An additional license is necessary for using this interface. Its handling is done in the same way as for the other User-Excel-Formats.
The User-Excel-Interface with EbsScript formatting offers the highest flexibility in designing the Excel reports. The EbsScript commands are entered here in the cells of the layout files. The same syntax, as in the case of the text fields, is valid; in addition, it is also possible to switch between the profiles.
This interface is used with the help of a formatting line having the following structure:
EbsScript Range
whereby, range describes the range of the cells, which are to be evaluated by using EbsScript, e.g. "EbsScript B2:J421". This command must be entered in the cell A1 of the template file. Entering a template file can be avoided, if the Excel-report is to be created from an EbsScript. In this case, the function "writeUserExcelFormatted" must be called.
Like in the case of text fields, the EbsScript commands are evaluated by default in the active profile.
To create reports, in which data of different profiles can be summarized together, there is a special regulation: If the EbsScript command "setCalcProfileBy Name (profile name)" is placed before in braces, the following expression is then evaluated by first changing to the profile having the name profile name.
Example: {setCalcProfileByName("Load90");DSP.MEASM}
This command leads to an output of the value of the measurement point DSP in the profile "Load90", regardless of the active profile.
The change of profile always applies to only one cell. If several cells are to be displayed from another profile, the command setCalcProfileByName is to be repeated in each cell.
Only in this Excel interface is it possible to change the profile within the output field. This is not supported in the text fields in the model.
When creating this report, all the cells are evaluated with EbsScript, which are specified in the range. In order that the creation time does not become unnecessarily long, only the range must be specified here, which contains the actual expression to be evaluated, and not A1:IE65535 by default.