EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    International Settings
    In This Topic

    International Settings


    There are three international settings in this region:

    In addition there are the check boxes:


    Description of functions


    The language can be selected with the "Language" drop-down list. This selection affects the menus and dialog in the graphical user interface and the online help. The names and the texts in your model will not be affected by this.

    It is possible to switch the Graphical User Interface of Ebsilon to

    - English
    - Deutsch
    - Espanol
    - Francais
    - Japanese
    - Russian (Russian Federation)
    - Turkish
    - Chinese (People's Republic of China)


    Unit System

    Note (from version 10-Patch 3

    From now on expressions in spec-values are always evaluated in Ebsilon-SI-Units.
    Displaying the evaluated value in another unit might result in unexpected behaviour.

    You can use the function "makevaluewithunit" from unit @System to create a value with a unit.

    Please note, that starting with EBSILONProfessional Version 10 - Patch 3 the display-unit will no longer affect the value of an expression,
    i.e. the result of an expression is always stored in Ebsilon-SI-units (except when "makevaluewithunit" is used).

    E.g. if you have a component 1 (boundary value) and specify the expression "100 * 0.85" for the spec-value P then it will be interpreted as 85 bar regardless
    of which unit for displaying is selected. If you want the quantity to be taken in another unit (e.g. psia), you have to write "makevaluewithunit(100 * 0.85, UNIT_psia)";
    in that case the pressure will be interpreted as 85 psia (again regardless of which unit for displaying is selected).

    On loading of (pre rel. 10 - patch 3) models Expression with non-Ebsilon-SI-units will be embedded automatically into an appropriate "makeValueWithUnit"-function-call. Such a manipulated model can be opened with an earlier patch-versions, but the changes have to be reverted manually.

    Spec-values with expression will display the evaluated value (converted into the selected unit) by default. On mouse-over resp. on click into the field the expression will
    be displayed.



    - From component
    - SI-unit System
    - Imperial unit system 
    - US-customary unit system
    - User defined system

    Use the "Unit System" drop-down list to determine the units to be used to display the values of specification values and results.

    Select "From spec. value/result" to activate the units assigned to each specification value and result via the component property windows. If you do not select this entry here, the units assigned via component property windows will only be in affect, as long as you have the property window open. They are stored with the document, but will remain unused and invisible until you select "From spec. value/result" again.

    If you select "SI unit system", the values of all specification values and results will be displayed using the units of the SI system (System International). In EBSILON®Professional the following units are used: m, kg, sec, °C, bar, kJ, kW.

    If you select "UK Unit system", the values of all specification values and results will be displayed using the units of the UK (Imperial) system. In EBSILON®Professional the following units are used: ft, lb, h, °F, psia, btu, hp.

    If you select "US Customary Unit system", the values of all specification values and results will be displayed using the units of the US Customary Unit System. In EBSILON®Professional the following units are used for heat quantities the standard units: btu and kbtu/h

    If you select "User defined system", the change button becomes activated. Click the "Change" button to define and modify the "user defined unit system" (used only to display values).


    Use the "Unit" drop-down list to determine the single units for single physical values.

    If you want to change all units back to the component units, the SI-units or the British Units, choose the checkbox an click on "Set all".


    Unit Imperial Unit System / Unit US Customary Unit System

    In the unit systems there is now a differentiation between

    The differentiation (as far as Ebsilon is concerned) only consists in the fact that in the Imperial system, kJ is used for heat quantities and kW (=kJ/s) for heat flows, whereas in USC, the standard units for these are btu and kbtu/h respectively. The following applies here:

                1 btu = 1.055056 kJ

    1 kbtu/h = 0.29307111 kW

    Table of quantities and their default units for the available unit systems

    Quantity (Dimension)  \    unit system SI  Imperial (UK) US Customary
    Pressure UNIT_bar UNIT_psia UNIT_psia
    Temperature UNIT_GrdC UNIT_GrdF UNIT_GrdF
    Specific Enthalpy UNIT_kJ_kg UNIT_btu_lb UNIT_btu_lb
    Mass Flow UNIT_kg_s UNIT_klb_h UNIT_klb_h
    Power UNIT_kW UNIT_kW UNIT_kW
    Spczific Volume UNIT_m3_kg UNIT_ft3_lb UNIT_ft3_lb
    Volume Flow UNIT_m3_s UNIT_Mft3_h UNIT_Mft3_h
    Temperature Difference UNIT_K UNIT_R UNIT_R
    Stoechiometric Ratio UNIT_kmol_kmol UNIT_lbmole_lbmole UNIT_lbmole_lbmole
    Mass Ratio UNIT_kg_kg UNIT_lb_lb UNIT_lb_lb
    Heat Transfer Coeffizient UNIT_kW_K UNIT_kbtu_hF UNIT_kbtu_hF
    Specific Heat Transfer UNIT_W_m2K UNIT_btu_ft2hF UNIT_btu_ft2hF
    Rotary Speed UNIT_1_min UNIT_rpm UNIT_rpm
    Heat Rate UNIT_kJ_kWh UNIT_btu_kWh UNIT_btu_kWh
    Energy Density UNIT_kJ_m3 UNIT_btu_ft3 UNIT_btu_ft3
    Specific Heat Capacity per Volume UNIT_kJ_m3K UNIT_btu_ft3F UNIT_btu_ft3F
    Density UNIT_kg_m3 UNIT_lb_ft3 UNIT_lb_ft3
    Langth UNIT_m UNIT_ft UNIT_ft
    Specific Heat Capacity per Mass UNIT_kJ_kgK_cp UNIT_btu_lbF_cp UNIT_btu_lbF_cp
    Area UNIT_m2 UNIT_ft2 UNIT_ft2
    Entropy UNIT_kJ_kgK UNIT_btu_lbF UNIT_btu_lbF
    Steam Content UNIT_kg_kg_x UNIT_lb_lb_x UNIT_lb_lb_x
    Saturation Water Ratio UNIT_kg_kg_xg UNIT_kg_kg_xg UNIT_kg_kg_xg
    Mole Weight UNIT_kg_kmol UNIT_lb_lbmole UNIT_lb_lbmole

    Calorific Value (per Mass unit)

    UNIT_kJ_kg_ncv UNIT_btu_lb_ncv UNIT_btu_lb_ncv
    Speed UNIT_m_s UNIT_ft_s UNIT_ft_s
    Ratio of Water UNIT_kg_kg_x_rg UNIT_lb_lb_x_rg UNIT_lb_lb_x_rg
    Normalized Concentration UNIT_mg_Nm3 UNIT_mg_Nm3 UNIT_mg_Nm3
    Energy per Mass and Time UNIT_kW_kg UNIT_hp_lb UNIT_hp_lb
    Friction Coefficient UNIT_1_m6 UNIT_1_ft6 UNIT_1_ft6
    Electric Current UNIT_A UNIT_A UNIT_A
    Price per Energy Unit UNIT_EUR_kWh UNIT_EUR_kWh UNIT_EUR_kWh
    Price per Mass Unit UNIT_EUR_kg UNIT_EUR_kg UNIT_EUR_kg
    Voltage UNIT_V UNIT_V UNIT_V
    Volume Ratio UNIT_m3_m3 UNIT_ft3_ft3 UNIT_ft3_ft3
    Mass UNIT_kg UNIT_lb UNIT_lb
    Volume UNIT_m3 UNIT_ft3 UNIT_ft3
    pH Value UNIT_ph UNIT_ph UNIT_ph
    Heat Resistance UNIT_m2K_W UNIT_ft2hF_btu UNIT_ft2hF_btu
    Heat Flux Density UNIT_W_m2 UNIT_btu_hft2 UNIT_btu_hft2
    Degrees UNIT_Grd UNIT_Grd UNIT_Grd
    Apparent Power UNIT_kVA UNIT_kVA UNIT_kVA
    Idle Power UNIT_kVAr UNIT_kVAr UNIT_kVAr
    Dynamic Viscosity UNIT_kg_ms UNIT_kg_ms UNIT_kg_ms
    Thermal Conductivity UNIT_W_mK UNIT_btu_hftK UNIT_btu_hftK
    Geopotential Heigth UNIT_m_geopot UNIT_ft_geopot UNIT_ft_geopot
    1/Degrees (Winkel) UNIT_1_Grd UNIT_1_Grd UNIT_1_Grd
    1/Degrees^2 UNIT_1_Grd2 UNIT_1_Grd2 UNIT_1_Grd2
    1/Degrees^3 UNIT_1_Grd3 UNIT_1_Grd3 UNIT_1_Grd3
    1/Degrees^4 UNIT_1_Grd4 UNIT_1_Grd4 UNIT_1_Grd4
    1/Degrees^5 UNIT_1_Grd5 UNIT_1_Grd5 UNIT_1_Grd5
    1/Temperature Difference UNIT_1_K UNIT_1_K UNIT_1_K
    1/Temperature Difference^2 UNIT_1_K2 UNIT_1_K2 UNIT_1_K2
    1/Temperature Difference^3 UNIT_1_K3 UNIT_1_K3 UNIT_1_K3
    1/Temperature Difference^4 UNIT_1_K4 UNIT_1_K4 UNIT_1_K4
    Power per Length UNIT_W_m UNIT_btu_hft UNIT_btu_hft
    Time UNIT_s UNIT_s UNIT_s
    Temperature Change per Length UNIT_K_m UNIT_R_ft UNIT_R_ft
    Enthalpy Change per Length UNIT_kJ_kgm UNIT_btu_lbft UNIT_btu_lbft
    Specific Heat Transfer Coefficient UNIT_kW_kgK UNIT_kbtu_lbhF UNIT_kbtu_lbhF
    Pressure Change per Legth UNIT_bar_m UNIT_psia_ft UNIT_psia_ft
    Surface Tension UNIT_mN_m UNIT_mN_m UNIT_mN_m
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature Difference^2 UNIT_W_mK2 UNIT_W_mK2 UNIT_W_mK2
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature Difference^3 UNIT_W_mK3 UNIT_W_mK3 UNIT_W_mK3
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature Difference^4 UNIT_W_mK4 UNIT_W_mK4 UNIT_W_mK4
    Length per Temperature Difference UNIT_m_K UNIT_m_K UNIT_m_K
    Length per Temperature Difference^2 UNIT_m_K2 UNIT_m_K2 UNIT_m_K2
    Kinematic Viscosity UNIT_m2_s UNIT_ft2_s UNIT_ft2_s
    Heat per Work UNIT_kJ UNIT_kJ UNIT_btu
    Normalized Volume Flow UNIT_Nm3_s UNIT_Nm3_s UNIT_Nm3_s
    Density Change per Temperature UNIT_kg_m3K UNIT_lb_ft3R UNIT_lb_ft3R
    Specific Heat Capacity Change per Temperature UNIT_kJ_kgK2 UNIT_btu_lbR2 UNIT_btu_lbR2
    Mass Flow per Net Calorific Value UNIT_kg2_kJs UNIT_lb2_btus UNIT_lb2_btus
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature UNIT_W_mGrdC UNIT_W_mGrdC UNIT_W_mGrdC
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature² UNIT_W_mGrdC2 UNIT_W_mGrdC2 UNIT_W_mGrdC2
    Heat Flow per Length per Temperature³ UNIT_W_mGrdC3 UNIT_W_mGrdC3 UNIT_W_mGrdC3
    Heat Flow per Length per  Temperature^4 UNIT_W_mGrdC4 UNIT_W_mGrdC4 UNIT_W_mGrdC4
    Length per Temperature UNIT_m_GrdC UNIT_m_GrdC UNIT_m_GrdC
    Length per Temperature² UNIT_m_GrdC2 UNIT_m_GrdC2 UNIT_m_GrdC2
    Pressure per Mass Flow UNIT_bars_kg UNIT_bars_kg UNIT_bars_kg
    Pressure per Enthalpy UNIT_barkg_kJ UNIT_barkg_kJ UNIT_barkg_kJ
    Pressure per Heat Transfer Coefficient UNIT_barK_kW UNIT_barK_kW UNIT_barK_kW
    Force UNIT_N UNIT_lbf UNIT_lbf
    1/Length UNIT_1_m UNIT_1_ft UNIT_1_ft
    Inverse Heat Flux UNIT_m2_W UNIT_m2_W UNIT_m2_W
    Energy Density per Normalized Volume UNIT_kJ_Nm3 UNIT_btu_SCF UNIT_btu_SCF
    Energy per Mole UNIT_kJ_mol UNIT_kJ_mol UNIT_btu_mol
    Dimension of Coefficient CGM (Component 73) UNIT_mSQRT_K_W UNIT_ftSQRT_Rk_W UNIT_ftSQRT_Rk_W
    Electric Current Temperature Coefficient UNIT_A_K UNIT_A_K UNIT_A_K
    Electric Voltage Temperature Coefficient UNIT_V_K UNIT_V_K UNIT_V_K
    Ohmic Resistance UNIT_Ohm UNIT_Ohm UNIT_Ohm
    Capacitance UNIT_Farad UNIT_Farad UNIT_Farad
    Inductivity UNIT_Henry UNIT_Henry UNIT_Henry
    Torque UNIT_Nm UNIT_lbf_ft UNIT_lbf_ft
    Irradiation per (Energie per Area) UNIT_kJ_m2 UNIT_btu_ft2 UNIT_btu_ft2
    Heat Rate per Volume UNIT_W_m3 UNIT_btu_hft3 UNIT_btu_hft3
    Inverse Power UNIT_1_W UNIT_1_W UNIT_1_W
    Inverse Electric Voltage UNIT_1_V UNIT_1_V UNIT_1_V
    Electric Charge UNIT_Coul UNIT_Coul UNIT_Coul
    Charge rate UNIT_A_Ah UNIT_A_Ah UNIT_A_Ah
    Molar Mass Flow UNIT_mol_s UNIT_lbmole_s UNIT_lbmole_s
    Criteria for laminar Flow UNIT_m3K UNIT_m3K UNIT_m3K
    Rate per Charge UNIT_1_Coul UNIT_1_Coul UNIT_1_Coul
    Rate per Energy UNIT_1_J UNIT_1_J UNIT_1_J
    Rate UNIT_1_s_rate UNIT_1_s_rate UNIT_1_s_rate
    Power per Electric Current UNIT_kW_A UNIT_kW_A UNIT_kW_A

    Specific Electrical Conductivity

    UNIT_S_m UNIT_S_m UNIT_S_m
    Electrical Conductivity per Area UNIT_S_m2 UNIT_S_m2 UNIT_S_m2
    Density of Electic Current UNIT_A_m2 UNIT_A_m2 UNIT_A_m2
    Specific Electrical Conductivity Temperature Product UNIT_SK_m UNIT_SK_m UNIT_SK_m
    Surface Area per Mass Ratio UNIT_m2_kg UNIT_m2_kg UNIT_m2_kg
    Specific Electrical Conductivity Temperature Product UNIT_SK_m2 UNIT_SK_m2 UNIT_SK_m2


    Note that Ebsilon cannot perform a currency conversion as the conversion rates are floating. For the calculation, there is no difference whether you specify €, $, £ or ¥. It is only a matter of display.

    As in value crosses, it is possible now to edit the “unit” property, you can also display other currencies. 


    In the general settings, the date format can be specified. Some common formats are offered in a dropdown box, but you can also edit the format freely. When the cursor is positioned on the arrow, the available format specifications are displayed in the tooltip. By means of a checkbox it is possible to set whether left-hand zeros shall be allowed to be omitted when inputting a time specification.

    The setting of the date format is valid in specification values and in the time series dialog. In the standard database, however, the time specifications have to be made in the POSIX format (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS) as a rule, because it does not make sense to make the database conditional on the user settings.


    Day of month as decimal number

    01 – 31


    Hour in 24-hour format

    00 – 23


    Hour in 12-hour format

    01 – 12


    Day of year as decimal number

    001 – 366


    Month as decimal number

    01 – 12


    Minute as decimal number

    00 – 59


    AM/PM indicator for 12-hour clock



    Second as decimal number

    00 – 59


    Millisecond as decimal number

    000 – 999


    Year without century, as decimal number

    00 – 99


    Year with century, as decimal number



    Percent sign



    The sign '#' can be prefixed to each formatting sign. This has the following effect on the output:  

    %#p, %#%
    The sign # is ignored. 

    %#d, %#H, %#I, %#j, %#m, %#M, %#S, %#y, %#Y
    Left-hand zeros, if present, are not output.  

    The time format for the time series calculation allows to specify the time including the milliseconds. To do so, after specifying the seconds ”%S“ in the time format specification, the user can insert a decimal point (typically ”.“ or “,“) and the symbol “%L“. In the formatting, “%L“ is interpreted as milliseconds (always as three numerals). The following line is an example of the format specification including milliseconds:

    %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L

    This allows to calculate time intervals that accordingly are or contain fractions of a second in a time series calculation.

    "Left-hand zeros optional when reading data"

    This flag is only effective for the input of date and time.

    Use view units for input values without unit specification

    This checkbox allows you to switch the behaviour for feeding measured values without units from a file. This is useful when you are importing measured values from an input file. To be on the safe side, it is always possible to specify the unit within the input file, e.g.

                            P1             20.5 bar
                            P2             12 mbar
                            T1              22.4 °C

    If you have input files that do not include the following units,

                           P1              20.5
                           P2              12
                           T1               22.4

    you must be careful to get the right interpretation.

    If this checkbox is off, EBSILON®Professional assumes that for each value, your input file uses the same unit as it was defined in the property sheet of the corresponding component (note that you have to turn the display unit system to "From spec. value/result" to see these units). In this case, it does not matter if you switch to another display unit system withinEBSILON®Professional. This setting is to be preferred when you have to transfer your model and your input file to another computer, which may have differentEBSILON®Professional settings. The same input file will lead to the same results.

    If this checkbox is on, EBSILON®Professional assumes that your input file uses the units like you see them on the screen. This can be useful if you create your input file according to
    what you see. But you have to be careful when you change the display unit system, because old input files may be interpreted differently now.


    The number format can be adjusted with the "Localize Number-Format" drop-down list.

    Here it is possible to specify if and how numbers for the display in standard value crosses (not for “free text“ value crosses) and standard tooltips are formatted. It is possible to
    specify the decimal separator and the digit grouping sign (separator for thousands) (dot or comma respectively) and the type of digit grouping.


    Please note that the number format only has an effect on the formatting of value fields and tooltips. The input of specification values and the syntax of numbers in EbsScript expressions respectively will not change!