EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Component 57: Gas Turbine (Extended)
    In This Topic

    Component 57: Gas Turbine (detailed characteristic field)


    Line connections


    Air inlet


    Exhaust gas outlet


    Fuel inlet


    Injection water / steam inlet


    Generator power


    Inlet for TIT-controller


    Inlet for controlling VIGV (through component 46, type 8)


    Inlet for controlling COS-PHI (through component 46, type 8)


    Measurement value (P, T) for compressor inlet


    Measurement value (P, T) for compressor outlet


    Measurement value (Q) for generator terminals


    Measurement value (P,T) for turbine outlet


    Measurement value (P) for atmospheric pressure


    Outlet for base-load (through component 46, type 9)




    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Component 57 simulates the complete operation behaviour of a gas turbine in the vicinity of the design point. The following values are calculated with the help of characteristic diagrams:

     In the characteristic diagrams (comprising of 241 characteristic lines), there are dependencies of the following values

    These must be defined. This data is specific for the type.

    The component also has a series of logic connections, on which the following values can be specified as measurement values:



    Measuring values are assigned by component 46, (measured value input component).

    The following values are determined through measurement values and characteristic lines:

    As such, specific values can be formed from the values given above.


    It is expected, that the turbine inlet temperature is given or regulated by "Temperature", which lies at line-connection 6 (e.g. to deliver a demanded power).


    The position of the first blade row is given and regulated by setting a component 46 on line-connection 7 specified as type 8. VIGV can be given as "POSITIVE" or "NEGATIVE" value.

    COS-PHI of the generator is given and regulated by setting a component 46 on line-connection 7 specified as type 8.

    The base-load factor is given by setting a component 46 on line-connection 8 specified as type 9.


    User Input Values


    Gas turbine power (nominal)


    Total efficiency gas turbine (nominal)


    Mass flow of air (nominal)


    Exhaust gas temperature (nominal)


    Inlet pressure loss


    Outlet pressure loss


    Rotary speed


    Sum of gear and generator losses


    Relative combustion chamber heat loss


    Relative combustion chamber pressure loss


    Base load turbine inlet temperature


    Type of DP calculation

    =1: Calculate DPIN and DPOUT with simulation

    =2: Input DPIN, Calculation DPOUT

    =3: Input DPOUT, calculation DPIN

    =4: Input DPIN and DPOUT




    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values

    Notes for using FDP


    FDP is a selection index for taking into account different inputs for determining the inlet and the outlet pressure losses (DPIN, DPOUT)


         =1: Calculation of

             Inlet and outlet pressure loss through simulation results


             DPIN = P(MEDIUM) - P(Inlet)  = P13 - P1

             DPOUT = P(Outlet) - P(MEDIUM) = P2  - P13


         =2: Calculation of

             Inlet pressure loss through user input values, and

             outlet pressure loss through simulation results


             DPIN = DPIN

             DPOUT = P(outlet) - P(MEDIUM) = P2 - P13


             and calculation of P1=P13-DPIN


         =3: Calculation of

             outlet pressure loss through user input value, and

             inlet pressure loss through simulation results


             DPIN = P(MEDIUM) - P(inlet) = P13 - P1

             DPOUT = DPOUT


             and calculation of P2=P13+DPOUT


         =4: Calculation of

             outlet and inlet pressure loss through user input values


             DPIN = DPIN

             DPOUT = DPOUT


             and calculation of P1=P13-DPIN

             and calculation of P2=P13+DPOUT

    Characteristic lines




    TIT             Turbine inlet temperature

    T0              average temperature

    P0             average pressure

    DPIN         Inlet pressure loss

    DPOUT    Outlet pressure loss

    COSP      COS-PHI of the generator

    STEL        Position of the leading blades

    WSBN      Water injection

    Q               Generator power

    QN            Nominal value of generator power

    ETG          Total efficiency

    ETAN       Nominal value of total efficiency

    DL            Air mass flow

    DL1N       Nominal value of air mass flow

    TA            Turbine exhaust gas temperature

    TABN       Nominal value of exhaust gas temperature

    PIK           Compressor pressure ratio

    ETAC      Compressor efficiency

    ETAT       Turbine efficiency

    VIGV        Position of the inlet valves


    Generator power



    Q = QN * QF0 * QF1 * QF2 * QF3 * QF4 * QF5 * QF6 * QF7


          QF0 = f (TIT)      characteristic line 232


          Characteristic diagram 1 : QF1 = f (T0  ,TIT)

                                     characteristic line    1 to 7

          Characteristic diagram 2 : QF2 = f (P0  ,TIT)

                                     characteristic line 8 to 14

          Characteristic diagram 3 : QF3 = f (DPIN,TIT)

                                     characteristic line  15 to 21

          Characteristic diagram 4 : QF4 = f (DPOT,TIT)

                                     characteristic line  22 to 28

          Characteristic diagram 5 : QF5 = f (COSP,TIT)

                                     characteristic line  29 to 35

          Characteristic diagram 6 : QF6 = f (STEL,TIT)

                                     characteristic line  36 to 42

          Characteristic diagram 7 : QF7 = f (WSBN,TIT)

                                     characteristic line  43 to 49


          Parameter is the TIT with

         750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1125, 1150 °C              


    Total efficiency



    ETG = ETAN * EF0 * EF1 * EF2 * EF3 * EF4 * EF5 * EF6


          EF0 = f (TIT)      characteristic line 233


          Characteristic diagram  8 : EF1 = f (T0  ,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  50 to 56

          Characteristic diagram  9 : EF2 = f (DPIN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  57 to 63

          Characteristic diagram 10 : EF3 = f (DPOT,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  64 to 70

          Characteristic diagram 11 : EF4 = f (COSP,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  71 to 77

          Characteristic diagram 12 : EF5 = f (STEL,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  78 to 84

          Characteristic diagram 13 : EF6 = f (WSBN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  85 to 91


          Parameter is the TIT with

         750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1125, 1150 °C                           


    Air mass flow



    M1 = M1N * MF0 * MF1 * MF2 * MF3 * MF4 * MF5


                        MF0 = f (TIT)      characteristic line 234


          Characteristic diagram 14 : MF1 = f (T0  ,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  92 to 98

          Characteristic diagram 15 : MF2 = f (P0  ,TIT)

                                      characteristic line  99 to 105

          Characteristic diagram 16 : MF3 = f (DPIN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 106 to 112

          Characteristic diagram 17 : MF4 = f (STEL,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 113 to 119

          Characteristic diagram 18 : MF5 = f (WSBN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 120 to 126


          Parameter is the TIT with

         750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1125, 1150 °C              


    Exhaust gas temperature



    TA = TABN + TF0 + TF1 + TF2 + TF3 + TF4 + TF5 + TF6


                        TF0 = f (TIT)      characteristic line 235


          Characteristic diagram 19 : TF1 = f (T0  ,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 127 to 133

          Characteristic diagram 20 : TF2 = f (P0  ,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 134 to 140

          Characteristic diagram 21 : TF3 = f (DPIN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 141 to 147

          Characteristic diagram 22 : TF4 = f (DPOT,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 148 to 154

          Characteristic diagram 23 : TF5 = f (STEL,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 155 to 161

          Characteristic diagram 24 : TF6 = f (WSBN,TIT)

                                      characteristic line 162 to 168


          Parameter is the TIT with

         750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1125, 1150 °C              


    Compressor pressure ratio



    for 22° <= VIGV <   5°  : PIK = PK2 - (PK3-PK2)*(VIGV+15)/15

    for 5° <= VIGV <  32°  : PIK = PK1 - (PK2-PK1)* VIGV/15


          Characteristic diagram 25 : PK1 = f (T0,TIT)

                                  characteristic line 169 to 175 for VIGV= 32°

          Characteristic diagram 26 : PK2 = f (T0,TIT)

                                  characteristic line 176 to 182 for VIGV=  5°

          Characteristic diagram 27 : PK3 = f (T0,TIT)

                                  characteristic line 183 to 189 for VIGV=-22°


          Parameter is TIT with

         750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1125, 1150 °C              


    Compressor efficiency



    for 22° <= VIGV <   5°  : ETAC = ETAC2 - (ETAC3-ETAC2)*(VIGV+15)/15

    for 5° <= VIGV <  32°  : ETAC = ETAC1 - (ETAC2-ETAC1)* VIGV/15


          Characteristic diagram 28 : ETAC1 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 190 to 196 for VIGV= 32ø

          Characteristic diagram 29 : ETAC2 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 197 to 203 for VIGV=  5ø

          Characteristic diagram 30 : ETAC3 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 204 to 210 for VIGV=-22ø


          Parameter is PIK

          14.8, 15.0, 15.2, 15.6, 16.0, 16.4, 16.8


    Turbine efficiency



    for 22° <= VIGV <   5°  : ETAT = ETAT2 - (ETAT3-ETAT2)*(VIGV+15)/15

    for 5° <= VIGV <  22°  : ETAT = ETAT1 - (ETAT2-ETAT1)* VIGV/15


          Characteristic diagram 31 : ETAT1 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 211 to 217 for VIGV= 32ø

          Characteristic diagram 32 : ETAT2 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 218 to 224 for VIGV=  5ø

          Characteristic diagram 33 : ETAT3 = f (T0,PIK)

                                  characteristic line 225 to 231 for VIGV=-22ø


          Parameter is PIK

          14.8, 15.0, 15.2, 15.6, 16.0, 16.4, 16.8


    The characteristic lines 236 to 241 are no longer used.


    Physics used



    All cases


    Total power                    Q   = QN * QF0*QF1*QF2*QF3*QF4*QF5*QF6*QF7

    Total efficiency               ETG = ETAN * EF0*EF1*EF2*EF3*EF4*EF5*EF6

    Air mass flow                  M1  = M1N * MF0*MF1*MF2*MF3*MF4*MF5

    Exhaust gas temperature T2  = TABN + TF0+TF1+TF2+TF3+TF4+TF5+TF6

    M1 = M1                                           

    M3 = Q/(ETA*NCV3)                       

    M4 = WSBN                                     

    M2 = M1 + M3 + M4                        

    H2 = f(T2)                                        

    H5 = Q/M5     with M5=1.0               

    Exhaust gas composition

       - Weight fractions line 1, 3 and 4, and

       - Combustion calculation



    Component Displays

    Display Option 1

    Display Option 2


    Click here >> Component 57 Demo << to load an example.

    See Also