All the results of validation are available for a further processing with EbsScript.
The general results are present in the pre-defined variables
@calcoptions.res.status2: the status of the last calculation (corresponds to the return code of the EbsScript function "validate"),
@calcoptions.res.sqval: the mean square error,
@calcoptions.res.freigr: the number of the degrees of freedom,
@calcoptions.res.chi2: the Chi^2-test ratio (relative total error square divided by the value of the Fisher-distribution).
You can access the results for components and pipes in the normal syntax
e.g. PGEN.DEV for the deviation of the validated value from the measurement value for the measurement point PGEN or L_KOND.DP for the confidence interval for the pressure on the line L_KOND.
With these values, further evaluations can be done and outputs can be generated.
It is especially possible to take over the validated values from the profile iProfileId as default values in the current profile with the help of the EbsScript function
and thus calculate what-if scenarios on the basis of the validated values.