EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
Data Transfer and Results Display / Data - Export / DLL Export
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    DLL Export
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    DLL Export (User DLL)


    The open software architecture of EBSILON®Professional enables a simple access to EBSILON®Professional data by programs.

    This chapter describes the DLL called "TheUsersDLL.dll" that is used for data exchange. There is another DLL interface (Programmable.dll) to define own components for the calculation kernel.

    The User DLL can be used for data export and import.

    • create a DLL with your compiler
    • replace the existing "TheUsersDLL.dll” with your own DLL
    • call this DLL from the EBSILON®Professional graphical user interface by the menu command "DatenàUser DLLàCall..." or from EbsScript by the EbsScript Functions callUserDll, or callUserDllArgs.


    As some structures have changed (e.g. LINERESULTS), it is recommended to newly generate self-provided DLLs with the header files of Release 10.

    Creating the DLL

    With your EBSILON®Professional CD, a sample DLL was shipped. You can find the source code for this example in Examples\DLL_Interfaces. There are two files that were used to create the example "TheUsersDLL.dll":

    These files were compiled and linked to a DLL with the Microsoft Developer Studio 6.0. The resulting DLL is placed in the installation directory of EBSILON®Professional.

    The file "userDll.h” defines the DLL interface. You should include this file in your application.

    Note that this interface may be extended in future EBSILON®Professional versions. Therefore be careful to rebuild your application with the latest version of the header file when you are going to use a new EBSILON®Professional version.

    The file "userDll.c” is the source code file that you can modify according to your needs.

    In the first step, you should try to rebuild this DLL. Set up your own project and create a DLL called "TheUsersDLL.dll" using the source code from userDll.c. Copy this DLL to the directory where EBSILON®Professional was installed and try to call this DLL from EBSILON®Professional.

    If the sample DLL you have created shows the same behaviour as our original DLL, you can turn to the next step and modify the source code.

    Do not modify "userDll.h”, as this file must match with the "userDll.h” that we used when we generated the EBSILON®Professional executable.

    DLL Interface

    The DLL interface is described in the header file "userDll.h". It is assumed that you write your program in C or C++. Generally, it should be possible to use another programming language as well. In this case, you have to be careful for the correct interpretation of the transferred data.

    The DLL interface consists of a single function called "EbsUserDLL" that returns an integer value. You may specify this return value as you like. The return value will be

    The only argument of the function "EbsUserDLL" is a pointer to a EBS_USER_DATA structure.


    This structure is defined as

    typedef struct {
        EBS_USER_CALL_PARAMS           callparams; // calling parameters
        EBS_USER_INTERFACE_CONTROL     control;    // interface controlling parameters
        EBS_USER_CALCCONTROL_PARAMS    params;     // calculation controlling parameters
        int                            nlines;     // number of lines
        EBS_USER_LINEDATA              *lines;     // lines
        int                            ncomps;     // number of components
        EBS_USER_COMPDATA              *comps;     // components

    Before EBSILON®Professional calls your DLL, it creates this structure and copies the data from the active profile into this structure. Therefore, in your DLL you have access to all these data in the structure.


    Look at the function "example1 ()" in userDll.c to see how you can access EBSILON®Professional specification values, results, characteristic lines and other parameters.


    The EBS_USER_CALL_PARAMS are specified either in the DLL dialog or as EbsScript arguments. You can use these calling parameters to determine a different behaviour of your DLL depending on this parameters. You have an integer parameter called nProgId, four additional integer parameters, four real parameters and four string parameters. For details of the structure see userDll.h.

    In the example DLL, nProgId is used to switch between three different functions.
    Example1 is a simple ASCII output of all EBSILON®Professional data. The string parameter szParam1 is used to specify the path name of the file that shall be created (of course, you can use this as a report function even if you do not want to create your own DLL).


    The EBS_USER_INTERFACE_CONTROL structure consists of a flag to determine if EBSILON®Professional shall read back data from your DLL (see DLL Import). If you only want to receive data from EBSILON®Professional leave this flag 0.


    The EBS_USER_CALCCONTROL_PARAMS are the calculation settings that were specified on "ExtrasàModel Options" on the sheets "Simulation", "Validation", "Results" and "User-Defined Fluids". User-defined variables are not included in this interface yet.


    The EBS_USER_LINEDATA is an array of nlines entries, one for each line in the cycle. Each entry consists of several substructures:

    typedef struct tagEBS_USER_LINEDATA{
          EBS_USER_BASICS         basics;     // Basic Parameters
          EBS_USER_LINETYPE       type;       // Line Type
          EBS_USER_LINERESULTS    results;    // Line Results
          EBS_USER_LINETOPO       topo[2];    // Topology

    EBS_USER_BASICS consists of the id, the name and description of the line. The EBS_USER_LINETYPE indicates the type of line (the fluid type). The EBS_USER_LINERESULTS contain the calculated thermodynamical properties of the line (pressure, temperature, &ldots;, also the material composition). The EBS_USER_LINETOPO structure indicates the topology: it may point to a component, a line (in case of a logical line) or to nothing. topo[0] and topo[1] contain the topology of both line endings.

    The EBS_USER_COMPDATA is an array of ncomps entries, one for each component in the cycle. Each entry consists of several substructures:

    typedef struct tagEBS_USER_COMPDATA{
          EBS_USER_BASICS   basics;     // Basic Parameters
          int               comptype;   // component type
          int               npins;      // number of connection points
          EBS_USER_COMPTOPO *pins;      // Array (npins elements) with topology info
          int               nspecs;     // number of specification values
          EBS_USER_SPECITEM *specs;     // specification values
          int               nresults;   // number of result values
          EBS_USER_SPECITEM *results;   // result values
          int               ncharlines; // number of characteristic lines
          EBS_USER_CHARLINE *charlines; // Array (ncharlines elements) with characteristic lines
          int               blogiccomp; // flag (TRUE, if logiccomp is used)
          EBS_USER_COMPTOPO logiccomp;  // topology info for a logical component

    EBS_USER_BASICS consists of the id, the name and description of the component. The comptype is the number for the component type. The EBS_USER_COMPTOPO structure may point to a line or to nothing. The array pins consists of npins EBS_USER_COMPTOPO entries that indicate which line is connected at the corresponding connection point (if any).

    The EBS_USER_SPECITEMstructure contains the name and the value of a specification or result value::

    typedef struct {
          char                    *name;      // short name of the specification value
          EBS_USER_VALUETYPE      valuetype;  // flag whether value is double or long
          union {
                double            doublevalue;// value as double
                long              longvalue;  // value as long
          int                     bempty;     // flag: = 1, if value is empty
          EBS_USER_WRITEBACK      writeback;  // flag for writeback

    Depending on the valuetype, the value is a double or a long value. If the specification value is empty, the flag bempty is set to 1 (TRUE). In this case, you shall not use doublevalue or longvalue (they may have arbitrary values). The writeback flag is used in case of data import only.

    The arrays specs and results consist of nspecs and nresults of such entries.

    The EBS_USER_CHARLINEstructure contains data of a characteristic line.

    typedef struct {
          char                    *name;      // Name of the characteristic line
          int                     buseparam;  // Flag whether the characteristic has a parameter
          double                  param;      // Parameter
          int                     npoints;    // Number of points
          EBS_USER_CHARLPOINT     *point;     // Array (npoints elements) of points
          EBS_USER_WRITEBACK      writeback;  // Flag for writeback

    If the flag buseparam is 1 (TRUE), the characteristic line has a parameter that is indicated in param. If buseparam is 0 (FALSE), the value of param is arbitrary and shall not be used. The array points contains the npoints points of the characteristic line. The writeback flag is used in case of data import only.

    The array charlines in the EBS_USER_COMPDATAstructure consists of ncharlines of such entries.

    For component that do not have connection points but are placed directly on the line (component 33, 45, 46), the topology is indicated in logiccomp. This is a EBS_USER_COMPTOPOstructure that points to the line where the component is located on. The flag blogiccomp indicates whether this value is used (=1) or not (=0). If blogiccomp is 0, you shall not use logiccomp.

    Calling the DLL

    If you want to export calculated data from EBSILON®Professional to your DLL, you must do a calculation in the actual profile before calling the DLL.

    To call the DLL, use the menu command DataàUser DLLàCall&ldots;”. The "Call User-DLL" dialog is opened.

    In this dialog, you may specify parameters that are transferred to your DLL in addition to the EBSILON®Professional data. It is not necessary to specify any parameters if you do not want to use them in your DLL.

    In this example, the program id nProgID = 1 expects one string argument which is specified here. It is the path name of the printout file for this example program.

    When you have finished specifying the parameters, click "Call Dll&ldots;". Your DLL is called now.

    Thereafter, the field "Result" on the upper right corner indicates the return code of your DLL.

    You can now change the parameters and perform another call to your DLL, or close the dialog window.

    Alternatively, it is possible to call the DLL from an EbsScript. See EbsScript functions.