To save a cycle/model choose „File\Open” or „File\Save” respectively.
A dialog will be displayed in both cases that depicts the file system of the computer. Now you can open an existing file (Open), save a new file (Save) or overwrite an existing one (Save).
You can see a Save-dialog below.
The EBSILON®Professional file format has the ending ".ebs". From EBSILON®Professional Version 6 on it is possible to save a file of version 6.XY in version 6.00. (The same applies from 7.XY to 7.00). This facilitates the exchange of two different EBSILON®Professional Versions.
Though such a “saved back” EBSILON®Professional model can be opened in version 6.00(7.00...), but it is not necessarily calculable. Especially all items will be lost that were implemented after 6.00, and problems may emerge at components where parameters and characteristics changed (e.g. even the order)
(Note: models opened in EBSILON®Professional Version 7 but created in a former version, will be converted automatically. Models saved in EBSILON®Professional Version 7 can not be opened in former versions.)
Opening a file is very similar to saving one.
To open a model choose simply a .ebs or .ebx-file and confirm with “Open”