EbsOpen Class Library for EBSILON®Professional

Application Members

Application overview

Public Instance Properties

AboutString Text shown in the About-Dialog.
ActiveModel Returns the currently active model.
ApplicationString Application name and version information.
COMCLSID COM-CLSID for the EBSILONProfessional module.
COMProgID COM-ProgId for the EBSILONProfessional module.
ComputationTool Tool providing time conversion routines and solar-position algorithms.
Configuration Global options/configuration details
EbsilonProfessionalFlag Obsolete. License-Flags in old-style
EbsilonProfessionalLicenseValuesLayout2 License-Flags as array of [license-id, value]-pairs.
EbsilonProfessionalLicenseValuesLayout2MarshalArrayAsVariant License-Flags as array of [license-id, value]-pairs. Array is marshalled as VARIANT / System.Object.
EbsOpenDemoMode Indicates if this EbsOpen-instance is running in Demo mode.
Events Events triggered by this class.
Intel_MKL_CNR_CBWR Intel MKL conditional bit-wise reproducibility (cf. EpIntel_MKL_CNR_CBWR).
IsDll Indicates if the current instance is loaded as a dll).
IsProcess Indicates if the current instance is a standalone process.
Models Collection of currently loaded EBSILON®Professional models.
ModuleFileName Fully qualified path to the EBSILON®Professional module.
ObjectCaster Reference to helper-class to cast objects int the Object-hierarchy for languages without type-casts (e.g. Matlab, Python).
OMPProcessorCount Number of logical processors as reported by OpenMP.
OMPThreadCount Number of threads used by OpenMP.
PatchLevel Patch-Level Number
Position Get/Set the position of the EBSILON®Professional main window.
PositionRef Get the position of the EBSILON®Professional main window and tracking it.
Process Information about the underlying process.
ProcessAffinityMask Affinity-Mask of the process. (Lower 32 bits.)
ProcessAffinityMask64 Affinity-Mask of the process. (Up to 64 bits.)
ProcessAffinityMaskUpper32 Affinity-Mask of the process. (Upper 32 bits.)
ProcessFileName Fully qualified path to the process this Application instance is running in.
ProductVersionMajor Major Product Version Number (aka. Release Number)
ProductVersionMinor Minor Product Version Number (i.e. Patch-Level)
ProductVersionString Version string (four number format)
SerializationVersion Internal Serialization Version-Number
SetProcessAffinity Indicates whether the Affinity-Mask of the process will be set.
SetProcessAffinityForDll Indicates if for EbsOpen as Dll the Process-Affinity-Mask will be set.
SetProcessAffinityForProcess Indicates if for EbsOpen as process the Process-Affinity-Mask will be set.
SystemAffinityMask Affinity-Mask of the operation system. (Lower 32 bits.)
SystemAffinityMask64 Affinity-Mask of the operation system. (Up to 64 bits.)
SystemAffinityMaskUpper32 Affinity-Mask of the operation system. (Upper 32 bits.)
UnitConverter Tool for unit-conversion
Visible Get/Set visibility of the EBSILON®Professional user-interface.

Public Instance Methods

ClearCalculationCache Clears caches used in subsequent calculations.
ErrorClassificationToErrorLevel Translates a ErrorClassification to its corresponding ErrorLevel
ExpandString Expands macros in string.
FinalizeDll Finalizes EBSILON®Professional-Dll.
getEbsilonProfessionalFlag Obsolete. License-Flags in old-style
NewCalculationErrors Creates a new CalculationErrors instance.
NewFluidAnalysis Creates a new FluidAnalysis instance.
NewFluidData Creates a new FluidData instance.
NewPoint Creates a new Point instance.
NewRectangle Creates a new Rectangle instance.
NewUnitValue Creates a new UnitValue instance.
NewUniversalFluidData Creates a new UniversalFluidData instance.
NewUserUnitValue Creates a new UnitValue instance.
Open Opens an existing EBSILON®Professional model.
OpenFromByteArray Opens an existing EBSILON®Professional model from a Byte-Array.
OpenFromILockBytes Opens an existing EBSILON®Professional model from an ILockBytes-interface.
OpenModel Opens an existing EBSILON®Professional model.
OpenModelEx Opens an existing EBSILON®Professional model.
OpenWithPassword Opens an existing password-protected EBSILON®Professional model.
ResetProcessAffinity Resets the Affinity-Mask of the process.
SetProcessAffinityMaskLower32Upper32 Affinity-Mask of the process. (Lower and Upper 32 bits.)
ShowWindow Set visibility of the EBSILON®Professional user-interface.

See Also

Application Class | EbsOpen Namespace