EBSILON®Professional Online Documentation
Material Properties / Material Data Libraries / NASA-Library
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    Initially those 83 substances of the NASA library were used, that are also available with streams of type classical composition.

    The new stream type has been introduced to allow the use all substances of the NASA library in Ebsilon. The idea is to avoid the situation that 2000 blank values have to exist on each line. In the case of the NASA fluid, values are only stored for those substances with a concentration of >0.

    This stream type now allows to use all substances considered in the equilibrium calculation also in Ebsilon when calculating the chemical equilibrium with Component 134 (Equilibrium reactor (Gibbs)).

    The physical properties data for this line type are calculated with the NASA algorithms for ideal gases. Here no phase transitions are considered, neither for water in particular. Therefore care has to be taken that this fluid is only used in areas where all components are gaseous (compliance with this condition is not checked!).

    Transport property functions for NASA fluids are available (only for substances in the mixture that are in the gaseous state and listed in NASA Technical Memorandum 4647). These include: dynamic and kinematic viscosity, thermal conductivity, Prandtl number.

    For the sake of a simplified calculation of chemical reactions, the enthalpy zero points in the original library were selected in such a way that the difference of the outlet and inlet substances of the reaction result in the enthalpy of formation; thus, in a manner of speaking, the NCV is contained in the enthalpy. When integrating the library into Ebsilon, however, the distinction between enthalpy and NCV common in Ebsilon was re-introduced, in such a way that the difference of the NASA enthalpy at the current temperature to the NASA enthalpy at T=0°C is displayed in Ebsilon as enthalpy (whereby it has its zero point for all substances at T=0°C). The NASA enthalpy at T=0°C is then displayed as NCV in Ebsilon. Here both negative and positive values occur; what matters is always the difference between inlet and outlet substances.

    The usual procedure of Ebsilon to assign an NCV of 0 to the end products of a complete combustion has not been implemented here as intuitively it is not clear what the end product is in each case (because in many cases there are different oxidation stages). Therefore the NASA values have just been retained.

    The NASA library also contains the elements C, H, O, N, S, and Cl. Here the data contained in the library refer to mono atomic gases of these elements as they occur at temperatures of several thousand °C or at extremely low pressures (e.g. in interstellar matter). In order to at least approximately support the use as elementary analysis for solid and liquid fuels common in Ebsilon, the following modifications have been made to the NASA library for these elements: