EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Component 120: Solar Tower Receiver
    In This Topic

    Component 120: Solar Tower Receiver

    Line Connections


    Fluid Inlet


    Fluid Outlet


    Logic connection to heliostat field (121)


    General       User Input Values       Physics Used       Characteristic Lines       Displays       Example



    in the solar receiver, the heat flux arriving at the aperture area is transferred into a heat flow directed to the heat transfer medium. There, the heat is used to raise the fluid temperature or, in the case of a steam receiver, the steam fraction. On the way from the aperture to the fluid, some optical and thermal losses occur. These are modelled in the receiver component. The user is free to define the thermal boundary conditions of the model by imposing appropriate values on the connected lines (two quantities of m , Tin and Tout) .

    The effective heat (in kW),

    transferred to the fluid is determined from

    with the heat losses composed of optical, convective and radiation losses,


    The optical losses do not depend on the receiver temperature, but convective and radiation heat losses do.

    The model offers the user several options how to describe the receiver losses:

          • Constant heat loss (model switch FHLOSS=0)
          • Constant receiver temperature (model switch FHLOSS=1)
          • Variable receiver temperature (model switch FHLOSS=2)
          • User defined function for total losses (model switch FHLOSS=3)
          • User defined functions for all three loss terms (model switch FHLOSS=4)
          • Table based values for total efficiency (FHLOSS=5)

    Optical losses

    The optical losses are determined from the constant optical efficiency ηopt as


    This reflects the implementation for options FHLOSS=0, 1, and 2. In case only a total loss term is calculated (FHLOSS=3, 5) the optical losses are set to 0. For FHLOSS=4 a formula for calculation of   has to be provided by the user.

    Convective losses

    For the option “Constant heat losses” (FHLOSS=0), the convective losses are calculated by

    with a constant area specific heat loss and the aperture area Arec.
    For options 2 and 3 (FHLOSS=2, 3), the convective losses are determined as a function of a mean receiver temperature Trec and a constant heat transfer coefficient Alpha ,

    The receiver temperature is either set to a constant value (FHLOSS=2) or calculated from the respective fluid temperature entering, Tin, and leaving, Tout, the receiver.

    A weighting factor k for the temperatures is used to allow definition of any representative temperature between inlet and outlet. Over-temperature of the receiver wall outer surface can be expressed by a wall over temperature at design load,  .

    For option 4 (FHLOSS=4) a user defined function determines the convective heat loss. For options 3 and 5 (FHLOSS=3, 5), only the total loss is represented by either a user-defined function (FHLOSS=3) or a total efficiency approach


    by table interpolation (FHLOSS=5). In both cases the convective loss term is used to represent the total loss of the receiver.

    An additional user defined function can be used to express wind impact on the convective losses.  

    Radiation losses

    As for the convective heat losses, the radiation losses can be expressed in terms of the mean receiver temperature Trec as 


    with the emissivity Sigma  defined by the user and the Stefan Boltzmann constant Epsilon.
    Note that the temperature in EBSILON®Professional is usually given in °C and has to be transformed to K for this calculation. The receiver temperature is either constant (FHLOSS=1) or depends on the inlet and outlet temperature as described above (FHLOSS=2). For options FHLOSS=0, 3, and 5 the radiation losses are set to zero since they are not explicitly considered. In option FHLOSS=4 the user has to provide a function for the radiation heat loss term.


    Pressure drop in the receiver

    The conventional pressure drop handling of EBSILON®Professional is used also for this component. The user specifies a nominal value and has different options to determine the part load pressure drops.


    Interaction between field and receiver

    It is important to understand that the heliostat field efficiency matrix is valid only for one configuration. A configuration is defined by the position and parameters of all heliostats in the field as well as the location and extension of the receiver aperture surface. Even an up-scaled, geometrical similar configuration will have a lower field efficiency since distances and, therefore, attenuation of the reflected beams is larger. If the plant is to be erected at another site a new heliostat field should be designed since the optimum heliostat field configuration will be somehow different.

    In order to prevent errors by the user all relevant geometrical data for a specific field layout are stored at only one location. This includes total reflective area of heliostat field Arefl , receiver height, receiver radius,  receiver view angle, receiver tilt, receiver shape (circular, rectangular, cylindrical, truncated), receiver aperture area Arec (calculated from the quantities above) and tower height.

    These variables are stored in the heliostat field component and made available in the receiver component via a connection line. The connection line between is also used to access some thermodynamic variables of the receiver from within the heliostat field model. These are used in the heliostat field model to determine an appropriate focus state.


    User Input Values

    Performance Parameters


    Flag for specifications  for mass flow and temperatures

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Mass flow and one temperature given, other temperature calculated  
          prescribe T1 and M1, calculate T2
          prescribe T2 and M1, calculate T1

    =1: Temperatures given, mass flow calculated
          prescribe T1 and T2, calculate M1

    FHLOSS Flag for heat loss model

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)  

    =0: Constant heat loss

    =1: Constant receiver temperature (TREC)

    =2: Variable receiver temperature model

    =3: Adaptation function for total losses EQLOSS

    =4: Individual adaptation functions EQLOSSOP, EQLOSSCO, EQLOSSRA

    =5: Char Lines-based values for total efficiency CQLOSS: ETA(QINC)

    Note: If option FHLOSS=0 or 1 is chosen, no impact of the fluid temperatures on the heat is considered.

    ETAOPT Optical efficiency
    QALOSS Aperture specific heat loss (only for FHLOSS==0)
    EMIS Emissivity of receiver surface
    ALPHA Convective heat loss coefficient
    TREC Receiver temperature
    K Weighting factor
    DTWDES Design wall temperature difference
    EQLOSS Adaptation function for all losses a,b,c
    EQLOSSOP Adaptation function a for optical losses RQLOSSOP=f(...)
    EQLOSSCO Adaptation function b for convection losses RQLOSSCO=f(...)
    EQLOSSRA Adaptation function c for radiation losses RQLOSSRA=f(...)
    FWIND Method of calculation of wind effects

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: given by constant factor CORWIND
    =1: adaptation function EWIND

    CORWIND Factor to correct for additional convective heat losses due to wind
    EWIND adaptation function for wind impact (result is a factor for convective heat losses)
    FMODE Flag for calculation mode Design /Off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0:  Global 
    =1:  local off-design (i.e. always off-design mode, even when a design calculation has been done globally)
    =-1: local design 


    Pressure Loss Parameters

    DP12N Nominal pressure loss (this value is used if FDP12N=0)
    FDP12PL Method for calculation of part-load pressure loss    
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)                


    =0: Depending on mass flow                

    =1: Depending on mass and volume flow                

    =2: Constant at nominal value                

    =3: Char Lines-based values CDP12PL: DP12/DP12N=CDP12PL(M1/M1N)                

    =4: Adaptation function EDP12PL: (DP12/DP12N=EDP12PL(M1/M1N)            


    EDP12PL for FDP12PL=4 adaptation function part-load pressure drop (DP12/DP12N=EDP12PL(M1/M1N)


    Ambient and Irradiance Parameters

    FQINC Definition of incident power        
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)                    


    =0: Taken from connected heliostat field module (121)

    =1: Defined by parameter (for testing purpose)

    QINC Incident power on receiver aperture AREC
    FSTAMB Definition of ambient temperature               
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)                    


    =0: Given by parameter TAMB

    =1: Taken from SUN component with index ISUN

    TAMB Ambient temperature (this value is used if FSAMB=0)
    FSWIND Definition of wind speed and wind direction            
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)                    


    =0: Given by parameters VWIND and AWIND

    =1: Taken from superior SUN component with index ISUN

    VWIND Wind speed (>0, this value is used if FSWIND=0)


    Wind direction (from south to north=0°, positive in east direction, values in the range of 0..360°, this value is used if FSWIND=0)


    Index of reference solar data component


    Mass Flow (nominal)


    Specific Volume at point 1 (nominal)

    The parameters marked in blue are reference quantities for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to these quantities in the equations used.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values


    Result values

    RQINC Calculated incident power on receiver aperture AREC
    RQAINC Calculated specific incident power on receiver =RQINC/AREC
    QLOSS Calculated total loss in receiver
    QALOSS Calculated specific total loss of receiver =QLOSS/AREC
    RQLOSSCO Thermal losses of receiver (convection)
    RQLOSSRA Thermal losses of receiver (radiation)
    RQLOSSOP Optical losses of receiver
    RQEFF Heat absorbed by fluid
    ETAREC Receiver efficiency =RQEFF/RQINC
    RTREC Effective receiver temperature (if FHLOSS=1,2,[3],[4])
    DTW Wall temperature difference (if FHLOSS=2,[3],[4])
    DP12 Pressure loss
    RVWIND Wind speed used in calculation
    RAWIND Wind direction used in calculation
    SCONV Correction factor for wind impact used in calculation
    RTAMB Ambient temperature used in calculation
    AREC Receiver aperture area (defined by heliostat field matrix)
    RECELEV Height of receiver above ground
    FRECFORM Form of receiver
    RECDIAM Receiver diameter / width / base diameter
    RECHEI Receiver height / diameter / length of edge /  length of surface line
    RECTILT Receiver tilt angle
    RECVIEW Receiver view angle
    QINCDES Design intercept power (obtained from heliostat field model)


    Physics Used


    General heat balance

    The heat input into the fluid flow is given by

    M1*(H2-H1) = RQEFF .


    The effective heat input QEFF depends on the incident power QINC and the losses of the receiver



    The total heat loss RQLOSS is composed of three single terms



    RQLOSSOP Optical losses (do not depend on the temperature)
    RQLOSSCO Convective heat losses
    RQLOSSRA Radiation heat losses


    The user has several options to decide how the loss terms are calculated. These are listed in the following sections:


    FHLOSS=0: Constant heat loss

    A constant heat loss is prescribed for the absorber in terms of parameters QALOSS. It is not distinguished between radiative and convective heat losses.

    RQLOSSRA = 0


    FHLOSS=1: Constant receiver temperature TREC

    Radiative (RQLOSSRA) and convective (RQLOSSCO) heat losses are calculated from a prescribed receiver temperature TREC.

    RQLOSSCO = SCONV * ALPHA * (RTREC - RTAMB) * AREC * 0.001 (W-> kW conversion!)
    RQLOSSRA =EMIS * SIGMA * ( (RTREC+273.15)**4 - (RTAMB+273.15)**4) * AREC * 0.001 (W-> kW conversion!)

    with RTREC = TREC

    SIGMA = 5.6704 E-8 W/(m2K4) (Stefan-Boltzmann constant)


    FHLOSS=2: Variable receiver temperature

    This option is similar to FHLOSS=1, but the receiver temperature is determined from the fluid inlet (T1) and outlet (T2) temperatures of the receiver. The user has the possibility to define the weighting between inlet and outlet temperature via parameter K. In addition, a load depended temperature across the receiver wall is added. The user has to specify the design temperature difference DTWDES and the design incident power QINCDES (restricted specification value).


    RQLOSSCO = SCONV * ALPHA * (RTREC - RTAMB) * AREC * 0.001 (W-> kW conversion!)
    RQLOSSRA =EMIS * SIGMA * ( (RTREC+273.15)**4 - (RTAMB+273.15)**4) * AREC * 0.001 (W-> kW conversion!)


    RTREC = T1 + K * ( T2 - T1 ) + DTWDES * QINC / QINCDES

    SIGMA = 5.6704 E-8 W/(m2K4) (Stefan-Boltzmann constant)



    FHLOSS=3: Adaptation function for total losses

    The user may provide an adaptation function EQLOSS for the total receiver losses (including optical!). This option is intended for the user who wants to provide a rather comprehensive receiver loss model with strong interaction between the loss terms.

    RQLOSSOP = 0
    RQLOSSRA = 0


    FHLOSS=4: Individual adaptation functions for losses

    The user may provide individual adaptation functions for the three loss terms. This is useful if the three terms can be calculated more or less independent from each other.



    FHLOSS=5:  Char Lines-based values for total efficiency

    This option is intended for the user who knows a load depended efficiency curve of the receiver.

    RQLOSSOP = 0
    RQLOSSRA = 0



    Wind effects on thermal losses: SCONV

    Thermal losses of the receiver might be higher with wind (forced convection). A multiplier SCONV is introduced to model the increased convective heat loss RQLOSSCO. The factor SCONV is calculated as




    (wind influence can be modelled in adaptation function EWIND, default for EWIND is 1)

    where CORWIND is a parameter >=1 and EWIND is an adaptation function with a result value >=1.


    Pressure loss

    The conventional pressure drop handling of EBSILON®Professional is used also for this component. The user specifies a nominal value and has different options to determine the part load pressure drops.


    Nominal pressure loss

    The nominal pressure loss has to be prescribed by the user via parameter DP12N


    Part-load pressure loss

    The user has the following options for the calculation of the part-load pressure loss:


    Dependent on mass flow (in relation to nominal values)


    Dependent on mass and volume flow (in relation to nominal values)


    Constant at nominal value


    Char Lines-based values CDP12PL: DP12/DP12N=CDP12PL(M1/M1N)


    Adaptation function EDP12PL: (DP12/DP12N=EDP12PL(M1/M1N)


    Characteristic Lines


    CD12PL: Pressure loss characteristic 

    DP12/DP12N = f(M1/M1N)


    CQLOSS: Heat loss characteristic


    Component Displays

    Display Option 1



    Click here >> Component 120 Demo << to load an example.-

    See Also