EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
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    User-defined buttons

    EBSILON®Professionaloffers numerous features to facilitate your work and customize it according to the user.


    While you can create EbsScripts to automate calculation processes, you can define keyboard shortcuts and buttons to facilitate certain actions that you would perform with mouse and keyboard otherwise.

    Buttons can be placed into your model at any place you want. How to define buttons and modify their appearance, is described in "Edit User-Defined Buttons".


    The biggest advantage of the user-defined buttons is the possibility to create EBSILON®Professional pictures that can be operated easily by users, who have not worked with Ebsilon before. Especially in the framework of the EBSILON®Professional Performance Operation System (E-POS), simplified EBSILON®Professional pictures with buttons can be used in the control room.

    Users can also define buttons to, 

    If you have different EbsScripts that calculate certain scenarios or optimization procedures, you can define one button for each of them and simply execute the corresponding calculation by clicking the button. The EbsScript will be executed in the background without displaying the program window. However, if you have specified an EbsScript log file, the output will be written to the file. If there is a ”read” command in your EbsScript, the page on the screen will be overwritten.


    You can either activate a specific profile by name or ID or by searching through the profile explorer, whereby you can also work by specifying short descriptions, such as the first or the last profile.


    If you have created different control room pictures, you can assign a button to each of them and easily switch from one picture to the next using these buttons. A special license is required for using this feature.  


    You can define a button for each PROVIS Multi Trend or x/y diagram. When you click on the button, PROVIS is opened and the corresponding curve is displayed. PROVIS is a separately licensed module.


    For more attributes of buttons, see "Edit User-Defined Buttons".