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Calculations / Basis of Calculation / Preheater - using Rabek's method
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    Preheater - using Rabek's method
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    Preheater Calculation according to Rabek-Method

    New preheater model

    1.  Problem description and motivation

    The classical method used for calculation of component 10 (FRABEK =0) assumes that the influence of superheated steam on the heat transfer can be ignored.


    Fig 1: Q-T-Diagram (classical method)


      1:       inlet water

      2:       outlet water

      3:       inlet steam

      4:       outlet condensate

    3s:       saturation temperature of the pressure P3


    All relations use temperature  T3s. for the calculation of temperature differences.

    The following disadvantages occur from this:

    • Terminal temperature differences (T3S-T2) less than 0.5 °C  (therefore, also terminal temperature differences) result in extreme high (k*A) values and simulate part-load conditions with high inaccuracies.
    • For steam super heating in part-load the terminal temperature differences are not calculated correctly.
    To cope up with such tasks earlier, desuperheaters had to be modelled as an additional component.


    2.  Suggested solution

    To solve this problem basically a partitioning of heating surface into desuperheating and condensation area is necessary, which can be shifted in case of part load. In (G. Rabek: Die Ermittlung der Betriebsverhältnisse von Speisewasservorwärmern bei verschiedenen Belastungen. Energie und Technik, 1963), a method was published which is using this idea. From this, the following aspects are used in Ebsilon:

    • the model for desuperheater and condenser
    • the k ratio calculation method

    Not used are:

    • the integration of the preheater into the component, because this extension is not necessary. Changes of this type may be done later.
    • the method of calculation and the solving of equations.

    The basis for the used model is the partition into a condenser area and (I) and a super heater area (II) (Fig. 2).

    Fig 2: Q-T-Diagram (new model)

    1:         inlet water

    2:         outlet water

    3:         inlet steam

    4:         outlet condensate

    5:         intermediate point water

    6:         begin of condensation of steam

    I:          condensation area

    II:         desuperheater area


    Following relations describe the heat transfer process exactly

    Q = QI + QII                                                                                             (1)

    Q = kI AI DtmI + kII AII DtmII                                                                    (2)

    Q:        transferred heat

    k:         k - ratio for areas I and II

    A:        area

    Dtm:    logarithmic temperature difference


    Known from the energy balance of the steam side are the relation QI/QII as well as the logarithmic temperature difference, because all temperatures can be calculated.


    From (2) follows

                Q = kI AI  DtmI (1 + QII/QI)                                                                     (3)

    as well as

                QI/QII = (kI AI DtmI) / (kII AII DtmII)                                                          (4)


    (4) modified leads to

                AII/AI = QII /QI DtmI/DtmII kI/kII                                                                (5)

    The total area is A comprises of

                A = AI + AII = AI (1 + AII/AI)                                                                  (6)


                AI = A / (1 + AII/AI)                                                                                (7)


    The transferred heat according to (2) can, therefore, be written as

                Q = (kIA) / (1+AII/AI) (1+QII/QI) DtmI                                                    (8)


    (kI A) equals to the well known value WTKF; QII/QI results from the heat balance

    Steam and AII / AI can be calculated from (5).

    To be able use equation (8) for

                - kI    as well as

                - kI / kII

    relations for full and part load must be derived.


    For development of these relations a terminology also according to Rabek is used.

                kI / kIv = (1/a1v+ 1/a3v) / (1/a1+ 1/a3)                                                (9)

                a1: a- ratio water (line 1)

                a3: a- ratio steam (line 3)

                Index v: full-load


                b= a1v/ a3v         and                                                                           (10)

                g1 = a1 / a1v         as well as                                                                (11)

                g3= g3/ a3v                                                                                            (12)

                results in

                kI/kIv = g3(1+b) / (g3/g1+b)                                                                     (13)

    The k - number ratio kI / kII can be formulated as follows.

                kI/kII = kIv/kIIv kI/kIv 1/(kII/kIIv)                                                                 (14)

    With (10) and (11) follows

                kIv/kIIv = (a1IIv /a1Iv) (1+bII) / (1+bI)                                                     (15)

    The ratio of the a1- numbers can be set to u1.

    The following applies for the ratios kI / kIV and kII / kIIV

                kI/kIv = g1I(1+bI) / (1+g1I/ g3IbI)                                                             (16)

                kII/kIIv = g1II(1+bII) / (1+g1II/g3IIb2)                                                         (17)

    With g1I »g1II (same medium) and g1II »g3II (single phase medium)

    applies to

                kI/kII = (1+bII) / (1+bI) (1+bI) / (1+g1I/g3I bI)                                           (18)

    The g- dependencies are taken from Rabek sources..

                g1I= (m1I/m1vI)0,8                                                                                   (19)

                g3I = (m3I/m3vI)0,33                                                                                 (20)

    With (18) to (20) the system can be solved completely.


    3.  Calculation

    Full load calculations (Load = 0, IFAL = 0) are based on the assumption of a Terminal Temperature Difference (which may be negative also), which is limited due to numerical reasons to -10 K. With assumption of this Terminal Temperature Difference all temperatures are calculated, AII / AI (5) as well as QII / QI are calculated. From the heat transfer relation (8) and the two balances for each fluids the mass flow m3 and kI x A can be determined.

    For part load with given kI·A  and m3 all temperatures are calculated. For this part load equations(15) as (18) - (20) are used.

    The heat transfer area AI (condenser) and AII (super-heater) can be shifted with constant total area A dependent on the thermodynamic conditions..


    4.  Application

    To use the new model a control variable must be modified in the menu for definitions.

    Part-load functions according to Rabek


    1.  k-number - ratio

    k/k0 = (1/a10+ 1/a30) / (1/a1+ 1/a3) = (1 + (a10/a30)) / ((a10/a1) + (a10/a30) (a30/a))


                a10/a30= b

                a1/a10= g1   ;   a3/a30= g3


    k/k0 = (1+b) / (1/g1+ b/g3)

    k/k0 = g3(1 + b) / ((g3/g1) + b)                                                                          (21)


    2.  Desuperheater/ Evaporator k-number

    kI/kII = kv/kE = kv0/kE0  kv/kv0  1/(kE/kE0)

    kv0/kE0 = (1/a1E+ 1/a3E) / (1/a1v+ 1/a3v) = a1E/a1v(1 + bE) / (1 + bv)                       (22)

    (kv/kv0) (1/(kE/kE0) = g1(1 + bv) (1 + (g1bE/g3)) / (1 + (g1bv/g3)) g1(1+bE)

                                    =  (1 + bv) / (1 + (g1bv/g3))                                                (23)

    kI/kII = kv/kE = (1+bE) / (1+bv) (1+bv) / (1+(g1bv/g3))                                            (24)


    3.  Typical values according to Rabek

    g3 ~(m3/m03)0,33    and   m3/m1 ~m30/m10

    g1 ~(m1/m01)0,8



    from (1)          k/k0 = (m3/m30)0,33   3/((m3/mv)-0,5 + 2)                                                (25)

    from (4)          kI/kII = kv/kE = 16/3 (1+2) / (1+ (m3/m30)0,5  2)                                     (26)