In the past there were not as many flags as today (specifications values whose names start with F like FM1M3, FDP...) in Ebsilon.
Instead of that some specifications values were permitted to be empty, to switch the component to another calculation mode. Because this is not obvious to the user, thus we changed to using flags. For compatibility reasons the simulation results of older models should still be the same. That's why missing empty specification values are ignored, although they should be specified. Example: M3M1 of component 18
We also introduced the automatic copying of result values to specification values (in the past users hat to copy e. g. the result value ETAI of component 6 to the specification value ETAIN manually). This happens automatically when taking over nominal values. Another example: the result value RM3M1 of component 18 is copied to M3M1.
If a temperature is specified on the phase boundary for component 1, 33, 35, 38, 46, 139 and 162, an error message is issued as the enthalpy is not clearly determined. The behaviour at this point can change at any time when the material value tables are updated.