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EBSILON Professional Components / Components - General and Categories / Throttles and Valves / Component 133: Control valve with flow coefficient KV
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    Component 133: Control valve with flow coefficient KV
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    Line connections






    Connection for DP, Travel

    General      User Input Values       Results      Characteristic Lines      Physics Used      Displays      Example


    This component describes the relationship between the pressure drop and the flow rate through a control valve depending on the

    a) KV value - the flow coefficient of the valve at rated travel (input value KVS) and
    b) KV-Characteristic of the valve as a function of the valve travel (characteristic line 1 CLKV)

    All definitions are according to DIN EN 60534 and VDI/VDE 2173.

    The component can be used for liquid (incompressible) or gas (compressible) media. However phase transitions or two-phase flows are not covered in the physics used and the corresponding error message appears if such situations occur.

    Specifications include
    • the values of KVS, the valve travel and either the flow rate or the pressure change, in this case either the not specified flow rate or the pressure drop will be computed (FCALC = 1,2,3), or
    • the values of the flow rate and the pressure drop, in this case the value of the flow coefficient KV will be computed (identification mode, FCALC = 4,5).

    The following conditions are checked for,
    • for incompressible media, a warning appears at partial cavitation condition.  To make sure this check to be reliable the user must specify the reasonable values (ideally provided by the valve manufacturer) for the input value XFZN and the characteristic line CLXFZ.
    • for all media, the flow rate and the pressure drop are compared to the maximum values at choked flow condition. At choked flow and FLIM=0 the corresponding warning appears. For FLIM=1 and FCALC=2,3 additionally the computed flow rate is limited to the maximum value. To make sure this check to be reliable the user must specify the reasonable values (ideally provided by the valve manufacturer)  for XTN and the characteristic line CLXT for gas media and for FLN and the characteristic line CLFL for liquid media.

    The flow coefficient KV is defined as

    - volumetric flow rate at valve inlet

    - mass flow rate at valve inlet

    - reference pressure drop (for SI definition 1 bar)

    - reference density (for SI definition 1000 kg/m³)

    - expansion factor, which is equal 1 for incompressible media

    For compressible media

    The expansion factor value varies between 2/3 and 1.

    - the ratio between the specific heat ratio

    and 1,4 (which is the value for air)

    - the differential pressure ratio (relevant for compressible media)

    - the differential pressure ratio at which choked flow occurs

    The the US unit system the flow coefficient CV is defined as the volumetric flow rate of water in USgal/min at pressure drop of 1 psi (Δp0=1 psi) and the temperature of 60 °F (approx. 15,6°C). The values of KV and CV are in the numerical relationship: KV = 0,865 * CV.

    The value of KVS denotes the value of KV at rated travel of the valve (valve open 100%).

    A characteristic line describes the dependency of the KV value from the valve travel and is used for the off-design / part load mode. Typically, this characteristic line has a linear or an equal percentage shape. 

    The actual characteristic line KV = f(Hub) can deviate from the theoretical one (linear or equal percentage).

    The definition of the flow coefficient KV is documented for one-phase media in the guideline DIN EN 60534 and VDI/VDE 2173 and is related to the water at the temperature between 5°C and 40°C and pressure drop of 1 bar. For multi-phase flows there is a problem of the accurate density definition for the mixture of phases. Different modeling proposals made in the past have not been accepted as a standard yet. Hence the current implementation of the component 133 is limited to one-phase media only.

    The control of maximum pressure drop value Δpmax / choked flow occurrence varies depending of the fluid type / fluid phase

    For one-component liquid media (e.g. liquid water) DP12 is compared to DPMAX which, in turn, is computed using the value of FL (liquid pressure recovery factor).

    where Pc – critical pressure

    and Pv – saturation pressure at temperature T1

    For the mixture of gases (e.g. air) or one-component gaseous media (e.g. water steam) the occurrence of choked flow is controlled comparing the value of X to the value of Fγ*XT

    The volumetric flow rate V1MAX and the mass flow rate M1MAX corresponding to DPMAX are computed using the KV value as

    On the other hand the limiting value KVMAX can be computed using the values of DPMAX and M1:


    User Input Values


    Flag for calculation mode

    =0:  GLOBAL
    =1:  Local off-design
    =-1: Local design


    Flag for the definition of the flow coefficient

    =0: SI, water at 5-40°C, DP=1 bar (KV)

    =1: US, water at 40-100°F, DP=1psi (CV)


    KV-value at the rated travel (100%)


    Flag for the specification of the actual TRAVEL (for FCALC<4 only)

    =0: Using TRAVEL value

    =1: Using H3 value (enthalpy at PIN3)


    actual travel, for off-design only.

    This value is used as x value for the char. lines 1-3 only if FTRAVEL=0 and FCALC=1,2,3.

    If FCALC=4,5 this value is ignored. Instead the result value TRAVELCL is computed using the computed KV-value and the char.line 1

    If FTRAVEL=1 this value is ignored. Instead the value of H3 is used for the travel specification 


    Flag for the specification of the desired pressure drop

    =0: Using DP12D value

    =1: Using P3 value (pressure at PIN3)


    desired DP12 (for FCALC = 3 or FCALC=5 only)


    Calculation mode

    =1: TRAVEL and M1 given, DP12 computed

    =2: TRAVEL and P1 and P2 given, M1 computed

    =3: TRAVEL and DP12D given, M1 computed

    =4: M1, P1 and P2 given, KV computed. Identification, Char.line F(TRAVEL) is ignored, TRAVELCL is computed using KV and F(TRAVEL)

    =5: M1 and DP12D given, KV computed. Identification, Char.line F(TRAVEL) is ignored, TRAVELCL is computed using KV and F(TRAVEL)


    Flag for the flow limitation (if choked flow occurs)

    =0: OFF. The limit values DPMAX, M1MAX, VM1MAX, KVMAX are computed, warning appears at limit violation, but no active limitation of M1

    =1: ON. M1 is limited at choked flow condition for FCALC=2 or FCALC=3 only. Attention! reasonable specification values for FLN, XTN are expected for accurate results.


    Liquid pressure recovery factor nominal. Relevant for liquid media


    Difference pressure ratio at transition to cavitating flow XFZ (nominal). Relevant for liquid media and partial cavitation. XFZ=DP12Krit/(P1-P1SAT). DP12Krit is computed using XFZ. If DP12>DP12Krit the partial cavitation occurs


    Difference pressure ratio at which choked flow occurs (nominal). Relevant for gaseous media


    Pressure drop nominal (TRAVEL= 100%)


    Mass flow nominal


    Volume flow at inlet nominal


    Specific volume at inlet nominal


    The identification values marked in blue are reference values for off-design mode. These values are referred to for the actual off-design values used in the equations respectively. If these identification values are stream data, then these values are often taken from attached pipes or calculated values.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values




    actual flow coefficient KV-value


    actual pressure drop


    Actual valve travel according to char. line (can deviate from TRAVEL input value if FCALC>3).

    This value is computed from the inverse look up of the char.line 1 for FCALC=4,5.


    reference value of KV (char.line KV=f(TRAVEL))


    pressure drop reference value (char.line KV=f(TRAVEL) and M1)


    mass flow reference value (char.line KV=f(TRAVEL) and DP12)


    volume flow reference value (char.line KV=f(TRAVEL) and DP12)


    differential pressure ratio DP12/P1 (relevant for gases)


    differential pressure ratio DP12/(P1-P1SAT) (relevant for liquids)


    liquid pressure recovery factor from char. line 3


    differential pressure ratio at which choked flow occurs from char. line 2


    differential pressure ratio at transition to cavitation XFZ=DP12Krit/(P1-P1SAT)


    pressure drop at which choked flow occurs


    volume flow M1 corresponding to DPMAX and KV


    mass flow M1 corresponding to DPMAX and KV


    KV value corresponding to DPMAX and M1

    Characteristic Lines

    Characteristic line 1: Flow coefficient KV/KVS = f(TRAVEL)

         X-Axis           1         TRAVEL            1. point
                              2         TRAVEL            2. point
                             N         TRAVEL            last point
         Y-Axis          1          KV/KVS                     1. point
                             2          KV/KVS                     2. point
                             N         KV/KVS                     last point

    Characteristic line 2: Differential pressure ratio for choked flow XT/XTN = f(TRAVEL)

         X-Axis          1        TRAVEL                       1. point
                             2        TRAVEL                       2. point
                             N        TRAVEL                       last point
         Y-Axis          1        XT/XTN                      1. point
                             2        XT/XTN                      2. point
                             N        XT/XTN                      last point

    Characteristic line 3: Liquid pressure recovery factor FL/FLN = f(TRAVEL)

         X-Axis      1        TRAVEL                 1. point
                         2        TRAVEL                 2. point
                         N        TRAVEL                last point
         Y-Axis     1        FL/FLN              1. point
                        2        FL/FLN              2. point
                        N        FL/FLN             last point

    Characteristic line 4: Differential pressure ratio at transition to cavitating flow XFZ/XFZN = f(KV/KVS)

         X-Axis     1        KV/KVS                              1. point
                        2        KV/KVS                              2. point
                        N        KV/KVS                             last point
         Y-Axis     1        XFZ/XFZN             1. point
                        2        XFZ/XFZN             2. point
                        N        XFZ/XFZN             last point


    Physics used



    If FDEF=0

         DP0 = 1 bar

    If FDEF=1

         DP0 = 1 psi = 0,068944 bar 

    RHO0 = 1000 (kg/m³)

    KVREF from char.line 1 CLKV

    XT from char.line 2 CLXT

    FL from char.line 3 CLFL

    XFZ from char.line 4 CLXFZ

    X=(P1-P2)/P1 – differential pressure ratio

    If on PIN1 and PIN2 liquid fluid

         Y = 1

         XF = (P1-P2)/(P1-PSAT(T1))

    If on PIN1 and PIN2 steam / gas / gas mixture

         FY = GAMMA/1,4

         Y= 1 – X/(3*FY*XT)

    DPREF = DP0/(RHO1*RHO0) * (M1/(KVREF*Y)) * (M1/(KVREF*Y))



    If FLIM=1 (limitation activated)

         If M1REF>M1MAX then M1REF=M1MAX


    Mass balance:

    M1 - M2 = 0

    If FCALC=2 or FCALC=3

          M1 = M1REF


    Pressure balance:

    If FCALC<>2 and FCALC<>4

          If FCALC=1

                P1 – P2 = DPREF


                P1 – P2 = DP12D


    Enthalpy balance:

    H1 - H2 = 0 (adiabatic process)


    Limit values:

    If compressible (gas, steam):

          DPMAX = P1*FY*XT

    If incompressible (liquid):

          PCRIT – critical pressure

          FF = 0.96-0.28*SQRT(P1SAT/PCRIT)

          DPMAX = FL*FL*(P1-FF*P1SAT)





    Control of partial cavitation (only for liquids)

    DP12Krit is computed using XFZ (Char.line 4) and  XFZ=DP12Krit/(P1-P1SAT)

    If DP12>=DP12Krit, warning: partial cavitation!

    Component Displays

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