EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Commonly used Specification Values
    In This Topic

    Specification value FMAPM, FMAPP, FMAPH for component 168


    Physical quantity mapped to mass flow, pressure or enthalpy

    =0 : Unused
    =1 : Total pressure
    =2 : Static pressure
    =3 : Kinetic pressure increase
    =4 : Total temperature
    =5 : Static temperature
    =6 : Kinetic temperature increase
    =7 : Total enthalpy
    =8 : Static enthalpy
    =9 : Kinetic energy
    =10 : Potential energy
    =11 : Static internal energy
    =12 : Displacement energy
    =13 : Total density
    =14 : Static density
    =15 : Total specific volume
    =16 : Static specific volume
    =17 : Total volume flow
    =18 : Static volume flow
    =19 : Flow velocity
    =20 : Inner diameter of tube
    =21 : Cross section area
    =22 : Mach number
    =23 : Height (from specification value Z_SET)
    =31 : Thrust
    =101 : Mass flow
    =102 : Sensible heat flow
    =103 : Heating value (as used by the calculation kernel, i.e. TREF=0°C)
    =104 : Latent heat flow
    =105 : Total heat flow (sensible & latent heat)
    =106 : Enthalpy according to FDBR (see explanatory note below)
    =107 : Sensible heat flow according to FDBR  (see explanatory note below)
    =111 : Molar flow rate
    =112 : Molar mass (without elementary analysis fractions)
    =113 : Molar mass (including elementary analysis fractions)
    =114 : Molar mass (without elementary analysis fractions, FDBR also without H2O)
    =121 : Entropy
    =122 : Exergy
    =131 : Barometric altitude above sea level
    =201 : Mass fraction of substance FSUBST
    =202 : Mole fraction for substance FSUBST
    =203 : Emission load (mass flow of substance FSUBST)
    =204 : Elemental mass fraction
    =205 : Elemental mass flow
    =211 : Mass fraction XI or salinity
    =212 : Mass fraction XI in liquid phase
    =213 : Mass fraction XI in vapour phase
    =301 : Gaseous fraction
    =302 : Liquid fraction
    =303 : Solid fraction
    =311 : Air humidity (abs.)
    =312 : Air humidity (rel.)
    =313 : Saturation factor (like relative humidity but not restricted to 1)
    =314 : Partial pressure of water in air
    =315 : Saturation pressure of water in air
    =316 : Wet bulb temperature
    =317 : Dew point temperature
    =321 : Sublimation pressure
    =322 : Sublimation temperature
    =323 : Desublimation pressure
    =324 : Desublimation temperature
    =325 : Enthalpy of sublimating solid
    =326 : Enthalpy of desublimating gas
    =327 : Sublimation enthalpy
    =328 : Subcooling below sublimation temperature
    =329 : Superheating above desublimation temperature
    =331 : Melting pressure
    =332 : Melting temperature
    =333 : Freezing pressure
    =334 : Freezing temperature
    =335 : Enthalpy of melting solid
    =336 : Enthalpy of freezing liquid
    =337 : Melting enthalpy
    =338 : Subcooling below melting temperature
    =339 : Superheating above freezing temperature
    =341 : Boiling pressure
    =342 : Boiling temperature
    =343 : Condensing pressure
    =344 : Condensing temperature
    =345 : Enthalpy of boiling liquid
    =346 : Enthalpy of condensing gas
    =347 : Boiling enthalpy
    =348 : Subcooling below boiling temperature
    =349 : Superheating above condensing temperature
    =351 : Triple pressure
    =352 : Triple temperature
    =361 : Critical pressure
    =362 : Critical temperature
    =371 : Minimum pressure
    =372 : Maximum pressure
    =373 : Minimum temperature
    =374 : Maximum temperature
    =375 : Minimum fraction (binary mixture)
    =376 : Maximum fraction (binary mixture)
    =401 : Specific heat at constant pressure
    =402 : Specific heat at constant volume
    =403 : Dynamic viscosity
    =404 : Kinematic viscosity
    =405 : Thermal conductivity
    =406 : Isentropic exponent
    =407 : Surface tension
    =408 : Speed of sound
    =409 : Thermal diffusivity
    =410 : Compressibility factor
    =411 : Prandtl number
    =412 : Universal gas constant
    =413 : Specific gas constant
    =414 : Realgas factor (compressibility factor)
    =415 : Joule Thomson coefficient
    =416 : Internal energy (total)
    =501 : Shaft power / real power (electr.)
    =502 : Idle power
    =503 : Apparent power
    =504 : Power factor (cos(phi))
    =505 : Phase shift between voltage and current
    =506 : Number of phases for alternating current
    =511 : Speed (shaft) / frequency (electr.)
    =512 : Torque
    =521 : Amperage (via power and voltage)
    =522 : Amperage (real part)
    =523 : Amperage (imaginary part)
    =524 : Amperage (phase)
    =525 : Amperage (abs. value via real and imaginary part)
    =531 : Voltage
    =532 : Voltage (real part)
    =533 : Voltage (imaginary part)
    =534 : Voltage (phase)
    =535 : Voltage (abs. value via real and imaginary part)
    =542 : Resistance (real part)
    =543 : Resistance (imaginary part)
    =544 : Resistance (phase)
    =545 : Resistance (abs. value via real and imaginary part)
    =117001 : Latitude (positive on northern hemisphere, -90°...90°)
    =117002 : Longitude (east of Greenwich, -180°...180°)
    =117003 : Date and time
    =117004 : Sun height angle (angle between sun center and horizon)
    =117005 : Sun azimuth angle (north=0°, positive in east direction)
    =117006 : Azimuth angle of collector (direction of the positive collector axis, towards north=0°, positive in eastern direction)
    =117007 : Slope of collector axis (angle between axis and horizontal plane)
    =117008 : Incident angle (Trough)
    =117009 : Track angle (Trough)
    =117010 : Direct normal irradiance
    =117011 : Ambient temperature
    =117012 : Wind Speed
    =117013 : Wind direction (from south to north=0°, positive in east direction)
    =117014 : Altitude
    =117015 : Clearness index kT
    =117016 : Horizontal Beam Irradiances
    =117017 : Direct normal irradiance
    =117501 : Sun height angle (angle between sun center and horizon)
    =117502 : Sun azimuth angle (north=0°, positive in east direction)
    =117503 : Incident angle (Trough+Fresnel)
    =117504 : Track / Transversal angle
    =117505 : Direct normal irradiance
    =117506 : Calculated normal beam irradiance
    =117507 : Calculated beam irradiance (horizontal plane)
    =117508 : Calculated diffuse irradiance (horizontal plane)
    =117509 : Calculated total irradiance (horizontal plane)
    =117510 : Clearness index kT used

    For enthalpy (FMAPx=106) and heat flow (FMAPx=107)

    Provides the enthalpy or heat flow that a fluid with the same composition would have at the same pressure and temperature when calculated according to FDBR (classic stream type).
    This is used to simplify auxiliary constructions in which energy balances between different stream types are to be mapped.
    For the time being, only the most common case has been implemented, namely water or steam on the one hand and air (FDBR only), flue gas, fuel gas, raw gas, coal, oil or user-defined fluid on the other.
    Previously, an auxiliary stream of the latter line type had to be modeled for the energy balance, with 100% water as composition and the same pressure and temperature as the water stream.

    Specification value FL1L2 or FL1SCV resp. for controller components

    Table for the values of FL1L2 and FL1SCV and the physical values used for each of the three connections

    Values for FL1L2, FL1SCV (type of controlled variable)
    Switch for comparison type between L1 and L2

    Target value
    via port 1
    Target value
    via port 3
    Actual value at port 2
    Pressure: 1 Pressure Pressure Pressure
    Temperature : 2 Temperature Temperature Temperature
    Enthalpy : 3 Enthalpy Enthalpy Enthalpy
    Mass flow: 4 Mass flow Mass flow Mass flow
    Power / Heat flow (5) Power Power Power
    Enthalpy of boiling liquid for given pressure: 6 Pressure Enthalpy ' (P) Enthalpy
    Enthalpy of saturated vapour for given pressure : 7 Pressure Enthalpy '' (P) Enthalpy
    Enthalpy of boiling liquid for given temperature : 8 Temperature Enthalpy ' (T) Enthalpy
    Enthalpy of saturated vapour for given pressure : 9 Temperature Enthalpy '' (T) Enthalpy
    Pressure of boiling liquid for given temperature : 10 Temperature Pressure' (T) Pressure
    Steam content (X) of water/steam - proportion of the gaseous phase : 12 Steam content Mass flow Mass flow
    Composition by mass (use with FSUBST): 13 mass fraction mass fraction mass fraction
    Net calorific value : 14 Net calorific value Net calorific value Net calorific value
    Composition by mole : 15 mole fraction mole fraction mole fraction
    Composition by mole,  gaseous parts only (classical streams also without H2O) : 16 mole fraction (Mol, dry) mole fraction (Mol, dry) mole fraction (Mol, dry)
    Entropy : 17 Entropy Entropy Entropy
    Volume flow: 18 Volume flow Volume flow Volume flow
    Specific volume : 19 Specific volume Specific volume Specific volume

    Degrees sub cooling (with water-streams this value refers to the boiling point, when humid air to the dew point temperature) : 20

    sub cooling Enthalpy sub cooling (water: Temp.Diff. to boil. temp.; fluid: Temp.Diff. to dewpoint temp.)
    Degrees super heating (with WD-lines this value refers to the boiling point, when humid air to the dew point temperature): 21 super heating Enthalpy super heating (water: Temp.Diff. above boil. temp.; fluid: Temp.Diff. above dewpoint temp.)
    Relative Pressure: 22 relative pressure Pressure Pressure

    Exergy : 23

    Exergy  Exergy  Exergy 
    Electrical voltage : 24 voltage voltage voltage
    Electrical current : 25 current current current
    Frequency: 26 Frequency Frequency Frequency

     Note: With exergy, however, you should be aware that the solution may not be unique, as the exergy does not increase monotonically with temperature in all temperature ranges. Depending on the starting conditions and the set characteristics, one or the other solution may be found.

    Specification value FDAMP for controller components

    Table for the values of FDAMP and the associated change gradients

    Values for FDAMP - Controller damping

    Lower limit for change gradient GRi

    Upper limit for change gradient GRi

    Change factor below ITCHL3 Change factor above ITCHL3

    Without: 1



    0.15 CHL3

    Very little: 2



    0.15 CHL3

    Little: 3



    0.15 CHL3

    Medium: 4



    0.15 CHL3

    Medium high : 5



    0.15 CHL3

    High: 6



    0.15 CHL3

    Very High: 7



    0.15 CHL3

    Very very High: 8



    0.15 CHL3

    Very Highere : 9



    0.05 CHL3

    Extremely high: 10



    0.025 CHL3