EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
    Definition of the variables

    Definition of the variables

    The variables (normal variables and auxiliary variables) can either be defined under ”Calculation->Manual input of equations“ on the sheet “Measurement-Values”, or components of the component type 46  “Measured value input“ contained in the model can be used. To do so, either “Normal variable” or “Auxiliary variable” has to be selected for the specification value FVAR of these components.

    If variable names modelled by components 46 are used on the other worksheets of the manual input of equations, their component names have to be preceded by two colons.

    The screenshots used in this subchapter are based on the EBSILON®Professional  model concerning Sheet III of VDI 2048. In this model, all measured values except two are modelled by components 46. These two measured values are the values HZUKA (an auxiliary variable) and TNDKA (a normal variable). The corresponding table of measured values is shown below for each of the two possible types of validation.


    One line is allocated to each of the variables (here: measured value):