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    Component 156: Power Converter
    In This Topic

    Component 156: Power Converter


    Line Connection


    Power Inlet


    Power Outlet


    Power Loss

    General     User Input Values     Physics Used     References     Displays     Example



    Component 156 (Power Converter) is used to model a power inverter that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), or a power rectifier that converts from AC to DC. In practice, the conversion may be performed either by means of electronic circuits or utilizing rotating mechanical equipment. In the simulation model, the heat losses of the electronics and the necessary shaft power to drive the rotating equipment are both expressed in terms of the conversion efficiency relative to the inlet power.

    For simulation of photovoltaic inverters the performance model for grid-connected PV inverters developed by Sandia National Laboratories, USA (SAND2007-5036) can be used.  For this performance model, an extensive collection of data sets has been implemented in the default values library of component 156.


    User Input Values


    Flag to set the calculation mode Design / Off-design

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0:   Global
    =1:   local off-design (i.e. always off-design mode, even when a design calculation has been done globally)
    =-1: local design (i.e. always design mode, even when a off-design calculation has been done globally)


    Method for specification of efficiency model

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Use FEFFand curve CEFF

    =1: Use SANDIA performance model (SAND2007-5036)


    Method for specification of outlet voltage

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Defined by specification value VOLT

    =1: Set externally

    U2 Outlet voltage

    Method to specify outlet frequency

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Use specification value FREQ

    =1: Frequency given externally on electrical outlet

    FREQ Outlet frequency

    Flag to set the type of outlet current

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)

    =0: Direct Current

    =1: One-phase alternating current

    =3: Three-phase alternating current

    (Note: The specification of the current type at the inlet of the component is made via component 1 / component 33 on the electrical inlet line)



    Method for part load calculation

    Like in Parent Profile (Sub Profile option only)


    =0: Constant design efficiency EFFN

    =1: Use correction curve CEFF (Q1/Q1N)


    Inverter Model Name


    AC voltage output


    Maximum  AC power rating


    DC power level at which the AC power rating is achieved


    DC voltage level at which the AC power rating is achieved


    DC power required to start the inversion process (self-consumption)


    parameter defining the curvature (parabolic) of the relationship between AC power and DC power at the reference operating condition, default value of zero gives a linear relationship, (1/W)


    empirical coefficient allowing PDCO to vary linearly with DC voltage input, default value is zero, (1/V)


    empirical coefficient allowing PSO to vary linearly with DC voltage input, default value is zero, (1/V)


    empirical coefficient allowing C0 to vary linearly with DC voltage input, default value is zero, (1/V)


    AC power consumed by inverter at night (night tare) to maintain circuitry required to sense PV array voltage, (W)


    Maximum DC voltage


    Maximum DC current


    Maximum power point lower voltage limit


    Maximum power point upper voltage limit


    Nominal inlet power


    Nominal efficiency

    Result values

    RLOAD Calculated load
    REFF Calculated efficiency
    QLOSS Calculated losses
    QAPP Calculated apparent outlet power
    QREAL Calculated outlet power
    QREACT Calculated reactive outlet power
    COSPHI2 Outlet power factor

    Physics Used

    Design Calculations

    In design mode of the simple efficiency model, the user has to specify

    • voltage at outlet U2,
    • the conversion efficiency with the parameter EFF
    • and the parameter LFFE to define the share of iron losses in the total losses.

    For the current input into the transformer, the following are defined

    In design mode of the simple efficiency model, the user has to specify the conversion efficiency with the parameter EFF.  The resulting outlet power Q2 will be calculated as Q2 = Q1*EFF, and if a logic line is connected to port 3, the respective losses will be written into the stream value Q (energy flow).  Type of current, voltage and frequency of the electric line connected to the outlet port 2 of the power converter will  be set as per the specifications of the user.   

    The SANDIA PV Inverter Performance Model (selected with Efficiency Model FEFF = 1) allows for describing the performance characteristic of a specific PV inverter type with a set of parameters. Since these data are derived from experiments with commercially available PV inverters, thus they already represent a fixed design.  If a pre-configured data set for a specific inverter type is selected from the default value library, the respective value for PDCO (DC power level at which the AC power rating is achieved) will be used for the nominal inlet power Q1N, and design point efficiency EFFN will be derived from the ratio PACO/PDCO. 

    Off-Design Performance with Simple Model

    Depending on the setting of the method flag FEFFOD, the off-design calculation will use the design efficiency (FEFFOD = 0: Constant design efficiency EFFN), or the efficiency will depend on the ratio of inlet power to nominal inlet power as per the correction factor defined in the characteristic CEFF. The outlet power will then be calculated as Q2 = Q1*EFFN*CEFF(Q1/Q1N). 

    Off-Design Performance with SANDIA PV Inverter Performance Model

    The Sandia performance model for grid-connected PV inverters (SAND2007-5036) describes the AC power output of the inverter (PAC) as a function of DC inlet power (PDC) with the following set equation:


        PAC = [(PACO/(A - B)) - C * (A - B)] * (PDC - B) + C * (PDC - B)^2


    The coefficients A, B and C are calculated with linear dependency of the DC inlet voltage (VDC) and type-specific parameters that describe DC power and voltage at rated AC power and the self-consumption at nominal DC voltage.

       A = PDCO * [1 + C1 * (VDC - VDCO)]

       B = PSO* [1 + C2 * (VDC - VDCO)]

       C = C0* [1 + C3 * (VDC - VDCO)]

    The individual parameters and coefficients are displayed with the same variable name as used in component 156, see the section User Input Values above. In addition, the data set for the PV inverter may include operating limits for maximum DC power and DC voltage, the range for DC voltage at the maximum power point which are checked in the calculation, if present. For information, the AC power consumed by the inverter at night to maintain circuitry required to sense PV array voltage is listed, but not actively used in the calculation.


    Characteristics Lines

    Characteristic line 1 (CEFF):  electrical efficiency

    Characteristic line 1:  electrical efficiency

         X-Axis         1          Q1/Q1N                    1st point
                            2          Q1/Q1N                    2nd point
                            N         Q1/Q1N                    last point

         Y-Axis          1        electrical efficiency EFF/EFFN (CEFF)          1st point
                            2         electrical efficiency EFF/EFFN (CEFF)          2nd point

                            N        electrical efficiency EFF/EFFN (CEFF)          last point



    David L. King, Sigifredo Gonzalez, Gary M. Galbraith, and William E. Boyson, Performance Model for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters, SANDIA REPORT SAND2007-5036, Unlimited Release, September 2007


    Component Displays

    Display Option 1


    Click here >> Component 156 Demo << to load an example.