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EBSILON Professional Components / Components - General and Categories / Heat Exchanger / Component 111: Cooling Tower (Natural Draft)
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    Component 111: Cooling Tower (Natural Draft)
    In This Topic

    Component 111: Natural Draft Cooling Tower (Merkel)


    Line connections


    Air Inlet


    Air Outlet


    Cooling Water Inlet


    Cooling Water Outlet


    Makeup Inlet


    Blow Down


    Flue gas Inlet (optional)


    Control inlet for performance factor (PACKPERF - as h) or T4


    General      Transient modeling       User Input Values       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Component 111 simulates a natural draft cooling tower with a counter current wet cooling zone. The wet cooling zone model is based on the Merkel equation (e.g. VDI Wärmeatlas,  section Mj).


    There is as of Release 11 an identification mode for these cooling towers.
    The flag FIDENT allows to control whether
    • the cooling water outlet temperature T4 is to be calculated (FIDENT=0)
    • the cooling water outlet temperature T4 is to be specified, and the air flow is to be calculated (FIDENT=1)
    • the cooling water outlet temperature T4 is to be specified, and the Merkel number is to be calculated (FIDENT=2)
    It is also possible to specify a wind correction.

    Also, a kernel expression can be specified for the packing characteristic factor C, the performance factor K, and the wind correction.

    Now the Merkel cooling towers can also be used in the INTMAT mode (integration of the material data into the equation system). Thus for models containing these components a material data reconciliation is possible too.


    There is a performance factor PACKPERF by means of which a change of the cooling tower performance can be simulated. This parameter has been made accessible via a logic line, so that an adjustment is possible.


    Note on the T4 specification:

    Transient modeling

    Component 111 enables the modeling of transient regimes (time-dependent computations). This type of calculation is activated with the switch FINST.

    A cooling tower features transient behavior mostly in the water basin which acts as a big water storage. The wet zone with fill or packing material also features some significant mass and acts as indirect storage delaying the cooled water temperature changes e.g. at load changes. Finally, the cooling tower shell wall also acts as an indirect storage influencing however only the air outlet state.

    Cooling tower transient computations are possible for drain mode (FCIRC=1) and without hybrid mode (FHYBRID=0) only. In cooling tower transient computations the air outlet humidity is always computed (FHUM=1).

    The user input values for the transient modeling are classified in the following groups.

    Water basin definition - here the water basin geometric details are specified. The water basin transient mass and energy balance is computed assuming homogeneous mixing of water inside the basin. Depending on the flag value FSPIN one can either specify the water basin level (FSPIN=0) or compute the level specifying both the inlet and the outlet water mass flow (FSPIN=1).

    Fill or packing material definition - here the geometric and material details of the fill or packing material (wet zone) are specified. The fill or packing material part is defined by the volume of the wet zone WZVOL, the void volume fraction PHI (i,e, the volume portion of the wet zone not occupied by the fill or packing material) as well as the fill or packing material specific surface area FV.

    Heat transfer coefficients - in this group the heat and mass transfer coefficients, in particular for the simulation of the evaporation and the heat transfer in the wet zone, are specified. The heat transfer between water and air is controlled by the coefficient ALPHIWAN at Design conditions (defined by the air to water ratio) and is scaled by the corresponding parameters PACKFACT, PACKEXP, PACKPERF at off-design conditions. The mass transfer (water evaporation) is controlled by the coefficient BETAWAN at Design conditions and is scaled by the corresponding parameters PACKFACT, PACKEXP, PACKPERF at off-design conditions. There are two alternatives to specify the mass transfer coefficient. One can either specify the value of BETAWAN directly or by specifying the value of ALPHIWAN and the Lewis factor LEF defined as

    \[ Le_f = \frac{\alpha}{\rho \beta c_p} \]

    Here \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are the heat and mass transfer coefficients respectively. \(\rho\) and \(c_p\) are the air density and heat capacity.

    Shell wall material definition - here the geometric and material details of the cooling tower shell wall are specified.

    After spefifying all geometric details of the cooling tower one can match the results of the steady state Merkel equation model implemented in the component 111 for the wet zone by adjusting the values of ALPHIWAN, BETAWAN (or LEF)  at steady state conditions.  

    In case of identification calculation - FIDENT > 0 - the values of the heat and the mass transfer coefficient water to air (\(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)) are adjusted to match the specified temperature T4.

    User Input Values


     Switch (on/off)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Off (No Air calculations, input cooling range DT34N = T3 -T4)

    =1: On


    Cooling range (Only for FFU = 0)


    Calculation mode (design / off-design)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Global

    = 1: local Off-Design

    =-1: local Design


    Identification mode:

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    = 0: No identification, T4 is calculated
    = 1: T4 is specified by control inlet, the air flow is calculated, so that this temperature is reached.
    = 2: T4 is specified by control inlet, the Merkel Number is calculated, so that this temperature is reached.


    Switch for wet zone mode:
    The wet zone is designed using a characteristic parameter WETZONE. The FWETZONE switch determines, how this parameter should be interpreted:

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: PWETZONE is interpreted as the water outlet temperature (T4). The Merkel number is then calculated from this. This is the integral of Merkel's main equation over the water temperature. The integration limits are the water inlet and outlet temperatures of the wet zone.

    =1: PWETZONE is interpreted as a temperature approximation (approach temperature) between the water outlet (T4) and the wet bulb temperature (TWB1) of the inlet air. The wet bulb temperature is therefore the cooling limit temperature (which would be achievable with an infinitely large area), since the evaporation of the water can result in an additional cooling below the air inlet temperature. The temperature approximation is also called the cooling limit distance. It is usually set at 5 K, in practice cooling limit distances between 4 K and 7 K can be found.
    T4 is determined from the cooling limit distance and then the Merkel number, as with FWETZONE = 0.

    =2: PWETZONE is interpreted as a Merkel number (Me). In this case, the water outlet temperature is to be found as the integration limit so that the integral of Merkel's main equation gives the desired Merkel number.

    =3: PWETZONE is interpreted as NTU ("number of transfer units"). This results in the Merkel number for Me = NTU * AWR, with the air / water ratio
          AWR = M4 / M1_dry.

    The water outlet temperature is then calculated from the Merkel number as with FWETZONE = 2.


    Parameter for wet-zone    

    Cooling water outlet temperature T4 (for FWETZONE=0)

    wet-zone temperature approach (for FWETZONE=1)

    Merkel number (for FWETZONE=2)

    NTU (for FWETZONE=3) Physical key figure (dimensionless), definition: NTU = (k * A) / (m * cp)


    Dry Air/ Water Ratio, Design


    Flag for Packing characteristic factor C (off design)

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Internally by the specification value
    =1: PACKFACT= Port_8.P/(1 bar)
    =2: Expression EPACKFACT


    Packing-Characteristic Factor (C), off-design


    Expression for Packing-Characteristic Factor (C)

    begin // TODO: calculate return value and set val to it evalexpr:=1.0;


    Packing-Characteristic Exponent (M), off-design


    Specification of performance factor , off-design  

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Internally by the specification value

    =1: PACKPERF= Port_8.H/(1 kJ/kg)

    =2: Expression EPACKPERF


    Packing-Characteristic Performance Factor (K), off-design


    Expression for PACKPERF
    begin // TODO: calculate return value and set val to it evalexpr:=1.0;


    Switch for Merkel equation

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Standard Merkel Equation

    =1: Enhanced Merkel Equation


    Handling of wet-zone outlet humidity

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: wet-zone outlet relative humidity is user input

    =1: wet-zone outlet relative humidity will be calculated


    wet-zone outlet relative humidity (FHUM=0)


    Drift loss fraction


    Switch for water circulation type

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Closed circulation. Determine makeup and purge flow rate via the parameter COC

    =1: Open circulation. No makeup and purge flow


    Cycles of concentration in a closed circulation loop


    According to VGB R 455 P is

        COC = makeup water / purge water = Z/A

    This is a simplification that is not valid for components 111/112, because here the calculation is based on the real increase in concentration of salts under consideration of drift losses (DRIFT).


    Switch for stack mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: pressure drop is input

    =1: stack height is input


    Stack Parameter

    Pressure drop (FSTACK=0)

    Effective stack height (FSTACK=1)


    Specification of wind correction factor

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: None

    =1: value CFWIND

    =2: value CWTDT

    =3: Airflow factor = Port_8.M/(1kg/s)

    =4:Cooling water outlet offset = Port_8.M/(1 kg/s)*(1K)

    =5: Charlie lookup CWINDAIRFLOW, wind speed x = Port_8.M/(1 kg/s)*(1 m/s)

    =6: Charlie lookup CWINDCWTDT, wind speed x = Port_8.M/(1 kg/s)*(1 m/s)

    =7: Expression ECFWIND corrects airflow (factor)

    =8: Expression ECFWIND corrects cooling water temperature (offset)


    Wind correction factor  for air flow


    Wind correction temperature offset  for cooling water outlet (dt)


    Expression wind correction factor

    function evalexpr:REAL;
    var val:real;
      internals:array of InternalValue;
      n:integer; i:integer;
      WindSpeed:real; comp111:

      internals := keGetInternals();
      n := length( internals );
      { for i := 0 to n-1 do 
      begin println( internals[i].name, ": ", internals[i].value );
      end; }

      if (n > 0) then WindSpeed:=internals[0].value; 
      comp111 := ebscomp111(keGetComp);
      if comp111.FCFWIND = 7 then
      begin val:= 1; // Factor
         val := 0; // offset
      // println( "Return Value: ", val );

      evalexpr := val;



    Switch for hybrid mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Off

    =1: manual Input

    =2: Set margin to plume formation (temperature approach)


    margin to plume formation (FHYBRID=2)


    Switch for heat exchanger mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Off

    =1: Effectiveness

    =2: Temperature change, active for Hybrid = 1

    =3: Area


    heat exchanger parameter

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    Effectiveness (if FHX=1)

    Temperature change (if FHX=2)

    Area (if FHX=3)


    Dry zone/total water - flow ratio


    Dry zone/total air - flow ratio


    Air side heat transfer coefficient


    Water side heat transfer coefficient


    Fouling factor


    Off-design exponent gas side


    Off-design exponent water side


    Active fraction of heat exchanger (Off-Design)


    Flag: Initializing state

    =0: Global, which is controlled via global variable "Transient mode" under Model Options
          "Extras" ->"Model Options" -> "Simulation" -> "Transient" -> Combo Box "Transient mode"

            (See -> Used Physics / equations -> Global Initialization of Transient Components )

    =1: First run -> Initializing while calculating steady state values
    =2: Continuation run -> Values from previous time step are input for the present ones

    SHEIG Shell height
    SVOL Shell volume
    THWALL Shell wall thickness
    RHOS Density of the shell wall material
    LAMS Heat conductivity of the shell wall material
    CS Heat capacity of the shell wall material
    NFLS Number of points in flow direction: dry zone
    WZVOL Wet zone volume
    PHI Free cross section fraction
    FV Outer surface to volume ratio
    RHOFM Density of fill or packing material
    LAMFM Heat conductivity of fill or packing material
    CFM Heat capacity of fill or packing material
    NFLWZ Number of points in flow direction: wet zone

    Transient balance calculation mode

    0: Liquid level given, mass flows computed

    1: Mass flows given, liquid level computed

    VF Liquid volume fraction (liquid level) at the end of the time step
    VMIN Volume at liquid volume fraction value 0
    VMAX Volume at liquid volume fraction value 1

    Liquid volume calculation mode

    0: linear between VMIN and VMAX

    1: Using ELV

    ELV Function for the liquid volume computation
    TWBEG Temperature in water basin at time step begin (relevant for transient time steps only)
    ALPHIS Inner heat transfer coefficient between air and shell wall
    ALPHIFP Inner heat transfer coefficient between water and fill or packing material
    ALPHIWAN Heat transfer coefficient water to air (nominal value)

    Mass transfer coefficient water to air calculation

    0: compute mass transfer coefficient value using Lewis factor input value (LEF)

    1: use directly BETAWAN value and Off-design factors and exponents

    LEF Lewis factor input value
    BETAWAN Mass transfer coefficient water to air (nominal value)
    ALPHO Outer heat transfer coefficient (to ambient)


    Air to water ratio (nominal)


    Merkel number (nominal)


    Air side pressure drop (nominal)


    Required stack height (nominal)


    Ambient air density (nominal)


    Ambient air humidity ratio


    Air outlet humidity ratio


    Air outlet density


    Outlet air flow (nominal)


    Wet zone dry air mass flow


    Heat Exchanger air mass flow (nominal)


    Heat Exchanger water mass flow (nominal)


    Air side heat transfer coefficient (nominal)


    Water side heat transfer coefficient (nominal)


    Heat exchanger area


    Stack volume flow

    The identification value marked in blue is a reference value for off-design calculations. The actual off-design values refer to the values used in the equations.

    Generally, all inputs that are visible are required. But, often default values are provided.

    For more information on colour of the input fields and their descriptions see Edit Component\Specification values

    For more information on design vs. off-design and nominal values see General\Accept Nominal values



    Characteristic Lines

    Characteristic Line 1, CWINDAIRFLOW: CF(air mass flow) = f (wind speed)

    CF = Correction factor

        X-Axis          1         wind speed                         1st point
                            2          wind speed                        2nd point
                          N         wind speed                         last point
        Y-Axis          1          CF (air mass flow)              1st point
                             2          CF (air mass flow)             2nd point   
                             .                                                                .
                                    CF (air mass flow)              last point


    Characteristic Line  2, CWINDCWTDT: dT( cooling water temperature) = f (wind speed)

       X-Axis                   wind speed                                          1st point
                            2          wind speed                                          2nd point

                          N          wind speed                                          last point

        Y-Axis          1          dT (cooling water temperature)           1st point
                             2          dT (cooling water temperature)          2nd point
                                    dT (cooling water temperature)           last point

    Physics Used

    The natural draft cooling tower consists of four zones, which are shown schematically in the following picture. These zones are the wet cooling zone, the dry cooling zone, the cooling tower basin and the stack.

    The dry cooling zone can be activated by the user (FHYBRID). In design mode, the distribution of dry to wet cooling duty will be set by the air and water flow ratios between dry and wet zone, the wet zone size and the heat exchanger size.

    The physics of the dry zone is described according to the rules for a normal air-water cross-flow heat exchanger, the physics of the wet cooling zone according to the rules of Merkel's equation.

    The part-load performance of the wet zone is a characteristic of the Merkel number as a function of the dry air to water ratio.

    A draft model describes the relationship between stack height, stack inlet condition (i.e. the air outlet temperature of the cooling zones) and air . As a special feature it is possible to add flue gas to increase the draft.

    Wet zone


    Water outlet temperature given:

    The Merkel Number will be calculated, by integration of the Merkel equation.

    Merkel number given:

    Find the corresponding water outlet temperature to get the desired Merkel number.


    Via the relationship: Me = MeDesign * K*C*(AWR/AWRDesign) m the actual Merkel number will be calculated. Then a solver finds the corresponding water outlet for this Merkel number.  K, C and m are defined as PACKPERF, PACKFACT and PACKEXP.

    Integration of the Merkel equation:

    If the wet zone outlet humidity is set by the user (FHUM=0) the Merkel number  can be determined by numerical quadrature. An Implementation of algorithm 699 from TOMS; TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE, VOL. 17, NO. 4, DECEMBER, 1991, PP. 457-461 is used.

    If the wet zone outlet humidity is calculated (FHUM=1) a System of ordinary differential equations needs to be solved. Here a Runge-Kutta Method of order 5 is used (Dormand-Prince).


    Heat exchanger

    The heat exchanger is modelled as single pass with the  NTU-Effectiveness Method. (VDI Wärmeatlas, Section Ca; Compact Heat Exchangers; by W.M. Kays and A.L. London)

    The Off-Design correlation for the heat transfer coefficients is for the air-side:  

    k Gas Off-Design = k Gas Design *(v Gas Off-Design / v Gas Design)m1 (Default m1=0.8, m1 corresponds to PLGASEXP))

    for the water side:

    k Water Off-Design = k Water Design *(v Water Off-Design / v Water Design)m2 (Default m2=0.8, m2 corresponds to PLWATEXP)

    Water density is considered constant


    Stack and air flow


    In design mode, the air flow will be determined by the parameter AWR. The relationship between pressure drop and required stack height H is given by:

    with rho = density, and g = gravitational constant


    In Off-Design mode, the pressure drop can be calculated by the following equation:

    The dry and wet zone air flow can be determined from the following equations:

    with A = cross sectional area:

    and elimination of  we get the final off-design equation for the air flow:



    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 111 Demo << to load an example.