PCM (phase change material) fluids are substances which store or give off the supplied or released energy by means of a phase change. Energy is needed for the phase change, so that the temperature remains constant in the process. Due to this, a large part of the energy exists as latent heat and the operation temperature ranges become smaller compared to sensible heat storage systems. The substances described here undergo a phase transition from solid to liquid (melting) or from liquid to solid (solidifying). The phase change takes place within a melting interval. To be able to carry out calculations in the two-phase range, an effective specific heat capacity is defined so that the integral over the melting interval corresponds to the effective specific melting enthalpy (sum of melting enthalpy and sensible enthalpy):
\[ \Delta h_{eff} = \Delta h_{mel} + \Delta h_{sens} = \int_{T_{0}}^{T_{1}} c_{p,eff}(T) dT \]
The PCM fluids can be found in EBSILON in the oil/melt line type.
Four predefined fluids are available altogether.
Moreover, it is possible to create a user-defined fluid on the basis of a JSON-Format.
Although the pressure has to be formally specified when activating the physical properties functions, the calculations exclusively depend on the temperature.
The following physical properties functions are available:
Physical Property |
Material value call A |
Material value callB |
EbsScript-Names |
Enthalpy h |
h (p, T) |
h (p, s) |
FuncH_OF_PT, FuncH_OF_PS |
Thermal conductivity λ |
lambda (p, T) |
lambda (p, h) |
Entropy s |
s (p, T) |
s (p, h) |
FuncS_OF_PT, FuncS_OF_PH |
Density ρ |
rho (p, T) |
rho (p, h) |
Temperature T |
T (p, h) |
T (p, s) |
FuncT_OF_PH, FuncT_OF_PS |
Kinematic viscosity ν |
nue (p, T) |
nue (p, h) |
Dynamic viscosity η |
eta (p, T) |
eta (p, h) |
Specific volume v |
v (p, T) |
v (p, h) |
FuncCP_OF_PT, FuncCP_OF_PH |
gaseous portion x |
x (p, T) |
x (p, h) |
FuncX_OF_PT, FuncX_OF_PH |
Specific isobaric heat capacity cp |
cp (p, T) |
cp (p, h) |
FuncCP_OF_PT, FuncCP_OF_PH |
Minimum/Maximum Fluid temperature Tmin, Tmax |
Tmin (p) |
Tmax (p) |
Minimum/Maximum Fluid pressure pmin, pmax |
pmin (T) |
pmax (T) |
Enthalpy of the solid at the beginning of melting / of the liquid at the beginning of freezing |
h_melt (T) |
h_freeze (T) |
Temperature of the solid at the beginning of melting / of the liquid at the beginning of freezing |
T_melt (p) |
T_freeze (p) |
When modeling the latent heat accumulator, it has proven useful to develop effective material value functions that have a smoothed curve at the phase transition, since singularities at the phase transition point cause numerical problems and special treatment of such cases should be avoided.
Outside a small range around the phase transition point (0.05 K upwards and downwards), these functions correspond to the real material value functions listed above. Within this range, there is a smoothed transition from one phase to the other.
The following effective material value functions are available:
Effective Physical Property |
Material value call |
EbsScript-Name |
Effective Enthalpy h |
heff (p, T) |
Effective specific isobaric heat capacity | cpeff (p, T) | FuncCPEFF_OF_PT |
Effective density | rhoeff (p, T) | FuncRHOEFF_OF_PT |
Effective thermal conductivity | lambdaeff (p, T) | FuncLAMBDAEFF_OF_PT |
Effektiver gaseous portion | xeff (p, T) | FuncXEFF_OF_PT |
Effective phase | phaseefff (p, T) | FuncPHASEEFF_OF_PT |
These functions are also available:
Efektive Physical Property | Stoffwertaufruf | EbsScript-Name |
Effective phase transition enthalpy dh between the state x1 and the state x2 | dheff (p, x1, x2) | FuncDHEFF_OF_XX |
Effective Temperature Teff, which is assigned to the state x For example, for the phase transition solid (x=10) / liquid (x=11), the actual phase transition temperature is obtained for x=10.5, the lower limit of the smoothing range for x=10.0 and the upper limit for x=11.0. |
Teff (p, x) | FuncTEFF_OF_PX |
The predefined fluids of the manufacturer Rubitherm are substances with an effective melting interval of about 15K, where the mean temperature roughly corresponds to the number in the brand name of the PCM. In addition, there are lower and upper melting interval temperatures, designated as t_trans_lower and t_trans_upper in the json interface, and the melting temperature t_melt and the solidifying temperature t_freeze. The melting interval temperatures indicate the limits of the temperature range in which the effective specific heat capacity contains the fractions of the melting enthalpy (see above) and thus rises. In the melting interval, the PCM fluid undergoes a phase transition from solid to liquid. When the melting temperature t_melt is exceeded, it is assumed that the PCM fluid is in the liquid state (important e.g. when considering the convection in Component 166). When the solidifying temperature t_freeze is fallen below, it is assumed that the PCM fluid is in the solid state.
In what follows, the most important properties of the fluids are summarized:
Please note: All predefined fluids are already available in the required JSON format and can be used as templates for user-defined fluids by copy-and-paste.
The user-defined PCMs are created by means of the JSON-Formats . The following details are required for the full functionality of the PCMs:
Moreover, further optional details are available:
Most characteristic values are described by means of primitive types. The physical material properties heat capacity, density, thermal conductivity, and dynamic viscosity have to be defined by various more complex JSON objects, which in turn presuppose one of the predefined types. In what follows, these types are listed and the specifications for the JSON format are described:
condition ? true case : false case
Figure 1. Example of Cp,eff as a funcion of temperature for a PCM fluid
Figure 2. Example of PCM fluid enthalpy as a funcion of temperature resulting from the integration of the corresponding Cp,eff function
Below is a syntactically correct definition of a PCM fluid where each of the existing types is used. This is only an example of the different types and not a real fluid for calculations.
"name" : "MyFluid",
"p_min" : 0.1,
"t_min" : 20,
"t_max" : 60,
"t_melt" : 38,
"t_freeze" : 38,
"t_trans_lower" : 35,
"t_trans_upper" : 45,
"t0" : 35,
"p0" : 1,
"h0" : 1000,
"s0" : 0.8,
"cp" : {
"region_cp_with_h_eff" : {
"h_eff" : 250,
"c" : 0.4,
"liquid" : {
"step_points" : [
[45, 1.6],
[50, 1.7],
[60, 1.8]
"solid" : {
"expression" : "t>30 ? 1.5E-2*t : sin(t+3)"
"rho" : {
"polynomial" : [1700, 3.5, 4E-06]
"lambda" : {
"region_polynomial" : {
"liquid" : [0.2],
"solid" : [0.1, 0.004]
"eta" : {
"piecewise_polynomial" : [
"t_min" : 45,
"t_max" : 55,
"polynomial" : [30]
"t_min" : 55,
"t_max" : 60,
"polynomial" : [40]