While an EbsScript is running, it is possible to interrupt the execution of the script and to view and also change the values of variables. The commands for this debugger can be found under the menu item "Debug".
For this, breakpoints have to be set in the script by moving the cursor to the desired line in the EbsScript editor window and clicking F9 ("Switch breakpoint”). By clicking on F9 one more time, the breakpoint can be removed again.
The script can then be started with F5 ("Start/continue") and will run up to the breakpoint. It is possible to have the values of variables displayed in the monitoring bar (in the EbsScript editor under View --> Toolbars --> Monitor) and to change them.
You can then continue the execution of the script step-by-step with F10 (across procedure activations) and F11 (into procedures), respectively, or up to the next breakpoint with F5.
The Windows Common-Language-Runtime (CLR; used by Windows when executing .net/managed code) has some deficiencies which may crash the Ebsilon when executing the EbsScript-Debugger. Thus, we strongly encourage to either not load any .net based modules into Ebsilon when using the EbsScript-Debugger or otherwise not to use the EbsScript-Debugger by Starting EbsScripts WITHOUT the Debugger.
Please note that:
• Ebsilon users that do not use .net based modules are not affected by this problem
• This is in error in the Windows .net / CLR not in Ebsilon
The EbsScript-Debugger is implemented using Windows-Fibers. The .net/CLR is incapable of handling exceptions correctly that are thrown when executing in a Fiber. (cf. https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/20715)