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Objects (Components, Streams, ...) / Component Objects - General and Categories / Solar and Wind / Component 131: Transient separator (with transfer function)
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    Component 131: Transient separator (with transfer function)
    In This Topic

    Component 131: Transient separator (with transfer function)


    Line connections


    Signal input


    Signal output

    General       User Input Values       Results       Characteristic Lines       Physics Used       Displays       Example



    The task of a transient separator is to represent transient processes by means of one or several coupled transfer functions without having to calculate a detailed physical model. The behaviour of many dynamic components can often be modelled e.g. using a simple PTn system. In contrast to the physically determined model, this results in a significantly lower calculating effort and thus expenditure of time. An approach from control theory is pursued by means of which a component is regarded as a signal transmitter. In this way it is possible to simulate a lot of components using a differential equation of following type:  

    eqn. 1-1

    This equations delivers the output/ answer signal y(t) using the parameters:

    The difference between present state and input signal generates the driving force for changing the output signal scaled by the time constant. The exponent is responsible for loading the driving force, while delay time fixes the period of input signal getting valid for the calculation. Even-numbered exponents are able to be solved analytically (n = 1 delivers PT1-Behaviour for example). Other exponents are going to be solved numerically. Discretisation of eqn 1-1 in time leads to following structure showing time step k:

    eqn. 1-2

    In order to avoid errors due to fractional exponents, the absolute value of expression in brackets in eqn 1-1 will be taken for further calculations and hence rated by sgn function. Realization of delay time is carried out using a signal memory, which is able to feed back the signal into the calculation after a certain amount of time steps.
    Delay time has not to be a multiple of the time step, if required sub steps will be added to the calculation.

    With the FFU=2 mode, it is possible to calculate the input signal from the known output signal based on the same equations. This can be interesting, for example, if you have a time-damped measurement signal available and want to calculate the time characteristic of a non-damped value. The attenuation can be caused, for example, by the thick armor of a measured value sensor.
    Additional flag for calculating the output values of the transfer functions (FYOUT).

    FYOUT serves to select between the value at the end of the time step, the moving average, and an arithmetic mean. 

    It is possible to calculate transfer functions with reaction times using non-equidistant time steps too.


    Global Initialization of Transient Components

    All transient components that possess the flag FINIT can be commonly controlled via one global flag.

    For this, the flag FINIT has been expanded by the position GLOBAL: 0.

    If it is set to this value, the control of the transient simulation will be handed over to the global variable “Transient mode“, which can be found under

    Extras \Model Options\Simulation\Transient\ Combo Box "Transient mode".

    This will then pass on the desired mode (first iteration or following iteration) to the components. This can be controlled from the time series dialog by means of the expression “@calcoptions.sim.transientmode“. 


    Component 131 has been expanded by 4 default values:

    The three flags FOUTUS_X can take two values. At FOUTUS_X=0, the calculated value (M, H, P) on Pin 2 from the current time step will be used, as before. This enables the highest precision. At FOUTUS_X=1, in contrast, the respective value from the last time step will be used. This has the advantage that this value does not change during the current time step, which leads to a better convergence of the calculation. However, the calculation will become less precise here.

    The flag FDT controls the direction of transfer. For FDT=0, the value is transferred from Pin 1 to Pin 2. For FDT=1, the value is transferred from Pin 2 to Pin 1.


    User Input Values 


    General Properties


    Flag: Initializing state

    =0: Global, which is controlled via global variable "Transient mode" under Model Options: 
          "Extras" ->"Model Options" -> "Simulation" -> "Transient" -> Combo Box "Transient mode"

          (See -> General-> Global Initialization of Transient Components )

    =1: First run (TCOUNT set to 0)
    =2: Continuation run


    Switch component on/off

    =0: Transient separator switched off (every input will be bypassed)
    =1: Transient separator active - Output signal is calculated from the known input signal
    =2: Transient separator active - Input signal is calculated from the known output signal


    Type of transfer function

    =0: None
    =1: Only pressure
    =2: Only enthalpy
    =3: Pressure and enthalpy
    =4: Only mass flow
    =5: Mass flow and pressure
    =6: Mass flow and enthalpy
    =7: Mass flow, enthalpy and pressure


    Switch calculation of delay time

    =0: Only transfer function
    =1: Only delay
    =2: Transfer function with delay


    Calculation method of output

    =1: End of time step
    =2: Integral mean
    =3: Arithmetic average


    Parameters mass transfer


    Exponent mass transfer function


    Source of time constant for mass transfer

    =0: From specification value TAU0_M
    =1: Use  function ETAU0_M


    Time constant mass transfer function


    Function for TAU0_M

    function evalexpr:REAL;
                  evalexpr:=60.0;  // value interpreted as time [s] required


    Gain factor mass transfer function


    Delay time mass transfer function


    Parameters enthalpy transfer


    Exponent enthalpy transfer function


    Source of time constant for enthalpy transfer

    =0: From specification value TAU0_H
    =1: Use  function ETAU0_H


    Time constant eenthalpy transfer function 


    Function for TAU0_H

    function evalexpr:REAL;
                  evalexpr:=60.0;  // value interpreted as time [s] required


    Gain factor enthalpy transfer function


    Delay time enthalpy transfer function


    Output value usage enthalpy

    = 0: from the current time step (highest accuracy)
    =1: From previous time step (highest convergence rate)


    Parameters pressure transfer


    Exponent pressure transfer function


    Source of time constant for pressure transfer

    =0: From specification value TAU0_P
    =1: Use  function ETAU0_P


    Exponent pressure transfer function


    Function for TAU0_P

    function evalexpr:REAL;
                  evalexpr:=60.0;  // value interpreted as time [s] required


    Gain factor pressure transfer function


    Delay time pressure transfer function


    Output value usage pressure

    = 0: from the current time step (highest accuracy)
    =1: From previous time step (highest convergence rate)


    Transfer direction

    =0: The value is transferred from connection 1 to connection 2
    =1: The value is transferred from connection 2 to connection 1




    Mass stored previous time step


    Index previous time step


    Total integration time




    Actual difference input output mass flow


    Actual difference input output enthalpy


    Actual difference input output pressure


    Used value for TAU0_M


    Used value for TAU0_H


    Used value for TAU0_P


    Mass stored end of time step


    Index calculated time step


    Total time at end of calculation


    Characteristic curves

    These "characteristic" curves doesn´t give any specifications or correlations to characterize the component. They are necessary to build up a memory for the signals.
    Normally, there´s no need to set any values or give specifications, because the are transferred automatically by the time series calculations.

    CINPUTM - History of input signal mass flow at line 1

    This line stores the course of the input signal mass flow at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of mass flow input signals.

    CINPUTH - History of input signal enthalpy at line 1

    This line stores the course of the input signal of enthalpy at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of enthalpy input signals.

    CINPUTP - History of input signal pressure at line 1

    This line stores the course of the input signal pressure at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of pressure input signals.

    COUTPUTM - History of output signal mass flow at line 2

    This line stores the course of the output signal mass flow at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of mass flow output signals.

    COUTPUTH - History of output signal enthalpy at line 2

    This line stores the course of the output signal enthalpy at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of enthalpy output signals.

    COUTPUTH - History of output signal pressure at line 2

    This line stores the course of the output signal pressure at line 1.

    x-axis: Time steps, accumulated in seconds starting at Dt from first step.

    y-axis: Values of pressure output signals.


    Result Arrays

    RAINPUTM - History of input signal mass flow at line 1

    RAINPUTH - History of input signal enthalpy at line 1  

    RAINPUTP - History of input signal pressure at line 1

    RAOUTPUTM - History of output signal mass flow at line 2

    RAOUTPUTH - History of output signal enthalpy at line 2

    RAOUTPUTP - History of output signal pressure at line 2

    The result arrays are correlated to the correspondent characteristic lines, all of them show the values at the end of the time step.
    For calculation of the following time step the values of the result curves are copied to the characteristic lines, what forms a kind of circular buffer.

    Physics used


    Eqn 1-2 is usable for the three base quantities mass flow, enthalpy and pressure, which are calculated in EBSILONprofessional.

     Equation mass flow


      M2 = f(M1,EXP_M_TAU0_M,K_M, DELAY_M, Dt)


     Equation enthalpy


      H2 = f(H1,EXP_H_TAU0_H,K_H, DELAY_H, Dt)


     equation pressure


      P2 = f(P1,EXP_P_TAU0_P,K_P, DELAY_P, Dt)


    Integration methods

    For the calculation of the summations in the controller equation three methods can be chosen:



     Se(i) = e(k)




     Se(i) = e(k-1)      




      Se(i) = 1/2*(e(k)+e(k-1))               





    Form 1

    With dependence on the transfer function the "legend" changes as follows:

    • red line:      Transfer function pressure active
    • blue line:    Transfer function enthalpy active 
    • white line  Transfer function mass flow active



    Click here >> Component 131 Demo << to load an example.

    See Also