EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Commonly used Result Values
    In This Topic

    Result Values of Controller Components (Components 12, 39, (69, 161))


    setpoint value


    achieved target value


    value of the controlled variable
    RCORR specifies the value of the controlled variable that the controller has calculated in the current iteration step. It is not identical to the stream value for the controlled variable as the controller does not set the value directly but only calculates a gradient that is included in the equation system. The value of the controlled variable that is actually reached therefore does not only depend on the controller itself but results from the solution of the equation system.


    Letzte Änderung in Stellgröße


    Specifies the value of the controlled variable resulting after the equation system has been solved.


    CORR0 shows the value of CORR in the previous iteration step.


    The change of the correction variable CHCORR (=CORR-CORR0)


    DEV (=RACT–RSCV) specifies the difference between setpoint value and actual value.


    Specifies how far DEV has changed compared to the previous iteration step.


    REF is the reference variable determined by the course of iteration of target value and setpoint value which is used for the internal normalization of the deviation of setpoint value and actual value


    RELACT (=CHDEV/REF) is the change of the actual value related to this reference variable.


    RELCORR (=CHCORR/CORR) is the relative change of the controlled variable in the last iteration step.


    The ratio of the two preceding variables is RATREL (=RELCORR/RELACT).


    Due to this limitation (RCCHL) as well as the damping and the limitation by the minimum and maximum values for the controlled variable, often a modified value of RATREL, which is displayed in the result value RATRELUSED, is used for the calculation of the gradient.         


    The following result values CHCORRORIG, CHCORRDAMP und CHCORRCHL show the effect of individual damping and limiting mechanisms:

    CHCORRORIG specifies the originally calculated change of the controlled variable.          


    CHCORRDAMP specifies the value after the damping.


    CHCORRCHL specifies the value after applying the change limit.


    GRADMAT shows the gradient that is included in the equation system. It specifies how the controlled variable has to be modified in order to change the actual value by one unit.             


    The value of RCHL3 is identical with CHCORRCHL. RCHL3 has therefore been admitted as alias name for CHCORRCHL so that scripts and expressions where RCHL3 occurs continue working as before.


    By means of the specification value CHL2 and CHL3 respectively and the characteristic line CCHL2 and CCHL3 respectively, the user can limit the relative change of the controlled variable calculated by the controller. The value of this characteristic line is now shown as result value RCCHL.


    Is the overall resulting change limit as result value RCHL.