In This Topic
The tool "Zoom" is used to display the entire model or a part of the model in the desired screen resolution. It does not affect the model itself or its calculation.
There are different ways for zooming:
You can draw a rectangle while pressing the right mouse button down and dragging the mouse. The region enclosed within this rectangle will be enlarged.
You can use the menu command "ViewàZoom" and specify a zooming factor in the input window that opens.
In the drop-down box in the zoom-bar (contains a percentage value), you can either
You can also use one of the zoom icons:

the "+" icon

enlarges the picture and retains center of the picture.
the "-" icon

downsizes the picture and retains the center of the picture.
the middle button

works in the same way as the "+" icon

, but retains the selected object in the center of the picture. This is especially useful to locate an object that has be marked by the
Find Tool.
the "100%" icon

not only resets the zooming, but also rescales the model after a modification.
the ">>" icon

works in the same way as the "-" icon

, but also resets the scale of the model. This is useful while developing a model.
Since "Zooming" does not cause any changes in the model, an "Undo" functionality is not available for zooming.
In case of a higher zoom factor, only parts of your drawing will be visible. To move to another region of your drawing, you can use: