In PASCAL the result of the division of two integers is an integer by default. Because it can easily lead to unexpected results, especially if used in parameters, you can prescribe that the result of a division of two integers must be a real number.
If the option "Warning on integer-divisions in expressions" is activated, you will be warned if a division of integers is executed in an expression.
The maximal size of memory EbsScript may use can be determined in the text box of ”Size of the EbsScript-Memory”.
Standard outputs were written into the log file (when starting, during a simulation, when closing) by all EbsScripts (also within macros and KernelScriptings). As a result, the log output often became confusing. It is possible (as of Relapse 10) to suppress the automatically generated outputs.
This is done in the general settings under Advanced à EbsScript.
There it is possible to select