EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
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    Available Tags

    The following tags are available in the HTML text fields:

    <a> - Designates the start or destination of a hyperlink.

    <b> - Specifies that the text should be rendered in bold.

    <baseline> - Specifies alignment at the baseline of the current line's text.

    <big> - Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in a larger font than the current font.

    <bmp> - Draws a bitmap

    <bottom> - Vertical align text and images to bottom edge.

    <br> - Inserts a line break.

    <center> - Centers subsequent text and images.

    <code> - Specifies a code sample.

    <em> - Emphasizes text, usually by rendering it in italic. Similar <i> tag

    <font> - Specifies a new font, size, and colour to be used for rendering the enclosed text.

    <h1> - <h6> - Renders text in heading style

    <hr> - Draws a horizontal rule.

    <i> - Emphasizes text, usually by rendering it in italic.

    <icon> - Draws an icon

    <ilst> - Draws an image from the image list

    <left> - Left align subsequent text and images.

    <middle> - Vertical center text and images. Similar <vcenter> tag

    <pre> - Renders text in a fixed-width font.

    <right> - Aligns text and images to the right edge.

    <s> - Renders text in strike-through type. Look <strike> tag.

    <small> - Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in a smaller font.

    <span> - Specifies an inline text container.

    <strike> - Renders text in strike-through type.

    <string> - Outputs specified text string

    <sub> - Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in subscript, using a smaller font than the current font.

    <sup> - Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in superscript, using a smaller font than the current font.

    <t> - Inserts a tabulation.

    <table> - Specifies that the contained content is organized into a table with rows and columns.

    <td> - Specifies a cell in a table.

    <top> - Align text and images to the top edge.

    <tr> - Specifies a row in a table.

    <vcenter> - Vertical center text and images. Similar <middle> tag



    There are the following EBSILON-specific extensions for the <a>-tag:

    ·         <a script="EbsScriptName"> </a>   executes an EbsScript having the name "EbsScriptName"

    ·         <a msg="Id:Parameter"> </a> executes the action connected with the EBSILON message Id with the Parameter


    The following text-field functions as a toggle. Depending upon, whether the user clicks on "Normal", "Warning" or "Alarm", the corresponding EbsScript is executed and the values determined in the model as an example are changed.



    The message IDs are defined as follows:


    0: no action

    1: Simulation

    2: Validation

    3: EbsScript call (with EbsScript-ID as parameter)

    4: EposMonitor control room image (with Image-ID as parameter)

    5: EposProVis-Multi Trend (with the trend name as parameter)

    6: EposProVis-XY-Diagram (with the trend name as parameter)

    7: EposProVis-Multitimetrend (with the trend name as parameter)

    8: Activate first child profile

    9: Activate last child profile

    10: Activate parent profile

    11: Activate next sibling profile

    12: Activate previous sibling profile

    13: Activate next profile

    14: Activate previous profile

    15: Activate profile by ID (with Profile-ID as parameter)

    16: Activate profile by name (with profile name as parameter)

    17: EposProVis-Simple-Trend (with the trend name as parameter)



     <a msg="17:Trend3VC31F001"> opens the simple EposProVis-Trend with the name "Trend3VC31F001".