PN)  then { Kcase = 3 }

    P3   = P2                                               (3)
    P1   = P2                                               (2)
    P4   = P2                                               (4)
    P5   = P2                                               (5)
    P7   = P2                                               (16)
    P8   = P3                                               (6)
    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f' (P2)                                             (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                             (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                 (13)
    M7 = 0                                                    (14) 

    if Kcase = 1, then
         if H6>H2, then 
         M6 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7*(H2-H7)+M3*(H2-H3)/(H6-H2)   }    (11)
         M6 = 0 }                                     (11)
         M8 = 0                                       (15)

    if Kcase = 2, then
         if H3>H2, then
         M33 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2) }
         M33 = 0
         M6 = 0                                        (11)                                                      
         M8 = M3-M33                            (15)

    if Kcase = 3, then
        M6 = 0                                        (11)
        M8 = 0                                        (15)

    M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8      (10)



    Operating condition 6

    preheating with heating (line 3) steam and/or  additional heating at specified sliding pressure of the bypass steam (line 8)


    P2   = P8                                                (1)
    P3   = P2                                               (3)
    P1   = P2                                               (2)
    P4   = P2                                               (4)
    P5   = P2                                               (5)
    P7   = P2                                               (16) 

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f' (P2)                                             (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                              (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                (13)
    M7 = 0                                                   (14) 

     if H3>H2, then
         M33 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4+M7*(H2-H7)/(H3-H2) }
        M33 = 0
     M6 = 0                                                 (11)
     M8 = M3-M33                                       (15) 

    M1 + M3 + M4 + M6 + M7 = M2 + M5 + M8      (10) 




    Operating condition 7
    Preheating with heating water (line 4) / heating steam (line 3) - sliding pressure


    P2 = P3                                                 (1)
    P1 = P2                                                 (3)
    P4 = P2                                                 (4)
    P5 = P2                                                 (5)
    P7 = P2                                                 (16)
    P8 = P3                                                 (6)

    T2 = f'(P2)
    T5 = T2
    H2 = f'(P2)                                               (7)
    H5 = f''(P2)                                              (8)
    H8 = H3                                                  (9)
    M5 = M5                                                (13) 



    M6 = 0                                                   (11)
    M7 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4))/(H7-H2)                  (14)
        if M7>M7MAX, then

        M6   = 0                                               (11)    

    M8 = 0                                                     (15)

    M3 = (M5*(H5-H2)+M1*(H2-H1)+M4*(H2-H4)+M7 *(H2-H7)/(H3-H2)         (12)   

    M1+M3+M4+M6+M7 = M2+ M5+M8      (10)




    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


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