EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
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    Using Macros
    In This Topic

    Modeling a demo cycle using macros


    Generally, you do not want to build up each cycle from single components, but instead use predefined macro, which assist you in your work.

    With EBSILON®Professional , it is possible to use several macro libraries.

    So you can have one central macro library in your company with restricted access to most users. Each user can have a private macro library as well.

    Creating a macro

    To create a macro, just select some parts of your drawing (either by clicking individual components using the left mouse button and the SHIFT-key or by drawing a catching frame with the left mouse button) and click on "Insert-->Macro (partial model)-->Safe" in the menu bar.

    Specify a name and a description of your macro and click on "OK". Your macro will be added to the macro library and will be displayed in the macro combo box in the component wizard bar.

    Inserting a macro

    To use macros, select the macro in this combo box (or use "InsertàMacro (partial model)àInsert") and move the mouse pointer to the place where the macro is to be inserted.

    Note that you should use macros only for parts of your drawing, which you want to use several times. If you just want to copy a part of a drawing in another drawing, you can simply use copy and paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).

    Building a cycle with macros

    It is very easy to construct cycles, if you have some pre-defined macros.

    This is shown with the example power plant "Block 750". The ready circuit is available in the examples directory as "Block750.ebs", but you can also construct it on your own with some macros:

    Open a new cycle with "File→New". Insert the following macros:

    • SteamGen & HP Turbine
    • MP Turbine
    • LP Turbine 1
    • LP Turbine 2 & Generator
    • Condenser
    • LP Preheating
    • HP Preheating

    You have a puzzle: arrange and connect the macros appropriately, and the calculation will run (with messages, which you can ignore).

    Only the calculation of the cycle efficiency is missing. You have to add up the pump powers and subtract them from the generator electric power. The result must be connected with the efficiency meter as well as with the input energy from the steam generator. Look at Block750.ebs how to do this. As these lines have been made invisible, use "ViewàShow All" to see them.