EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
Data Transfer and Results Display / EBSILON for Excel Add-In / EBSILON for Excel Add-In / Link Area Code Words
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    Link Area Code Words
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    Link Area Codeword's

    These settings determine which special parameters @... are inserted in a new Link Area.

    As a minimum @ProfileName or @ScriptName have to be specified, but it is also recommended to use all the status variables (default) as you don't know anything on the quality of the calculations without them.


    Explanation of the Parameters



    Here you must specify the name of the profile which the functions of the Add-in shall be applied to.

    The profile name must always be specified, unless a script name is given.



    If you specify a script name, the function Execute Selection executes this script, i.e. the following steps are performed:

    1. If a profile name is specified, the input data will be transferred from Excel and written to this profile.
    2. Execute the script. The script must be embedded in the model.
    3. If a profile name is specified, the results will be read from this profile and transferred to Excel.



    If this flag is active, multiple runs per column/row can be executed. If the flag is missing (no codeword or empty cell), the value TRUE will be assumed.  This functionality enables you to terminate iterative procedures by setting this parameter to FALSE, once the target value is reached.



    This is the individual counter of the multiple execution feature; it defines how often the specified profile will be executed. When set to zero this dataset will be skipped in Execute Selection. When it is missing (no codeword or empty cell) the global value from the main menu (Execute plus drop-down list) will be used.



    This parameter shows the number of errors that occurred during Execute Selection in this dataset. The error text of each message is inserted into the comment of this cell.

    These values and messages are read from the specified profile. When executing a script these values are only valid, if the script includes the call simulate for this profile.



    This parameter shows the number of warnings that occurred during Execute Selection in this dataset. The warning text of each message is inserted into the comment of this cell.

    These values and messages are read from the specified profile. When executing a script these values are only valid, if the script includes the call simulate for this profile.



    This parameter reports the status of the last operation on this dataset.

    If the option Show Execution Timing is active, timing information from the EBSILON profile will be added as comment to this cell.



    This parameter displays the time of the last operation in this data-column or data-row, respectively.

    In case Show Execution Timing is active, timing information from the Add-in will be added as comment to this cell.