EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Move objects
    In This Topic

    Move existing objects


    Objects can be moved within the active window by means of drag-and-drop.

    1. Select the objects to be moved.
    2. Position the mouse over one of the objects selected *) - but not over one of its little marking squares.
    3. Press the left mouse button.
    4. Move the mouse to the new position with the left button pressed.
    5. The selected objects move along with the mouse.
    6. If the new position is reached, release the mouse button.
    7. The objects remain selected.

    You may repeat steps from 2 or 3 to 6 to correct the new position. You can change the selection in between.

    Alternatively, you can also move the selected objects with the help of the arrow keys. In case the screen view moves instead of the objects, when the arrow keys are pressed, it can be corrected by selecting the command "Extras"->"General Options" in the tab "Edit" in the field "Arrow Keys move".

    *) The mouse must be positioned directly over a selected object. To position inside a marking square (formed by the little squares) only is not sufficient.

    Handling the connections

    When a selected component is moved, its existing connections to pipelines and value crosses are not released.

    Therefore, pipelines connecting the moving object with fixed objects become stretched. If a pipeline to be stretched is divided into several sections, only the section next to the moving object becomes stretched.

    If you are not satisfied with the run of a pipeline (may be as a result of the operation just described), you can change it as follows:

    • Select the pipeline
    • Move the cursor over one of the (now visible) pipeline points, which marks the juncture of two of its sections. The cursor now changes to a cross.
    • Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed.
    • While you move the mouse, the point moves too and the two sections become stretched.
    • Release the mouse button to end the movement.

    Alternatively, press the Shift button to separate the pipeline connection from the object.