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In This Topic
    Component 158: Battery
    In This Topic

    Component 158: Battery


    Line Connections


    Power Inlet (optional, for series connection of batteries)


    Power connection (> 0 for discharge, < 0 for charge)


    Power Loss


    Connection to aging module



    Control inlet (to control the operating mode


     General       User Input Values       Physics Used       Characteristic Lines      Results      Display       Example



    This component represents a battery consisting of individual cells with a nominal capacity CCELLN and a nominal voltage UCELLN. The actually available capacity decreases according to a factor SOH (state of health) that is specified to the battery by the aging module via Logic Pin 4. The prevailing state of charge of the cell SOC must remain between the limits SOCMIN and SOCMAX.

    The component Battery consists of NBANK banks connected in parallel that consist of  NRACK racks connected in parallel in each case. Each rack consists of NMOD modules connected in series. Each module consists of NPAR * NSER modules (connected per NPAR in parallel and NSER in series).

    When discharging the battery, the terminal voltage decreases under its nominal value down to a minimum value UCOCELL (cut-off voltage). Here the current can rise up to the short circuit current ISCCELL.

    The terminal voltage as a function of the discharge current and of the state of charge (SOC) is defined by a characteristic field CUACT that consists of 20 characteristic lines with the prevailing state of charge as parameter. Instead of the characteristic field, it is also possible to calculate with a constant internal resistance of the cell, which can optionally be specified directly or can be calculated from the short circuit current.

    The component can be applied both in electric circuits, where it calculates the current based on the resistances in the electric circuit, and in control loops that require the current to be specified externally. It is also possible to define the current by specifying the desired power on Logic Inlet 5.

    To display the aging of the battery, an external aging module has to be connected to Logic Inlet 4. Via this logic inlet, the battery receives its respective prevailing SOH (”state of health“) from the aging module. It is defined as the ratio of the current to the original capacity of the battery. The aging module, in turn, can access the the data of the battery via this logic pin and calculate the aging.


    In most Ebsilon components, the fluid flows into the component via Pin 1 and out of the component via Pin 2. In the case of the component Battery, however, the same pin (namely Pin 2) is used for charging and for discharging.

    As, topologically, it is an outlet, positive values are displayed for the power when discharging. The charging process is displayed by means of negative values. On the one hand, this is closer to reality (as in reality the same cables are used for charging and discharging) and on the other hand it facilitates the modeling.

    Nevertheless, there is also an electric inlet (Pin 1) in this component, which, however, is optional and not used for charging but for connecting another battery. This way, several Components 158 can be connected in series. In doing so, the voltages will add up while the current remains the same through all batteries. With the exception of the last one, all batteries must be operated in the mode FOP=-1 (“Current given externally“) as the last battery carries out the calculation for the overall package and writes the current onto the line.

    Pin 3 is a logic outlet for the losses. These are calculated by the battery. Here both the losses occurring in the battery and the power required for the cooling can be considered (see Chapter FLOSS-Loss Calculation).

    Pin 4 is the logic inlet for the connection of the aging module: via this connection, the aging module receives the required data of the battery. The aging module calculates the new SOH (state of health) at the end of the respective time step and communicates it to the battery via the logic line at the beginning of the next time step.

    Pin 5 is the logic inlet for the control. The desired power is specified on this line. When the battery is to be charged, a negative value has to be specified. Whether the desired power can be achieved depends both on the state of charge of the battery and on the current:



    FOP - Operation Mode:


    FUTHERM - Method for Calculating the Terminal Voltage:

    This flag serves to define the correlation between terminal voltage and current. By default, the calculation is effected with a constant internal resistance. However, it is also possible to store a characteristic field.


    FLOSS - Loss Calculation:

    Losses are calculated by the component itself and are written as heat on Logic Outlet 3. There are the following variants for calculating the losses that occur during the operation of the battery:

                               QLOSSOP = (UTOTN – U2) * I2

               Please note that the loss becomes positive at all times because while charging I2 < 0 and U2 > UTOTN.

               Here U2, I2 and Q2 are voltage, current and power at the outlet and the proportionality factor LOSS is a specification value.

    Moreover, for the losses it is also possible to consider the auxiliary power QLOSSC of the air conditioner required for cooling the batteries. As it depends on the ambient temperatures, there is a characteristic line CQLOSSC for this purpose. This characteristic line is used both in the design case and in off-design. Therefore the design temperature of the air conditioner (i.e. the temperature where the characteristic line has the value 1) does not have to be consistent with the design case of the overall model.

    It is assumed that the air conditioner can be operated independently of the battery. Therefore the auxiliary power is also calculated when the battery is turned off.


    FTIMELIM - behaviour when Reaching the Limits:

    This flag allows to set the behaviour for a transient calculation, e.g. in the context of a time series.

    Within the time step, the component carries out a steady-state calculation as a rule, i.e. no time dependencies are considered. Only when calculating the result values SOCNEW (new state of charge at the end of the time step) and DCHARGE (change of charge in the time step) does a time dependency come into play.

    As long as SOCNEW is within the valid range between SOCMIN and SOCMAX, FTIMELIM has no effect. However, if SOCNEW exceeds a limit, there are the following options:

    In both cases, SOCNEW is then set to the respective limit value (SOCMIN or SOCMAX).

    When carrying out a time series calculation, after calculating a time step the result value SOCNEW is then copied onto the specification value SOC for the next time step.


    Note: No FMODE

    A flag FMODE for switching over between design and off-design mode does not exist in this component as there are no nominal values for this component that might be calculated by Ebsilon in the context of a design calculation.


    Notes for Specification Values

    Specification Values for the Operation

    These specification values are only relevant for the operation with power demand (FOP=3).


    CRATEN: nominal value for the charge rate (CRATE)

    The charge rate indicates the proportion of the capacity per time unit that is charged and discharged respectively. For instance: at a CRATE of 0.5 A/Ah, the SOC (state of charge) of the battery is increased and decreased respectively by 0.5 in one hour.

    The charge rate results from the nominal value CRATEN and the characteristic line CCRATE as a function of the state of charge. By default, this characteristic line is designed is such a way that the charge rate is already reduced when approaching SOC=1.


    DCRATEN: nominal value for the discharge rate (DCRATE) (optional)

    Only enter a value here if another rate is to be used for discharging than for charging. Otherwise the discharge rate is equated with the charge rate.


    STHR: threshold value for charging

    Here you can enter a threshold value that has to be exceeded for the battery to switch over to “Charge” mode.


    Specification Values for the Geometry

    NPAR: number of parallel cells per module

    NSER: number of serial cells per module

    NMOD: number of modules per rack

    NRACK: number of racks per bank

    NBANKS: number of banks in the component


    Specification Values for Capacity and Voltage

    UCELLN: nominal voltage of a cell

    CCELLN: nominal capacity (maximum charge) of a cell

    RINTCELL: internal resistance of a cell

    ISCCELL: short circuit current (max. possible current) of a cell

    QMAX: maximum power of the total battery


    Specification Values for the State

    SOC: current state of charge

    SOCMIN: min. admissible state of charge

    SOCMAX: max. admissible state of charge

    The “state of health“ (SOH) is not managed in the battery but in the aging module. The battery only shows in the result values which SOH the calculation
    was carried out with.


    Specification Values for the Loss Calculation

    LOSS: loss factor (proportionality factor at FLOSS=1 or 2)

    QLOSSCN: nominal value for the power of the air conditioner
                       This value is multiplied by the value of the characteristic line CQLOSS which depends on the ambient temperature.

    TAMB: ambient temperature (for FSTAMB=0)

    ISUN: link to Component 117 (for FSTAMB=1)


    Notes for Result Values 

    Result Values for the Operation:

    RCRATE: applied charge and discharge rate respectively

    UCELL: present voltage of a cell

    UTOT: present total voltage

    ICELL: present current through a cell

    ITOT: present total current

    QTOT: total battery power 


    Result Values for the State:

    SOCNEW: new state of charge at the end of the time step

    SOH: state of health used for the calculation

    CTOT: total capacity at the current state of health

    DCHARGE: change of charge during the time step

    DCHARGECTOT: Charge change relative to total capacity


    Result Values for the Loss Calculation:

    RTAMB: applied ambient temperature

    QLOSSOP: loss due to the operation of the battery

    QLOSSC: loss due to the air conditioner

    QLOSSTOT: total loss


    Other Result Values :

    UTOTN: nominal voltage of the total battery

    UUN: ratio of present to nominal voltage

    IISC: ratio of present to short circuit current

    RRINTCELL: used internal resistance, one cell

    RRINTTOT: used internal resistance of the total battery

    RQMAX: calculated maximum power of the battery
                    This result value is calculated from the internal resistance assuming that it is constant. If this is not the case (possible at FUTERM=3), this value is 
                    only an approximation.

    QQMAX: Ratio actual power / maximum power


    Characteristic Lines and Characteristic Fields


    CRATE: relative charge rate as a function of the state of charge

    CQLOSSC: Relative power of the air-conditioning system as a function of the ambient temperature

    FCUTERM: Characteristic diagram consisting of characteristic curves CUTERM_n for the relative terminal voltage as a function of the relative cell current intensity (referred to the short-circuit current ISCCELL) with the state of charge SOC as parameter.



    User Input Values


    Flag: Operation mode

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    = -1: current given externally
    = 0: out of order
    = 1: charge (voltage given externally, current calculated from resistance)
    = 2: discharge (voltage and current calculated from resistance)
    = 3: according to power demand on pin 5           



    Charge rate (nominal)          



    Discharge rate (nominal) (optional, if different from CRATE)



    Switching threshold for charging


    Number of parallel cells per module


    Number of serial cells per module


    Number of modules per rack


    Number of racks per bank


    Number of banks


    Nominal voltage of cell


    Nominal capacity (maximum charge) per cell



    Flag: Method for calculation of terminal voltage

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)

    = 0: use constant internal resistance RINTCELL
    = 1: use constant internal resistance calculated from ISCCELL
    = 2: use constant internal resistance calculated from QMAX
    = 3: by characteristic field FCUTERM         


    Internal resistance of cell


    Short circuit current per cell


    Maximum power of total battery


    Present state of charge


    Minimum state of charge


     Maximum state of charge


    Flag: Handling of limit achievement in time interval

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    = 0: Reducer power to avoid exceeding limit
    = 1: Split time interval


    Flag: Switch for heat losses
    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)

    = 0: heat loss calculated from voltage and current
    = 1: heat loss proportional to power (Q3=LOSS*Q)
    = 2: heat loss proportional to current (Q3=LOSS*I)


    Factor for heat losses


    Flag: Handling of limit achievement in time interval

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)

    = 0: reduce power to avoid exceeding limit
    = 1: split time interval



    Definition of ambient temperature                 

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub profile option only)


    =0: Given by parameter TAMB
    =1: Given by component 117 with index ISUN



    Ambient temperature


    Index for solar and ambient Parameters




    Applied change rate


    Terminal voltage of cell


    Total voltage


    Present current of cell


    Total current


    Total battery power


    New state of charge


    Applied state of health


    Total capacity at current health state


    Charge change during time step


    Charge change relative to total capacity


    Ambient temperature used in calculation


    Loss by operation


    Loss by air conditioning


    Total loss


    Nominal voltage of total battery


    Ratio actual voltage  / nominal voltage


    Ratio actual current / short circuit  current


    Used internal resistance off cell


    Used internal resistance off total battery


    Used total number of parallel units


    Used total number of serial units


    from RINTTOT calculated maximum power


    Ratio actual power / maximum power




    Characteristic Lines / Characteristic Diagrams

    Characteristic Lines

    Characteristic Line 1 to N: CRATE : Relative charge rate depending on State of charge: CCRATE : CRATE / CRATEN  = f (SOC)

         X-axis       1         SOC                             1st  point
                          2         SOC                             2st  point
                          N        SOC                             last point
         Y-axis       1         CRATE/CRATEN           1. point
                          2         CRATE/CRATEN           2. point
                          N        CRATE/CRATEN          last point


    Characteristic Line  1 to N: CQLOSSCRelative performance of the air conditioning system depending on the ambient temperature: 

         X-axis       1         TAMB                           1st  point
                          2         TAMB                           2st  point
                          N         TAMB                          last  point
         Y-axis       1         QLOSSC/QLOSSCN     1st point
                          2         QLOSSC/QLOSSCN     2st point
                          N         QLOSSC/QLOSSCN     last point                  



    Characteristic Diagram

    Characteristic Diagram 1 to N: FCUTHERM : Characteristic Diagram , consisting of characteristic lines CUTHERM_n for the relative terminal voltage as a function
                                                                             of the relative cell current (in relation to the short circuit current ISCCELL) with the state of charge SOC as parameter
                                                                             FCUTHERM : CUTHERM1:  UCELL/UCELLN = f( ICELL / ISCELL, param = SOC


         X-axis       1         ICELL/ ISCCELL                             1. point,  param= SOC 0.05...1,0
                          2         ICELL/ ISCCELL                             2. point,  param=...
                          N        ICELL/ ISCCELL                             last point , param=...
         Y-axis       1         UCELL/UCELLN                           1. point,  (ICELL/ISCELL)           
                          2         UCELL/UCELLN                           2. point, ...
                          N        UCELL/UCELLN                           last point, ...

    Physics Used 





    Display Option 1

    Display Option 2

    Display Option 3

    Display Option 4

    Display Option 5

    Display Option 6

    Display Option 7

    Display Option 8


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