The following must apply for the distribution function of a random variable x:
The expected value of x is defined as
and the variance as
The standard deviation results from the square root
If the probability densities are not known, then the unbiased estimation values for the mean value and the variance can be obtained from samples.
Stochastic independence exists between two random variables x and y, when
is valid.
This means that the common probability density of x and y is equal to the product of the individual probability densities. The covariance means
The operator e represents the expected value formation in the sense of equation (2). The covariance is a measure of the mutual dependency of x and y. A derived quantity is the correlation coefficient.
It can be shown that the following is always valid:
For a linear relationship
is valid:
when b is positive: r(x,y) = 1
when b is negative : r(x,y) = -1
If the variables are independent of each other, then
The matrix notation is recommended for may random variables:
Variable vector Transposed variable vector
Covariance matrix:
The diagonal elements are the variances
Further, this symmetry is also valid
If E denotes the operator for the expected value building, then it can be written:
The error propagation law arises from the following observation. The vector Y results from X through the linear transformation
The following applies to expected value and covariance:
With (17) and (18), it follows:
Under the assumption, that the yi can be displayed linearly around the expected value E(X) linear, it follows
If equation (22) is used in equation (20), then one reaches the error propagation law. If the x are independent of each other, then Cx contains only the diagonal elements, and it follows for the variances of yi
Distribution of the estimated value of the variance for a normal-distributed population:
The variable
follows a CHI^2-distribution of the degree of freedom r with the expected value
the variance
The variable
follows a special F-distribution (Fisher-distribution with two parameters: degree of freedom r and infinite) with the expected value
the variance
If one refers the calculated relative mean square error to the 95 %-quantile of the distribution function, then one gets an evaluation criterion for the adaptation factor, which can be called as the CHI^2-test ratio.
CHI^2-test ratio <= 1 Reliable adaptation
> 1 too high contradictions in the measured data