EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
In This Topic
    Component 85: Electrostatic Precipitator
    In This Topic

    Component 85: Electrostatic Precipitator


    Line connections


    Flue gas inlet


    Flue gas outlet (filtered)


    Dust (Flue gas) outlet (filtrate)


    Required electrical power


    General       User Input Values       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    Component 85  handles energy and mass balances of an electrostatic precipitator.

    You can choose from four calculation modes: See Notes for FDUST (User Input Values)

    The necessary electric power can be calculated from the normalized electrical power and will be included in the energy balance.

    The electrostatic precipitator considered gaseous ashes.

    "Standard“ quantities

    In practice, certain quantities are often related to “standard conditions“; depending on the context, different standards are used.

    The options for determining the standard conditions (to specify quantities related to standard conditions ) have been extended :

    The input for FNORM determines the reference pressure and reference temperature:

    • 1 bar, 15°C (Ebsilon standard)
    • 1.01325 bar, 0°C (DIN 1343)
    • 1.01325 bar/14.696 psia, 15°C/59°F (ISO 2533)
    • 1 bar, 20°C
    • 1 bar, 0°C
    • 1.01325 bar, 20°C (German “TA Luft”)
    • 14.696 psia, 60°F (often used for “standard cubic feet”)

    it is also possible to
    • specify the reference conditions by means of measured values of the type ”Reference pressure“ (FTYP=13) and ”Reference temperature“ (FTYP=26),

    and it is possible to do without the standardization:
    • Use of the current pressure and the current temperature of the line.  

    Adopting the reference values from the general settings is not reasonable because other results might be generated on another computer.


    The flag FNORMW decides if for determining the standard volume only the dry fraction of the gas is to be considered, or if the water fraction is to be taken along.

    The flag FNORMO2 enables a conversion to a reference oxygen concentration. There are the following variants:

    • FNORMO2=0: Actual O2 concentration is kept, whereby this concentration refers to the dry or humid flue gas depending on the setting
                              of the flag FNORMW.

    • FNORMO2=1: the reference concentration is taken over from the model settings, whereby this concentration refers to the dry or humid flue gas depending on the setting
                              of the flag FNORMW.

    • FNORMO2=2: the reference concentration is taken from the component specification value O2REF, whereby this concentration refers to the dry or humid flue gas
                              depending on the setting of the flag FNORMW.

    • FNORMO2=3: : the reference concentration is taken over from the model settings, whereby this concentration always refers to the dry flue gas, independent of the
                                flag FNORMW.

    • FNORMO2=4: the reference concentration is taken from the component specification value O2REF, whereby this concentration always refers to the dry flue gas,
                              independent of the flag FNORMW.



    In this component, the specification value M2DV2N refers to the normalized concentration (in the design case), whereas result value M2DV2 was not converted

    to standard conditions. This has been changed : M2DV2 is the dust concentration at the outlet converted to standard conditions (in the current load case).

    A new result value RM2DV2 has been implemented for the actual dust concentration.


    User Input Values



    Flag for defining the filtering


    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: specified by total separation ratio  M3M1N

    =1: specified by dust exhaust concentration M2DV2N

    =2: Dust concentration in the exhaust gas, calculated from geometry (ACOLL, MAXFGB, ACTFGB) - " Deutsch formula"

    =-1: Identification mode - 
     Identification of dust collecting area ACOLL from dust exhaust concentration given by measurement
     point IPSDUST       


    Total separation ratio (nominal),

    e.g. (fly ash of line 3) / (fly ash of line 1)


    Normalized molar dust exhaust concentration (nominal)


    Index of pseudo measurement point for dust concentration (only in identification mode)


    Dust collecting area


    Constant (dust sizing constant) in the modified
    "Deutsch formula"


    Maximum number of dust collecting areas, which can be in operation


    Actual number of dust collecting areas, which are in operation


    Specific electrical power, e.g. required electrical power per fly ash mass flow


    Pressure drop between line 1 and 2 (nominal)


    Calculation mode design / off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: GLOBAL

    =1: Local off-design i.e. always off-design mode, even when the model is calculated in the design mode.


    Flag to define a combination of reference pressure and reference temperature

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: EBSILON default (1bar, 15°C)

    =1: DIN 1343 (1.01325bar, 0°C)

    =2: ISO 2533 (1.01325bar, 15°C)

    =3: DIN 1945 (1bar, 20°C)

    =4: 1bar, 0°C (use for line result MGNM3)

    =5: 1.01325bar, 20°C

    =6: 14.696psia, 60F (often used for SCF( standard cubic feet ))


    =-1: Use measurement points for reference pressure and temperature

    =-2: Do not normalize but use actual pressure and temperature


    Consideration of water for normalized concentration

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Keep actual water concentration (wet)

    =1: Neglect water concentration (dry)


    Flag to define scaling to reference O2 concentration

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Keep actual O2 concentration (no scaling)

    =1: Scale to molar O2 concentration from model settings

    =2: Scale to molar O2 concentration as specified in O2REF

    =3: Scale to dry molar O2 concentration from model settings

    =4: Scale to dry molar O2 concentration as specified in O2REF


    Reference O2 concentration (molar)


    Inlet mass flow (nominal)


    Specific volume at the inlet (nominal)


    Flue gas temperature at the inlet (nominal)

     The identification value marked in blue is the reference value for the off-design mode. The actual off-design values refer to the values used in the equations.

    Characteristic Lines

    Characteristic line 1: Removed fly ash ratio  M3M1/M3M1N = f (M1/M1N)


         X-axis          1          M1/M1N                    1st point
                            2          M1/M1N                     2nd point
                            N         M1/M1N                     last point
         Y-axis          1          M3M1/M3M1N           1st point
                            2          M3M1/M3M1N           2ndpoint

    N         M3M1/M3M1N           last point

    Physics Used


    Design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Design case





    F = 1.0

    ZWIP = 1.0



    Off-design case

    (Simulation flag:

    GLOBAL = Off-design


    FMODE = Local off-design)



    FDUST = 0 or 1

        F = (M1/M1N) ** 2*(V1/V1N)

        ZWIP = f(M1/M1N) from characteristic line

    FDUST = 2 or -1

        F = (M1/M1N) ** 2*(V1/V1N)

       ZWIP = 1-EXP(SIZCON*ACOLL/(VX(1)*DX(1)))**0.5
      (Deutsch formula)




    All cases




    P2 = P1 DP12N * F                                                            

    P3 = P2                                                                                    


    SUM1: sum of all solid mass concentrations of line 1


    DQ = QM2D*SUM1 *M1

    H4 = DQ                                                                                  

    H11 = H1+DQ/D1

    T2 = f(H11,P1)

    T3 = T2

    H2 = f(T2,P2)                                                                           

    H3= f(T3,P3)                                                                           


    If FDUST=0 then

          M3 = M3M1N*ZWIP*SUM1*M1                               

    else if FDUST=1 then

          VX2N: Specific volume in line 2 under normalized conditions

          M3 = SUM1*M1-M2DV2N*ZWIP*VX2N*M2                

    else if FDUST=2 then


    else if FDUST= -1 then

          ACOLL = VX(1) * DX(1)/SIZCON*

          D2DV2 from pseudo measurement point given by IPSDUST




    M2 = M1-M3                                                                             


    Mass concentrations from mass balance of the components





    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 85 Demo << to load an example

    See Also